The website also offers videos relating to the hymn. In the case of the lead neophyte, he was told to put up a battering-ram stance. Bound by ties of love and sisterhood I was 19 years old, and was certifiably shocked. One of the gentlest Masigs of my time. Phone (847) 475 – 1856 Tyreek Ellwood. We have been singing ever since. Danny’s home was located in the  campus, a short walk from Romulo Hall, and along Katipunan Avenue. the truer men, yes sir! Today, however, when I think of my widespread bruises during the beatings, I shudder to think that just a tiny blood clot from the bruises could have travelled through my veins, caused a blockage somewhere , and killed me. Alpha Sigma- Celebrity Deathmatch by Alpha Sigma published on 2020-12-25T16:50:41Z. BEAT IT or BOW peace. The Alpha Kappa Alpha women call out, “Skee-Wee” while the women of Zeta Phi Beta shout, “EE-I-KEE” (Ross, 2000). I admired Joy’s courage, because he could have been arrested on the spot. And so the fateful moment arrived. Of thee we sing in chorus. Go! No matter what the differences are each remained consistent on one ideal: service (Ross, 2000). ET Host: Cassidy Nulty, Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa, National Vice President. Instantly, it dawned on me how tough this frat initiation would be. Sigma Gamma Rho Hymn. Sigma Gamma Rho. We're them . (5) WITHIN THE MYSTIC CIRCLE Joyously to thee we raise, Alpha Sigma Phi Songs of loyalty and praise which shall never die, Thou our inspiration art, ne'er shall any heart From thy Mystic Circle part, Alpha Sigma Phi Before the sessions therefore, we wracked our brains memorizing the names of as many Masigs as possible, whether they have signed our notebook or not. In fairness to the Masigs, they waited for 10 to 20 seconds before delivering the second paddle, and so on until the fifth one. Help us to live Thy law o f love which bids us "to do unto others as we would they should do unto us." At the bottom of the page the Masig usually wrote a dedication, or some words of encouragement. Give use the tough-tough - the toughest and we'll out maneuver them I later learned that the Left activists within Alpha Sigma called themselves the “Pulajanes,” in honor of a suicidal Filipino resistance group in Samar during the Philippine-American War from 1899 to 1903. Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm | Sat: 9am – 2pm Email: Order status are done via form, live chat, custom profile or … We want to see more videos like this! We were so happy we forgot the pain, the humiliation, and the Tancho Tique. Above the din, the operatic voice of brod Pons Raya, a member of the UP Concert Chorus, stood out. After the initiations, to the batch’s surprise, Dave and Mar turned out to be very nice brods. The seven of us were lined up, told to put our hands on the shoulders in front of us, and blindfolded. Alpha Sigma Alpha, Beta Epsilon. ΚΚΨ–Alpha Psi (West Texas A&M University) 1975: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: Martin Mailman: ΚΚΨ/ΤΒΣ National Chapters: 1976: Reflections On An Old Hymn Tune: Richard Willis: ΚΚΨ–Epsilon Theta (University of Louisiana at Monroe) ΤΒΣ–Delta Sigma Dance Variations: John Zdechlik: ΚΚΨ–Gamma Pi (Purdue University) 1977 At the center, framed in a square, were engraved for posterity the letters A. Founders' Day Presentation 2017 | Theta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. - YouTube I remember the two pre-finals sessions were held, respectively, at the houses of Masigs Renato S. “Rene” Velasco in Caloocan, and Soliman  M. Santos at 18 Mariposa St. in Cubao, Quezon City. give us teh ge-ge the geniuses and we'll embarrass them The next time we sing the hymn let us remember Abram L. Simpson. Binge-Worthy: Shows, Movies, Podcasts, and Books that You’re Living for and Loving Tuesday, April 21| 6 p.m. All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go: An Alpha Sigma Tau Virtual Fashion Show Friday, April 17 | 8 p.m. Apr 25, 2012 - Abram L. Simpson, Composer of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Hymn. The lyrics to the Phi Beta Sigma hymn can be found on YouTube. To thee we’ll cling forever. Nous développons, avec une approche systémique et pluridisciplinaire des individus et des organisations, une offre de services sur mesure autour de trois cœurs de métier : La Performance de la Gestion des Ressources Humaines . I had an inkling that it was tough and hesitated momentarily. Jess was known for his earthy and infectious sense of humor. I was arrested and detained twice during martial law, once in 1975, and again in 1979. I remember William Vincent "Billy" Begg  as the brod who supported my arms during the furious paddling, and who whispered comforting words to my ear during the rest periods. The batch, to a man, was in tears. He was a very good driver even though he had one bad eye. During a rumble with Upsilon Sigma Phi  fraternity some years later, I heard that our opponents plastered our beloved BB with human excreta. That was late 1973, and I told him I was not interested. 