Iâve read your comments and mostly concur. LONDON, March 17 (Reuters) - British Airways is due to make an unspecified number of pilots redundant according to UK pilot union BALPA, as the airline seeks to reduce its costs to try Whatever the unions do or say (whether the slightly more pragmatic pilots’ union or the less pragmatic other unions), they seem to be in denial of the crisis that faces the industry. The virus, like the financial crisis will be used to enrich a few and further erode rights and pay for everyone else. I can’t understand why the unions, politicians and media are banging on about BA “betraying Britain” (and other such nonsense) – when all they are doing is bringing their contracts in line with other UK airlines. Common man can argue they are same family of planes and B787-8 first officer can also fly B787-9 but employer rep would show the technical variance or any other skills/ duties to differentiate that they both are different roles and make you believe. can I apply to resign, even if I am not working for BA? Don't wish to p1ss on anyone's parade, but surely BA could make more cost savings than �20M by involving the employees? LH suffers from it too, but the principal short haul & long haul competitors do not. The British Airline Pilotsâ Association (Balpa) voted in favour of industrial action after three days of negotiations over pilot salaries failed to resolve the dispute. I can only presume you support child labour and race and gender discrimination in the workplace? But the new deal will see the number of compulsory redundancies reduce to 270, although Balpa said this number is expected to fall as âvoluntary mitigation measuresâ continue to be taken up ⦠Our luxury hotel booking service offers you GUARANTEED extra benefits over booking direct. What American Express bonuses are you still eligible for? The unions flight for them rather than the broader employees. Is Hilton Honors the best hotel loyalty scheme? BA, like everyone else, has over-expanded for a 'normal' market. More. You may also need A-levels or the equivalent. Youâll get to fly to a wide selection of amazing destinations. In recent weeks we have extensively covered British Airwaysâ proposal to make 12,000 staff redundant as well as move all remaining cabin crew to a single, lower paying contract.. We have also written about BAâs plans to make 239 engineers at its Cardiff maintenance base redundant.. Your news on pay, rostering, allowances, extras and negotiations where you work - scheduled, charter or contract. The Mail online has the story. The airline, which runs short-haul services, operates British Airways branded flights out ⦠Our calculations suggest that a long-haul pilot with plenty of experience could well reach the £150,000 mark. Equally the unions had transformed by the 70s becoming too big for their boots. saved. You refer to offloading chunks of pension, but obviously you can only do that by going bust or paying someone to take it off your hands, the cash cost of which would be immense and probably unaffordable so the pension issue is something that will be a millstone round BAâs neck forever. The London riots were a good example of what can happen when a large number of people figure they’ve got nothing to lose…. The airline is now looking to get rid of 1,255 of its 4,300 pilots. Unions were always a mafia. The airline operates British Airways branded flights out of London City and Edinburgh Airports. I was actually talking about closed shops, picketing and harassment, pushed from the top down by overpaid union bosses. These plans may now be dead in the water. BALPA added that: “We cannot begin to describe the level of disappointment and annoyance this [new Section 188 letter] has caused.â. It would also be interesting to find out if BA took pension contributions holidays in the past whilst making staff divi up their contributions year on year. No one allowed to work any overtime to keep full employment Yes they were: the union bosses! All rights reserved. Jonny [email protected] An alternative would be with your logic Make everybody in the county have a maximum wage of say £50k tops for a 20 hour week. British Airways is one of the best airlines to fly for in terms of average salaries. Full employment These businesses are losing millions everyday and cannot afford to pay generous redundancy packages or spend months going round in circles with stubborn unions, hence the clause to force through changes if there is a failure to agree (which is perfectly legal at the end of a consultation period). If you have a small business, we especially recommend Capital On Cap’s Visa card which comes with a generous bonus worth 10,500 Avios: The most generous Avios Visa or Mastercard for a limited company Read our full review, (Want to earn more Avios? @Lady London the pension deficit is still very much a live issue. ... Circa 270 redundancies. British Airways has reduced the potential layoffs, but the numbers are still significant. It now looks as if compulsory redundancies could be as low as 200. Privacy Statement -
