Refugees often experience significant trauma, suffer from complex physical and mental health issues, and lack access to quality healthcare services. } $('.uc-nav .uc-subview').removeClass('uc-subview'); }, } WATCH: The death of nine-year-old Syrian refugee Amal Alsheteiwi has … maxMenuHeight = curMenuHeight; var Modernizr = window.Modernizr; 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd', if (this.supportTransitions) { Calgary Refugee Health Program in Calgary, reviews by real people. _resetMenu: function() { window.console.error(message); if (changedViewportSize.width != this.currentViewportSize.width) { – – – – – // 'Back' links CIWA is a culturally diverse settlement agency that recognizes, responds to, and focuses on the unique concerns and needs of immigrant and refugee women, girls and their families. this.currentViewportSize = this._getViewportSize(); $submenu = $item.children('ul.uc-submenu'); // Close this item's dropdown } if (! // if the target of the click isn't the container... // Currently active tab this.currentViewportSize = changedViewportSize; this._addCloseListener(); } Apply for the Interim Federal Health Program. } Education: We train medical and nursing students, medical residents and fellows, undergraduate and graduate students, and provide clinical support to Calgary’s medical community. $('.level2').off(this.transEndEventName); // Remove transition event listener // Transition display from desktop to mobile self.$menu.addClass(self.options.animationClasses.classout); $item.addClass('uc-subviewopen uc-active-menu').parents('.uc-subviewopen:first').removeClass('uc-subviewopen uc-active-menu').addClass('uc-subview'); is a Research, Innovation, and Education platform at the University of Calgary's O'Brien Institute for Public Health. $('.level2').css('height', 'auto'); classin: 'uc-animate-in-2', this.$menu.on(this.transEndEventName, onTransitionEndFn); They are not eligible for coverage under the AHCIP. self.$; _init: function(options) { Categories. Isagenix Independent Associate - John Goguen. ... Immigrate with a new application process for refugee claimants working in the health-care sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. } _adjustMenuType: function() { Since 2016, when Canada Immigration announced the Syrian refugee resettlement program, AHS has worked hard to ensure these particular new Canadians receive the health services and supports they need. }); = true; = false; Resettle in Canada as a refugee. }, }); // Check if size has actually changed }).css('height', ''); // Nullify the height value _getViewportType: function() { $(document).ready(function() { Would mess with mobile scrolling with window open... They are closely partnered with the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic in Calgary where clinicians provide care for newly arrived refugees and asylum claimants for up to two years. var minMenuHeight = 50; // 50 is min for overview link Thank you for supporting the Refugee Health YYC Program. curMenuHeight += $links.position().top; self.options.onLevelClick($item, $item.children('a:first').text()); $.DLMenu.prototype = { } Health Food Related businesses. // Clicking on main menu item? Linda is a Research Associate with the Refugee Health YYC program, and is passionate about working towards health equity, particularly within Calgary’s newcomer, immigrant, and refugee communities. 'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd', $('li.children.current ul.uc-submenu', $submenu).addClass('active uc-active-menu'); // Enable tab's visibility } if (currentOverview == url) { $flyin.addClass(self.options.animationClasses.classout); The Interim Federal Health Program. } { }, 250); if (! The clinic, located in North East Calgary, sees just over 700 refugees each year - often for multiple services. this.$menuitems.removeClass('uc-subview uc-subviewopen'); if (!instance) { If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information, please contact received to support these areas may be directed to either endowed or non-endowed initiatives depending on the greatest need. } else { They are closely partnered with the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic in Calgary where clinicians provide care for newly arrived refugees and asylum claimants for up to two years. $('.level2').css('height', '0').on(this.transEndEventName, function(event) { $('ul.level2 > div.uc-sublinks').each(function(index, value) { }, // get the viewport type (mobile or desktop) }, // get the base height for all of the desktop links this.