1912 .... hymn (by Marjorie Jackson, then of Lambda Chapter). As soon as the entire batch was outside the Gauntlet, the menacing column broke and transformed into a cheering crowd. Phi Iota Alpha (ΦΙΑ), established on December 26, 1931, is the oldest Latino Fraternity in existence, and works to motivate people, develop leaders, and create innovative ways to unite the Latino community. Spontaneously, the Masigs erupted into a triumphant rendition of the UP Alpha Sigma hymn “Show Us Some Guys.” Above the din, the operatic voice of brod Pons Raya, a member of the UP Concert Chorus, stood out. timeline_pdf.pdf. 10:00. Our national programs and initiatives offer tangible examples of Love for all Mankind. Another UP Alpha Sigma hero/brod was Jose "Pepe" Luneta. No jogging or lifting weights for these guys. I gutsily played along, because I really wanted to be an Alpha Sigma. Mistakes, which often where made when it came to the middle names, were penalized with either extra beatings, or an extra paddle or two. Another humbling thing I had to do during the initiations was go to Masig Butch Denoga’s house along Timog Avenue, Quezon City, on a Sunday morning, to wash and polish his pet Volkswagen Beetle., Batch 83-B (Best Batch ). I was “presented” to the fraternity at the residence of medical student Danilo “Danny” Sacdalan. smaller, being composed only of two recruits. You can have your cup of equity but we know one thing with certainty One of his classic pieces, the column was titled "Nang Kumulo Ang Tiyan ni Beto" (As Beto's Stomach Churned) Ome Candazo died of a heart attack on August 19, 2013. Antonio Tagamolila: UP Alpha Sigma, former editor-in-chief. When he died, Lito was a professor at the UP College of Mass Communications, and a multi-awarded writer. Then, without much introduction, I received the initial 5 “paddles”. (Photo from  The Revolution for Filipinism by Bishop Nilo Tayag). Open motto of Alpha Sigma Alpha To cultivate values and ideals in women who are known for their character and concern for others. The sets, in turn, were given at intervals of about 30 minutes. belonged to the second batch of Alpha Sigma recruits that year, so our batch Read/Download File Report Abuse. In the one-week period of the Alpha Sigma initiations, my vacant periods from my studies were spent being the willing fool in these public degradation sessions. I did just that, and added some theatrics, like singing to the lady while falling down on one knee. Kappa Alpha Psi Hymn. He became its"Lord Chancellor" (LC) sometime in 1974. Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm | Sat: 9am – 2pm Email: Order status are done via form, live chat, custom profile or … Heavenly Father, give us strength to attain these ideals. Romeo "Ome" Candazo was one of the ardent Alpha Sigma "Pulajanes." At both sides of the BB were either empty polished spaces or shelves --- here memories fade. He did so at Loyola Memorial Park during Tony Tagamolila's funeral in 1974, when he noticed so many government agents around. I noted that the disciplined Masigs did not hit us where it could be fatal, like the back, chest, abdomen, and of course, the head. After all, martial law was not even 1 and ½ years old at that time. Spontaneously, the Masigs erupted into a triumphant rendition of the UP Alpha Sigma hymn “Show Us Some Guys.”. As sung by the Epsilon Chi chapter of Capital University for our lovely new sweetheart Madison. early Sixties, at The Aristocrat Restaurant, In All Fields of Endeavor, the Mark of Excellence. Our twenty-something bodies had fared well through it all. Bound by ties of love and sisterhood Lemuel L. Pleyto RN - Administrator There's nothing like going through a life-threatening experience together to preserve a friendship. Give use the tough-tough - the toughest and we'll out maneuver them. This should be rare since the words of the Alpha hymn are not geared toward the sweetheart but to the brotherhood. Music by Zenobia Laws Bailey. Vous trouverez une sélection complète d’affiches, plaques gravées, enseignes, pancartes, bannières et autres produits pour assurer une signalisation et une signalétique sécuritaire sur les lieux de travail et résidentiels et ce directement du fabricant. ALL SING Sorority Hymn. Aside from Jess, Ome, and Billy, the Masig Pulajanes I remember were Daniel C. “Gut” Gutierrez, Alex Erlito Fider Jr., Soliman S. Santos Jr., Renato S. “Rene” Velasco, Joy de los Reyes, Jesus “Jess” Lagunzad, Diwa C. Guinigundo, Alex Africa, Felipe "Ipe" Reyes, and Roli G. Talampas. Wesley in History of Alpha Phi Alpha said that "the brothers formed the circle with clasped hands and sang the "Fraternity Song." Thy beacon bright shines clear before us. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1856 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60201-3837. Music by Zenobia Laws Bailey. Two persons held on to my upper arms to support me. 566 likes. Founders' Day Presentation 2017 | Theta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. - YouTube Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority - Women of Poise and Purpose. Ubag, the UP Alpha Sigma archetype representing Jean Jacques Rousseau's noble savage. To the Masigs, it was an enduring symbol of the fraternity. Alpha Sigma Batch 74-B, was now ready to attack the Gauntlet. The Alpha Kappa Alpha women call out, “Skee-Wee” while the women of Zeta Phi Beta shout, “EE-I-KEE” (Ross, 2000). Email Printed in the very first issue of The Anchor in June 1925, the lyrics of our Fraternity Hymn were penned by Edna McElver Lefler (Alpha 1908/Eastern Michigan) and set to the tune of “Annie Lisle,” a popular ballad of the time. .... Alpha Psi, Sigma Gamma Rho and Zeta Phi Beta) meet in simultaneous conventions. Give use the tough-tough - the toughest and we'll out maneuver them. The next time we sing the hymn let us remember Abram L. Simpson. Very Safe Physical Sessions: No Blows to the Back, Chest, Abdomen, and Head. The finals was more violent than the previous two sessions, for two reasons. (Photo from Alpha Sigma Facebook). this is Amazing! He was a founding member of the frat on October 10, 1962, Kabataang Makabayan on November 30, 1964, and the reestablished Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) on December 26, 1968. Frat lore has it that the, founding brods had the legendary Alpha Sigma  bulletin board bearing the seal. TMEA 2012 Phi Mu Alpha Step Sing - The Red and Black. We're them . The fraternity was founded, on October 10, 1962. We often hung around in his home on Ermin Garcia St. in Cubao. Roberto E. Reyes. The Masigs I remember doing this to me, kind souls all, were Jess Fernandez, Romeo “Ome” Candazo, and William “Billy” Begg. Half-naked Masigs, mid-Sixties. Supplement 1 1864-1953 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority: Alpha Delta Omega Chapter, … His, article "Komitment" was required reading for Left activists. First, the amount of paddles we received was not only equivalent to the number of letters in the frat’s name,   but also included the number of letters in our respective complete names, and “Alay sa Sambayanan.”. Jess and I were already close friends when he invited me to join Alpha Sigma. Browse more videos. He was arrested by Philippine intelligence agents in early 1976, and made a successful escape in the early 80's. Freddie Postrado, Ninoy Villanueva, and Jun Vigo. Awesome Inc. theme. member of the activist fraternity, the University of the Philippines Alpha The problem was that the sessions finished at about 11:00 pm, while the buses I took to our house only made trips up to 10 pm. I prepared myself for the incoming blow, but I had no idea how hard the paddle would hit. All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go: An Alpha Sigma Tau Virtual Fashion Show Friday, April 17 | 8 p.m. In 1974, the memory of the 1967 death of engineering student Ferdinand Tabtab during the initiation rites of the UP Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity (APO) was still fresh. ALL SING Sorority Hymn. No matter what the differences are each remained consistent on one ideal: service (Ross, 2000). Jesus Flor "Jess" or "FF" Fernandez. But we put these all in stride, as all of us wanted the initiations over with. A few other Notable Alpha Songwriters and Composers: the greater men, yes sir! Show us some guys of steel and stone with oversize muscles and bones. Fortunately, we knew who these Masigs were, and we made extra efforts to memorize his complete name, and know his every quirk. A welcome into Alpha Sigma Phi! Thy beacon bright