and very little visibility for the future. Archive -
We will never sell your email address or use it for anything except sending our newsletters. This deal meant that there would be temporary pay cuts of 20%, reducing to 8% over two years and zero in the long term. It is absolutely lawful if they can prove and that’s where the employee rep like Unions should challenge them technically and operationally, I believe GMB and UNITE are doing it. I am a 30 years serving military Pilot. Salaries are said to range between £26,000 and £120,000, ⦠You can unsubscribe at any point by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. Coronavirus: BA pilots urged to accept pay cut deal in return for reduced redundancies. Location: see roster. BA is only where it is today because of the following…hard working staff, ( pilots fly at least 30% more than Virgin for example, Cabin Crew the same. In redundancy it is the job that goes, somhow come all,these new jobs appear. BALPA says 72 potential pilot redundancies were notified out of 248, mainly at Edinburgh.  Click here to visit our home page for our latest articles on earning and spending your Avios points and click here to see how to earn more Avios this month from offers and promotions. If, and they will, get away with sacking virtually the entire staff and rehire under hugely reduced salaries, every other CEO is going to watch to see what if anything will be the fallout, and if they believe they too can get away with behaving in this manner, they too will follow suit, and that could well affect you all. We could have doubled the going rate, but it would not have done the other local company’s any favours at all, so we tried in other ways, a bit of healthcare, sport, education and also working with local charities. The bosses have done nothing which could be described as innovative , they have taken zero personal risk, yet pay themselves, remember..they are employees too, huge salaries, massive bonuses etc., etc. Learn more on our About page. How do BA American Express companion vouchers work? You have the choices at BA. Click for details. The worst ? But this is not unique to BA pilots – many professions in many industries will be doing the same. The forum the bean counters hoped would never happen. I appreciate that it is an extremely stressful time for anyone facing redundancy or a pay cut, particularly when you have a mortgage to pay, children to feed etc. Pinch the best bits of each region ? Even now, any increase in bond yields will quickly see deficits reversed. Anyone who’s spent time in South Africa or Brazil will know how dangerous crazy inequality can be. British Airways pilots are being urged to accept a package including pay cuts and job losses in a bid to avoid more redundancies. Professional Pilot Training (includes ground studies) (104 Viewing) A forum for those on the steep path to that coveted professional licence. Ahh........... welcome to a world that lets you disconect the autothrottle. For most cadet and training schemes you will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade A to C (4-9), including Mathematics, English and a Science. ... Reuters (28th April 2020) is reporting that IAG is in talks with BA unions about widespread redundancies. The company has benefited from very low interest rates, low fuel prices and an unprecedented rise in air travel. What is the average salary of a commercial pilot? 300 pilots in a non-flying pool funded by the remaining pilots. RIP.â A British Airways source, however, claimed the crew member was no longer working for the airline after being dismissed last year. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for BA pilot is £88,347 per year. But, before you all jump up and down, think about this……. Captain Dave Wallsworth shares his awe-inspiring view from the flight deck. You actually want to leave the best airline in the world at age 44 unbelieveable. See a whole year of reward seat availability on one page at SeatSpy.com. In July, BALPA negotiated a deal for British Airways pilots. You are absolutely correct but the world has moved on since those days and the trouble is that unions haven’t moved with it. It is a direct result of a global pandemic that is leading to an economic crisis. This new Section 188 document had, I believe, two major changes to the original version issued last month: The number of redundancies has been increased from 955 to 1,080 – plus an additional 175 redundancies which had already been proposed as part of a previous efficiency process, The pilots have now been told that, if agreement between BA and BALPA is not made within 45 days (by 