$back.on('click.dlmenu', function(event) { if (instance) { } clearTimeout(resizeTimer); var self = this; $subview.removeClass('uc-subview'); return (maxMenuHeight > minMenuHeight) ? We are closely partnered with the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic in Calgary as an academic platform for our clinicians who provide care for newly arrived refugees and asylum claimants for up to two years. Canada is one of the world’s most experienced refugee resettling countries, with nearly 70 years of history welcoming those who must flee their homes. onTransitionEndFn = function() { }, // callback: click a link that does not have a sub menu For more information please contact us: $('li.children ul.uc-submenu:first', $submenu).addClass('active uc-active-menu'); // Enable tab's visibility self.$menu.on(self.animEndEventName, onAnimationEndFn); Red Deer From there, they’ll be provided temporary accommodation until a longer-term solution is found. } // Update with highest height }, Would mess with mobile scrolling with window open... For example, WIHV, working with a refugee health clinic in Calgary, is creating a clinical database to track the health status of newly arrived refugees noting basic socio-demographic factors, as well as patients’ health conditions. if ($links.position()) { if ($('href') == '#') { this._addCloseListener(); if (window.console) { // Check if current location specified The world is facing a global migration, with 79.5 million people, or 1% of the global human population, forcefully displaced from their homes due to war, famine, natural disaster and political unrest as of 2020. if ($item.hasClass('active')) { if (curMenuHeight > maxMenuHeight) { var $links = $('ul.level3.uc-submenu', this); // Right-hand links Calgary, AB; Immigrant and Refugee Health Interest Group; As a team we are working on assessing the barriers of Canadian Immigrants to access healthcare and develop ways to mitigate the barriers. }; 'transition': 'transitionend' Refugee Health YYC evaluates, designs and refines innovative refugee care programs and models to improve refugee care and health in Calgary and Canada. var changedViewportSize = self._getViewportSize(); classin: 'uc-animate-in-1', if (self._getViewportSize().width >= self.menuBreakpoint) { // Desktop Menu; $(".level4.overview-link li.overview").remove(); if ( { The only requirement to attend the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic is that the patient be a newcomer who arrived in Canada as a refugee. if (curMenuHeight > maxMenuHeight) { $('.level2').css('height', this._getDropdownHeight()); }, // resets the menu to its original state (first level of options) this._closeMenu(); Website feedback, University of Calgary _addCloseListener: function() { The clinical information contained in this application is a consensus from the physician group working at the Calgary Refugee Health Program, and is based on years of experience treating most of the refugees and refugee claimants in Calgary. } } this.supportAnimations = Modernizr.cssanimations, this._config(); $submenu.addClass('active uc-active-menu'); // Enable dropdown's visibility (ul.level2.uc-submenu) } if (callBack) { }) // Throttle resize events $('.uc-nav .uc-subviewopen').removeClass('uc-subviewopen'); }, }); // Get the text of the parent menu item for the 'back' button $('.level2').css('height', this._getDropdownHeight()); 2:30 Death of 9-year-old Syrian refugee girl sparks debate on mental health for newcomers. callBack(); // Will open a new menu var $this = $(this), if ($('ul.level2, ul.level3, ul.level4').hasClass('current')) { _removeCloseListener: function() { $item = $submenu.parent(); // el is the link element (li); name is the level name }, } else if (this.currentViewportType == 'desktop' && changedViewportType == 'mobile') { _initEvents: function() { In Calgary, the Mosaic Refugee Health clinic serves this role, not only assisting recently arrived refugees, but also serving as a resource to local health practitioners and private sponsors alike. var self = this; 'data-ucws-analytics-category="Menu" ' + 23a 23 McDougall Crt NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8R3 Call. var logError = function(message) { This information is being collected under the authority of the FOIP Act. this.each(function() { if (( classout: 'uc-animate-out-1' this._openMenu(); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() { $('ul.uc-submenu', $item).first().addClass('active'); // Enable visibility setTimeout(function() { var curMenuHeight = $(this).outerHeight(true); return false; Contact Info . // cache some elements and initialize some variables Calgary Alberta T2N 1N4 Convention refugees $('.level4 li.current').closest('.level3 li.children').addClass('current'); // Fix for fourth menu tab highlighting Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA) is a non-profit organization established in 1982 as a registered charity. setTimeout(function() { self.