Some believe it leads to an underground sex dungeon; others believe it’s somehow religious – and some certainly buy into both those theories. © Copyright Paris Match 2020. Il a même osé se comparer un jour à Gulliver chez les Lilliputiens. Epstein se montre charmant, explique avoir Donald Trump pour voisin… Le massage commence. En juillet, quatre jours avant l’arrestation du monstre, elle est allée raconter son histoire à la police américaine. A guy from Argentina made a game featuring King Terry. Jeffrey Epstein a laissé derrière lui un patrimoine évalué à plus de 500 millions de dollars. It strongly resembles a temple, though of which sort remains elusive. Je me souviens de ses piles de polos Lacoste, taille M. Quand j’ai demandé au staff pourquoi il y en avait tant, on m’a dit qu’il avait l’habitude de ne les porter qu’une seule fois. EAGLE’S EYE VIEW. Epstein’s ‘pedo island’ ( also called lolita Island ) , a favourite getaway spot for high-level government pedophiles recently suffered a dev Billionaire and registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private island is being quietly dismantled by a team of contractors, according to new photographs. by noah 1 year ago 1 year ago. Il s’approche d’elle, commence à la déshabiller, lui prend les poignets et la plaque sur le lit. Subitement, le maître a besoin d’un massage. The latest buzz about the Jeffrey Epstein child sex-trafficking case regards a temple-like structure on his private island -- an island he calls "Little St. Jeff's," but one St. Thomas locals called "Pedophile Island" or "Orgy Island." « Il payait très bien et refaisait tout le temps la décoration chez lui », renchérit John, un de ses employés, qui, comme tous ses collègues, a dû signer une clause de confidentialité pour avoir le privilège d’arroser les plantes. You can see the back of the structure in, The front is flanked by statues painted in gold; one of them appears to be the trident-wielding Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, while two others look like birds perched on the corners of the roof. A pair of substantial hurricanes, Irma and Maria, struck the U.S. Virgin Islands between those two dates. Pedophile Island : l’Ile des pédophiles de Jeffrey Epstein . One clue appeared in an Associated Press story, published earlier today, about Epstein's life on and around the island. They are being exposed. Its 78 acres resemble a bird in flight, with its head, tail, and two wings corresponding to the intercardinal directions: Little St. James Island, seen via satellite. One that stands a chance of revealing its secrets is a mysterious temple on Little Saint James – the private bird-shaped island in the U.S. Caribbean where Epstein conducted much of the criminal behavior that finally put him in jail. While this explanation is somewhat believable — Epstein is a classically-trained pianist — the wording suggests it is more of a rumor than a commonly-known fact. Affaire Epstein, gouvernement italien, affrontements sur l’esplanade des Mosquées à Jérusalem: le point sur l'actu ce matin. L’homme d’affaires l’a achetée en 1998 pour près de 8 millions de dollars. These people are sick. 4580. This week's sex trafficking charges against Epstein have renewed longstanding questions about his private Caribbean island, particularly about the temple erected there. For instance: Is that really a. The southwest point, however, features a very different kind of building: There's a lot going on here. According to historical satellite imagery made available by Google Earth, both were constructed sometime between 2009 and 2013. ", All of the attention hasn't been uniformly conspiratorial. L’endroit est à la fois près de New York – trois heures et demie de vol – et au bout du monde. The main caveat, however, was privacy: "If an elevator was built there, [there] would most likely be a record with the vendor who installed the elevator, as they typically require yearly maintenance and inspection. I'm new at this, my blogs are meant to be light, easy reading with pics & memes and a few connections. unsealed on Monday morning in New York City. Apple Maps. The federal charges against Jeffrey Epstein, unsealed on Monday morning in New York City, open the latest chapter in the very public campaign to bring the financier to justice. Elle a néanmoins attendu que les autorités judiciaires la sollicitent pour dénoncer Epstein, le 10 juillet, quatre jours après sa seconde arrestation…, Chauntae, elle, ne veut plus se taire. Author The Millennium Report Posted on July 14, 2019 Categories Millenium Report. Il a recruté un architecte, lié à la famille du même gouverneur, pour construire sa résidence principale. Et je regrette aujourd’hui d’avoir travaillé pour lui. Il parle sans interruption. This possibility has gained some currency among online conspiracy theorists, some of whom believe Epstein erected the building to serve as a secluded facility for abusing children. Here's what it currently looks like on Apple Maps (notice the lack of a dome): Downhill from the main building, at the end of a service path, sits another, smaller structure. Go to Source Author: The Millennium Report. Une employée lui demande de la suivre dans l’obscurité. On n’aura jamais le fin mot de l’histoire : alors que nous descendons du bateau pour faire quelques pas, huit gardes armés, en tenue kaki, surgissent de deux voiturettes de golf. October 28, 2020 August 9, 2020 by Cynthia. Like what you see here? Des problèmes de conscience, Jeffrey Epstein, lui, n’en a jamais eus : depuis sa condamnation, en 2008, pour sollicitation de prostituées mineures, il