18th July), all pilots may be made redundant and British Airways will decide which pilots will be offered new, inferior, contracts to rejoin. That would allow the Government to make various adjustments housing ect Most big companies also took several years of ‘pension holidays’ whenever the fund was more than the projected liability, totally ignoring the fact that any drop in the market would immediately create a deficit. Even some low-cost airlines like Ryanair can pay their senior captains up to £100,000. TopBunk: yes your details are right, thanks for that. During the current talks over mass redundancies and pay cuts, BALPA has been talking to British Airways. It is the only union which has accepted invitations by British Airways to consult over how the necessary cuts can be made. This has allowed British Airways to put pressure on GMB and Unite over their unwillingness to join discussions over the fate of cabin crew and ground staff. A list of partners is here. Making everybody ‘redundant’ then rehiring is an abuse of process and subvertingbthe law. It is just a shame that UNITE want to spend so much time being negative about BA with their BA betryal campaign whether deserved or not as opposed to representing their members in any meaningful or not discussions . So what would you do if you were running a company that had lost 95% of its revenues, still carrying huge staff and aircraft leasing/maintenance costs etc. The pilots have now been told that, if agreement between BA and BALPA is not made within 45 days (by 18th July), all pilots may be made redundant and British Airways will decide which pilots will be offered new, inferior, contracts to rejoin This second element is part of the existing Section 188 letter issued to other parts of British Airways. Top 500 ( or any pilot in BA who requested a 'severance' quote by 5th May) should receive their letter between 15th and 20th May, and anyone wanting to accept the offer, has until May 31st to accept. British Airways is due to make an unspecified number of pilots redundant according to UK pilot union BALPA, as the airline seeks to reduce its costs to try survive the coronavirus crisis. There is no economic crisis forcing workers to accept huge pay cuts and loss in employment rights. Always know your employment rights. Photo: Tom Boon â Simple Flying The final number close to 10,000. BA ⦠What are the most valuable credit card sign-up bonuses? There was a discussion over pilots voluntarily joining the furlough scheme (at present, pilots have voluntarily agreed to work for free for one month but are not furloughed) in return for guarantees over job security. This would represent a substantial drop in income for most pilots. In BA case, Pilot is a general reference to a role and that isn’t going anywhere so BA argument will be showing variance between first officers operating a B787-9 and B787-8. That’s a complete straw man argument. Finally, collective consultation has pros & cons and the success rest with the employee rep’s strength in the employment legislation, operating model of the company and what employer trying to achieve. BA has to compete with low cost carriers in Europe with totally different cost bases, and on long haul against ME and Asian carriers again with different costs bases and even US carriers that have been through Chapter 11 and merged to shed legacy costs. The big sadness here is that BA will use this as an excuse to make many crew redundant. What is happening now is rather brutal and unpleasant but if you were running BA you wouldnât have much choice and, indeed if you are a member of staff that wants the company to have a biright future or a passenger that wants better aircraft, better Club, better lounges etc. So if you’re going to blame anything – blame the virus. You can also get generous sign-up bonuses by applying for American Express cards which earn Membership Rewards points, such as: Your best beginner’s card – 20,000 points, FREE for a year & two airport lounge passes Read our full review, 30,000 points and an unbeatable set of travel benefits – for a fee Read our full review. Having worked in parts of both S America and Asia, we always tried hard…very, to do the right thing, when it came to pay and support. Location: on the golf course (Covid permitting). The top 500 have been offered a package to go, we are all now waiting to see how many take it up. Whether studying for the written exams, training for the flight tests or building experience here's where you can hang out. British Airways was seeking to lose 1,255 of its 4,300 pilots. Above only my personal opinion/view basically thinking aloud. ), Maximise your frequent flyer miles and hotel points by signing up to our emails. By logging into your account, you agree to our. And where are we as a region ? What is the best Virgin Atlantic credit card? Do Not Sell My Personal Information -. Fleet- I'm not sure I want to do long haul permanently. So the 100 pilots are being offered a years salary, correct? Similar proposals for mass redundancies, changes to working ⦠This includes both personal and small business cards. All airlines will be smaller – so there will be fewer people required in all roles. Contact Us -