$menu.addClass(self.options.animationClasses.classin); } // Disable all currently active tab content _openMenu: function() { }); } $menu.addClass('active'); // Add highlight to main nav (li.uc-mainmenu) // Get parent link name for uc-back button }; // options Refugees can use the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic for their first two years in Canada, or until their refugee claim is processed.Refugees do not need a referral to receive service. $(this).removeClass('uc-menu-toggle'); }, // callback: click a link that has a sub menu } else { if ( { this._removeCloseListener(); } Calgary 3. animationClasses: { Refugee Health YYC is a physician-led group that advocates for the rights and needs of newly arrived refugees including children, families, and people with disabilities, many of whom have escaped unthinkable trauma. Refugee Health YYC is among few research programs embedded within a specialized refugee health clinic in Canada able to rapidly characterize this population's health issues, clinic use, and care barriers to help direct and improve their care. }, $("ul.level2.uc-submenu.current li.first.leaf.overview").addClass('current'); parent + return false; $flyin.addClass(self.options.animationClasses.classin); // Menu items (1) Canada consistently receives more than 239,000 immigrants per year., Digital Privacy Statement We support refugee families new to Calgary and Canada through: Research: We study the health issues, needs, use as well as the quality and models of care provided to new refugees and claimants in Calgary and Canada. Calgary, AB; Immigrant and Refugee Health Interest Group; As a team we are working on assessing the barriers of Canadian Immigrants to access healthcare and develop ways to mitigate the barriers. Refugee claimants. onLinkClick: function(el, ev) { if (index == $subMenu.length - 1) { }; $('body.ucmenu').off('click.ucmenu-body'); // Add touchstart? }; // Store the new value _getViewportSize: function() { “We plan to expand this database to additional refugee clinics across the … $submenu = $this.parents('ul.uc-submenu:first'), self.options.onLinkClick($item, event); // Default first tab We are closely partnered with the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic in Calgary as an academic platform for our clinicians who provide care for newly arrived refugees and asylum claimants for up to … Edmonton 2. } _getDropdownHeight: function() { $('li.current', '#navigation').last().parents('ul.level1, li').addClass('uc-subview'); logError("cannot call methods on dlmenu prior to initialization; attempted to call method '" + options + "'"); height: e[a + 'Height'] $.DLMenu = function(options, element) { } else { // Store the new value if (this.currentViewportType == 'mobile' && changedViewportType == 'desktop') { this.$trigger.addClass('is-active'); }; return false; width: e[a + 'Width'], } else if ($('.uc-mainmenu').hasClass('active')) { } else { $subMenu.each(function(index, value) { } else { // Additional menu resets required ) ? } }); var maxMenuHeight = 0; return; }); }); this.currentViewportType = changedViewportType; Refugee Health YYC is a clinician-led research, innovation, and education platform at the O'Brien Institute for Public Health. // Set the height of the background 'drawer' and the menu list item (for CSS animation) It is required to process your donation and will be used for the purposes of updating and maintaining donor records. if (currentOverview == url) { if ( { The group studies the health issues, needs, and models of care provided to new refugees and claimants and provides education and clinical support to Calgary's medical community. Learn how to help and donate for refugees in Calgary Alberta Canada // Transition display from mobile to desktop Mental Health; Social Pediatrics; Indigenous Health; Nutrition; Development and behaviour; Adolescent Medicine; Refugee Health; Neonatal-perinatal medicine; Adolescent health care; Residents as Teachers // Find tallest link section - non-tabbed this.transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[Modernizr.prefixed('transition')] + '.dlmenu', // support for css animations and css transitions $(window).on('resize', function() { this.supportTransitions = Modernizr.csstransitions; $.DLMenu.defaults = { $(this).prepend('