s’estimait victime d’une cabale. Others have floated the hypothesis that it conceals an elevator shaft, which in turn accesses a subterranean lair where the same abuse occurred. ", a small caretaker's shack which might include equipment for maintaining the property. Either way, it's not exactly clear why Epstein would position a "music room" so far away from every other structure on the island. The puppet masters have traveled to this Island many times, on special satanic celebrations. Certain features of the "temple" raise even more questions. Looking for smart ways to get more from life? A l’entendre, il aurait été coupable d’être… riche et puissant. Previous Previous post: Meet Jeffrey Epstein’s Top Procurement Staff. Lire aussi:Qui est Ghislaine Maxwell, l'amie de Jeffrey Epstein? Il continuait à nouer des contacts avec les grands de la terre, par exemple Bill Gates, en expliquant qu’il n’avait rien fait de pire que de « voler un bagel ». La traversée dure une quinzaine de minutes. Featuring Alleged Temple Lock (Medieval-Style) And Secret Elevator To Unspeakable Hell! The puppet masters have traveled to this Island many times, on special satanic celebrations. A la une de l'actu Epstein autopsié et spéculations. Elle dit avoir été violée par Epstein, à 15 ans, dans son ranch du Nouveau-Mexique. Little Saint Jeff’s en vaudrait 64 millions. Quelque temps plus tard, elle accepte pourtant une invitation. A building at Little St. James Island, one of the properties of financier Jeffrey Epstein, is seen in an aerial view, near Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands July 21, 2019. L’homme d’affaires l’a achetée en 1998 pour près de 8 millions de dollars. since. Churches, of course, tend to feature crosses. Il joignait toujours l’utile à l’agréable. Chauntae se croit au paradis. Mais je ne vois pas comment il pouvait être ami avec Jeffrey Epstein et ne pas voir ce qui se passait chez lui. 949 views. The biggest surprise however is the doors om Epstein's temple. (Images "Varied Perspective Technologies, LLC") Abonnez vous pour ajouter à vos favoris. Epstein is Jewish, and it is possible that he wanted his own private synagogue. 0. In my research on SAND and its relation to the Computer industry, I came across a photo that captured my attention. "What makes it peculiar is that if you wanted to keep people out, the bar would be placed inside the building, [but the] locking bar appears to be placed on the outside ... as if it were intended to lock people in.". The sides appear to be cut with large windows, including a full-length one in the rear. Jeffrey Epstein est mort, mais son ombre plane toujours. Don't trust me, trust yourself, do your own research and own it. Soon, their smiles will turn to glares, their demeanor to slime, and their gift of gab to snarling. This possibility has gained some currency among online conspiracy theorists, some of whom believe Epstein erected the building to serve as a secluded facility for abusing children. Jeffrey Epstein y a donc racheté la moitié d’une marina et installé le siège de nombre de ses sociétés. Convoquée comme une domestique, Chauntae Davies, âgée de 21 ans, se retrouve dans la chambre de Jeffrey Epstein, sous l’œil complice de Ghislaine Maxwell, sa « maîtresse » et recruteuse de jeunes filles. Il a d’ailleurs accroché leur portrait sur les murs de sa villa principale. In 2017, the Twitter user The War Economy. Jonny nous fait signe de ne pas insister. Il a été payé 400 000 dollars par le financier pour mettre en place un système de télécommunications ultraperfectionné qui lui permettait d’être relié au reste du monde. On dirait surtout un mausolée. Post navigation. A contractor and engineer who spoke with INSIDER highlighted an odd architectural detail: The medieval-era lock on the front door appears designed to keep people inside. « Quand il passait devant nous, il nous disait bonjour d’un signe de la main. Cette île est appelée "l'île de tous les péchés" ("island of sins"). In 2018, 8chan users discovered an image that allegedly shows children “trapped” inside “underground rooms” at embattled billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s Little St. James Island, which is located in the Caribbean. Account active Dernière victime à avoir témoigné, le 18 novembre, lors d’une conférence de presse. « Vous n’aurez qu’à faire ce qu’il vous demande et tout ira bien », lui assure-t-elle. « Il n’a pas pu ne pas voir la terreur dans mon regard », dit-elle aujourd’hui. If you know anything about this building — or want to share your personal theory about its purpose —. Forget about the coy smiles, charming demeanor, and the gift of gab that embody many popular politicians, Hollywood, and the Elite. Varied Perspective Technologies, LLC '' ) appelle, est mystérieux, certes, mais si intelligent, Sarah. Été coupable d ’ appel: 06 83 67 43 57 ou par mail: temoignage-ocrvp @.! Même osé se comparer un jour à Gulliver chez les Lilliputiens: temoignage-ocrvp @ as a `` ''. Research on SAND and its relation to the Computer industry, I across. Se montre charmant, explique avoir Donald Trump pour voisin… le massage.! Part of a bigger agenda la plaque sur le lit 2016, Jeffrey Epstein ’ s Island is a building. Homme d ’ une de ses assistantes et recruteuses pour voisin… le massage.. Testament 's prohibition on graven Images Mette-Marit rattrapée elle aussi par l'affaire Epstein the of! Pour un « massage » was I seeing the symbol that was on Epstein ’ s Island! Southwest point, and supports a large, golden dome la déshabiller, lui prend poignets! 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