If you have a pension deficit, it is because you didn’t pay enough into it originally. They (IAG) have diverted millions from BA into Iberia, Vuelling and Level. Iâm currently at school and Iâd like to know how best I can prepare myself to achieve a career as a pilot with British Airways. Don’t be a useful idiot for that tiny elite. Links on Head for Points may pay us an affiliate commission. Cost cutting has been savage and both the brand and the product damaged. From the pilots point of view, itâs pretty expensive to make pilots redundant, BA has what 45,000 employees? Another example, Bus driver driving a normal 32 seater and double decker are different could be an argument from employer for redundancy reasons. Many cards also have generous sign-up bonuses! As a British Airways Pilot, youâll be at the controls of some of the worldâs most advanced aircraft. A lot of the things you argue for were made possible more by enfranchisement than by unions. Pay cuts and new rostering agreements. Best of both, a bit like Thomas cook. For me the very best option would be Gatwick Short Haul, with the NYC A318 thrown in occasionaly. It is then up to BA how many of those are given it! Untrue. Middle East - Qatar salary reductions and redundancies - Originally Posted by airbus350captain1 They could have wet-lease those A330 It is an arbitrary point!! Weekends and most major health and safety and employment rights only came about because of unions. IAG make me sick, they have destroyed the BA brand and service before this latest calumny. Welcome! Advertising -
Is there nothing in EU employment laws to stop this? The British Airline Pilots Association (Balpa) said there will be around 270 compulsory redundancies and temporary pay cuts starting at 20% and reducing to 8% over two years. And how would you measure it ? Likewise, for any generally assumed role there is always a possibility of demonstrating a variance. Includes job entry requirements, fleet details and employment outlook. So as someone with no employment knowledge then taken to an extreme then you could in theory say that Euro are only licenced for A319/320 and WW only for 777/787 plus maybe one of 380/350/747 whereas MF are licenced…for A319/320 and 777/787 plus one of 747/380/350 so in theory MF could come out on top based on immediate business needs being licenced for Long /short haul trips from day one of any new T&Cs. Regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a credit broker (FRN 690573), 175 British Airways Executive Club questions answered, 2021 peak and off-peak Avios flight dates. Regrettably included in BAâs intended changes to our collective agreements is that disciplinary is a major criteria for selecting those for redundancy. Be interesting to see if Iberia and other staff of IAG are targeted like BA staff, somehow I don’t think so do you? BALPA said in a statement on Tuesday that it was reassured that BA was working with it to avoid compulsory dismissals, but that redundancies were nevertheless disappointing. BA has in fact increased its annual payments to £450m/year from April 2020 until April 2023 (increasing the annual payment from £300m, but shortening the period which was originally 2027). I was expecting some sort of protection. The factories may be mainly foreign owned – JLR, Nissan, BMW/Mini etc. Youâll be an ambassador for one the worldâs most iconic brands. Training - The type rating is included in the FPP. Includes job entry requirements, fleet details and employment outlook. As a reminder, there are various ways of earning Avios from UK credit cards. The only 'but' is that an organisation like BA can get the best financial minds in the country to work out whether it is worth it! The unions have been very smart and acted in the best interests of workers in some industries such a car manufacturing resulting in considerable job creation, better conditions, skills training etc. BA absolutely needs to reduce its staff costs to sustain itself, reinvest in the product (eg Club Suite) and new aircraft. If the pilots had thought that they were in a position to get a better deal from the airline than other staff, they don’t think that today. It could be, although if BA paid the statutory minimum redundancy pay (and I accept that is a big 'IF') then it would actually be ⦠I see your logic & agree with you to a degree lol. However, isnât the defining point that âthe business is significantly diminishedâ which effectively gives them license to ensure the survival of the company, taking precedence above everything else ? They promised to protect the current A350 and 787 thus there will be fewer places to redeploy the 747 guys. but they employ a lot of people here. I'm waiting for mine with interest. Cookie Policy -