  • ' + We share our findings locally, nationally and internationally with an aim to improve the health and healthcare of recently arrived refugees in Canada. }); this.$el = $(element); // Size has changed, so now see if it has changed enough to force change in menu style $('li.children.current', $submenu).addClass('active'); // Add highlight to current tabbed nav Privacy Policy Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic (MRHC) was established to serve the growing needs of Calgary's refugee population. At Signature health, we provide care to individuals covered under IFHP, which is the “interim federal health program”. a = 'client'; }); } /* Modified version of Drupal 8 menu JavaScript */ } } }, onAnimationEndFn = function() { var container = self.$el; // clicking somewhere else makes the menu close 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', Immigrant and Refugee Health Interest Group, Calgary, Alberta. return { self._openDesktopMenu($item, $submenu); this._init(options); var parent = $(this).prev('a').text(); ( }); }, // get the viewport size (closest to CSS media query values as we can get) } else { // Mobile Menu var instance = $.data(this, 'dlmenu'); var resizeTimer; // Add current class to dynamically created second level overview links $('.level4 li.current').closest('.level3 li.children').addClass('current'); // Fix for fourth menu tab highlighting $item.addClass('active uc-active-menu'); // Add highlight - tabbed nav // Hamburger // Need to factor in menu position as well else if ($item.parent().hasClass('level2')) { var $item = $(this), _openDesktopMenu: function($menu, $submenu) { var url = window.location.pathname; // animation end event name self._closeDesktopMenu(); var currentOverview = $("ul.level2.uc-submenu.current li.first.leaf.overview a").attr("href"); this.options = $.extend(true, {}, $.DLMenu.defaults, options); this.menuBreakpoint = 992; self._closeMenu(); minMenuHeight = 260; // 50 is min for overview link - 260 is min if marketing block is available var e = window, this.$menu.removeClass('uc-subview'); 'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd', self.$'uc-subview'); }); Refugee claimants who are living in Alberta and waiting for a decision from IRCC on their claim need to apply for health insurance coverage through the Government of Canada’s Interim Federal Health Program. Apply for refugee status from within Canada, find out how to come to Canada as a refugee, sponsor a refugee or find refugee services in Canada. 'animation': 'animationend' // Clicking on tabbed menu item? self._openMenu(); 2500 University Drive NW // Add current class to dynamically created second level overview links = true; For many years, Alberta Health Services (AHS) has worked with partner agencies to meet the needs of refugees and others arriving in the province. 129 likes. instance = $.data(this, 'dlmenu', new $.DLMenu(options, this));; The Refugee and Immigrant Student Empowerment (RISE) initiative, led by Dr. Turin Chowdhury, PhD, a member of the O’Brien Institute for Public Health at the Cumming School of Medicine (CSM), provides medical students the opportunity to learn from and co-create community health programs with high school-aged immigrant youth. $("ul.level2.uc-submenu.current li.first.leaf.overview").addClass('current'); } } if (curTabsHeight > maxMenuHeight) { self._openDesktopMenu($item, $submenu); }, } } else { var curTabsHeight = $(this).outerHeight(true) + $(this).position().top; $flyin.remove(); $('li.current', '#navigation').last().parent().closest('li.current').removeClass('uc-subview').addClass('uc-subviewopen'); Established 10 years ago to meet the needs of Calgary’s growing refugee population, the clinic provides comprehensive primary care services for refugees for their first two years in Canada. }); if ($item.parent().hasClass('level1')) { } Refugee Health YYC is a Research, Innovation and Education platform at the University of Calgary's O'Brien Institute for Public Health. this.each(function() { 'data-ucws-analytics-click ' + )) { // Find tallest link section - tabbed Alberta Health Services is preparing for the arrival of refugees from Syria. self.$menu.on(self.animEndEventName, onAnimationEndFn); Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Calgary and beyond. // Open this item's dropdown var $subview = $this.parents('.uc-subview:first'); ) && ! $('ul.level2 .active').removeClass('active uc-active-menu'); if (typeof options === 'string') { 'mobile' : 'desktop';; if ($('div.sidebar').length > 0) { var currentOverview = $("ul.level2.uc-submenu.current li.first.leaf.overview a").attr("href"); maxMenuHeight = curTabsHeight; Jill Edgington Kirby, Team Lead. $flyin = $submenu.clone().insertAfter(self.$menu), self._closeDesktopMenu(function() { self._closeDesktopMenu(); 'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd', this._initEvents(); // Initialize the menu! In Canada, it provides limited health care benefits to refugee claimants; protected persons, including resettled refugees, and certain other groups. this.$menuitems.on('click.dlmenu', function(event) { Refugee Health YYC is a Research, Innovation and Education platform at the University of Calgary's O'Brien Institute for Public Health. self._closeMenu(); var changedViewportType = self._getViewportType(); $subview.addClass('uc-subviewopen'); $flyin.remove(); return; Business details. if ($('li.children.current', $submenu).length) { '
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