All airlines will need to be more efficient going forward if they ever want to return to profitability – and that means above market rate contracts can no longer be justified. we may be at the start of a recovery in the wider economy - however that doesn't mean that we are going to return to the bloated, out of control orgy of the last 3 or 4 years. Those staff have threatened to go on strike, been on strike or had mass sickies at the worst time for the company and passengers; now the tables are turned. Carol Vorderman joins British Airways' call for more female pilots TV personality and qualified pilot, Carol Vorderman is backing our call for more women to become airline pilots. PPRuNe Person. Starting your year at -£450m is pretty tough in a low margin, cut throat industry. For full details of how your data is used and stored, please see our data processing page here. 72 potential pilot redundancies were notified out of 248, mainly at Edinburgh where BA CityFlyer is proposing closing its crew base. I don’t think anyone believed that BALPA would lead British Airways to change its plans, but there was some hope that the restructuring could be done in as painless a way as possible. Boss of British Airways, Alex Cruz, is currently in the midst of being grilled by a Parliamentary Committee regarding the thousands of redundancies on the table for the airline. @Lady London, I completely understand the employee feelings on the other side of the fence and that’s where ethics and fairness play is required from employer. Have all the staff sit at home on full pay waiting to see what happens? This old timer would return now if it were possible. If they say it's worth it, who's to argue? At current gilt yields, there will still be a huge deficit at the next valuation. half the people work the first half of the week the other half work the second half of the week. Watch as our A380 takes-off from one of our runways at London Heathrow. BAâs ⦠British Airways issued a new Section 188 notice to the union. This is the official document which outlines proposed redundancies and starts the legally required 45 day consultation period. Works with Four Seasons, Mandarin Oriental, The Ritz Carlton, St Regis and more. British Airways is due to make an unspecified number of pilots redundant according to UK pilot union BALPA, as the airline seeks to reduce its costs to try survive the coronavirus crisis. Continuing implies your consent to this policy. On Monday and Tuesday, the majority of BAâs 4,300 pilots based at Heathrow and Gatwick will down tools for the first pilot strike in the airlineâs history. BALPA said in a statement on Tuesday that it was reassured that BA was working with it to avoid compulsory dismissals Click here to read our detailed summary of all UK credit cards which earn Avios, our latest articles on earning and spending your Avios points, how to earn more Avios this month from offers and promotions, The HfP chat thread – Friday 5th February. Our privacy policy is here. Redundancies not avoided for BA. Sadly, any one on the risk of redundancy with less than 2 years of service have no employment rights for unfair dismissal claims except on discrimination grounds. @j And your suggestion is ? Especially as the members seem for the most part seem to be getting their information from the press or forums such as this not from their union reps. Let me give some insights to the redundancy process. BA CityFlyer pilot jobs and payscales. British Airways is due to make an unspecified number of pilots redundant according to UK pilot union BALPA, as the airline seeks to reduce its costs to try survive the coronavirus crisis. Terms of Service -
BA earlier this year announced plans to make up to 1,255 pilots redundant and the union claimed the firm wanted to rehire some of them on a different set of terms and conditions.. Promised to protect the current A350 and 787 thus there will still be a huge deficit the... Authority to act as a credit broker ( FRN 690573 ) Bus driver driving a 32! Deal for British Airways was seeking to lose 1,255 of its 4,300 pilots a.! Full pay waiting to see what happens offers ( FEBRUARY 2021 ), maximise your frequent flyer and! Says it can not ba pilot redundancies pprune due to lack of funds best airlines to fly for Terms. More unequal since the decline of trade unions than �20M by involving the employees is pretty tough a. The very best option would be Gatwick Short haul & long haul permanently a normal 32 seater double. P1Ss on anyone 's parade, but the principal Short haul & haul. 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