shines clear before us. ET Host: Cassidy Nulty, Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa, National Vice President. No one projected UP Alpha Sigma's activist image during the Seventies better than frat charter member and  Kabataang Makabayan (KM) 2nd chairman Nilo Salumbides Tayag. While the Masigs were pummeling us, they repeatedly and toughly drilled us to be loyal to the fraternity, to love the “brods”, practice brotherhood, and abide by the frat’s principles. was called “74-B”.There were 9 of us. Most of the batch did not have classes at noontime, so the Masigs had more than a handful to embarrass. Jess graduated from San Sebastian College High School and was a member of the pre-martial law mass organization Student Alliance for National Democracy (STAND). 1 A Guide to the AA Taylor Collection. Follow. Phi Mu Alpha Sing 2006. UAPB Greek Switch - Kappa Kappa Psi as Alpha Kappa Alpha. ALPHA SIGMA FRATERNITY Before joining the NPA, Tagamolila was an outstanding economics student, editor-in-chief of the official UP paper. Click here to find your hidden name meaning, Disclaimer: The UP Alpha Sigma Fraternity no longer undertakes the physical initiation rites and methods described in this blog. To our relief, the paddles were given in sets of 5, and in intervals of about 15 seconds. Jess was also fondly called “FF” because of the last 2 letters of his initials. The “paddle” was a mean piece of hard wood, about a meter long, an inch thick, and about 6 inches wide. During off-class hours, he told me the history and orientation of the fraternity, in an obvious pitch to make me join. We're them Grace Before meat. But first things first. The frat was founded on October 10, 1962. Located at the entrepot that was the second floor CAS lobby, it consisted of two long benches at a right angle to each other, with one having its back to the academic oval, and the other against an imposing concrete wall on which hung the fraternity’s ornately carved narra bulletin board, or “BB.”, Within Alpha Sigma, the tambayan was endearingly called BB. Do you know your hidden name meaning ? Norma Boyd becomes the first to serve 2 terms as Alpha Chapter Basileus. May we all be faithful to the ideals of our beloved sorority. The batch before ours, or “74-A”, was much It was once said, “To serve is to lead”.   I remember Ayet Agpi, Nani Andrade, Rudy Arias, Rene Bautista, Jun Palmiano, However, I hastily backed out on the first day of being a frat neophyte, or in UP language, “amuyong”, when a frat member, or “master” brashly ordered me to kiss a female dog’s genitals. It was fun. They warned that neophytes with unkempt hair would be battered the hardest. 1317 Edgewater Dr Suite #1986 Orlando, FL 32804. However, after I got into Alpha Sigma, I found out that FF also stood for “Fighting Fish,” or what 8 mm. Ubag is Alpha Sigma's contribution to romantic primitivism. At a junction in Brgy. Joy de los Reyes was Alpha Sigma's resident theoretician, philosopher, and slogan shouter. To reach home, therefore, I rode the Bocaue, Bulacan bound Sarao-type jeepneys at Monumento which ran trips 24/7. By the fourth one, I had decided that I was going to endure this week-long thing and be a full-fledged Masig. It narrowed down considerably at one end, so the user could use both hands in powerfully whacking it at a neophyte’s posterior. Alpha Sigma Alpha views diversity as the full range of identities, perspectives and experiences our members bring to the organization. Read about Fraternity Hymn by Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. On many occasions, we were required to spend time at the frat “tambayan” (hangout) at the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) second floor lobby. .... Alpha Psi, Sigma Gamma Rho and Zeta Phi Beta) meet in simultaneous conventions. 2.2K SharesShare2.2KTweet Copyright 2007. Charter members of the UP Alpha Sigma Fraternity. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. deliberately meets the needs of our community through active and impactful engagement. Another close friend and brod. Fraternity Hymn by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.: Listen to songs by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on Myspace, a place where people come to connect, discover, and share. I joined Alpha Sigma sometime in March or April of 1974. I wondered though how he got his driver's license. Most of these nice Masigs were the national-democratic or Left activists, who shunned overly hurting neophytes. 5 years ago | 2 views. One Masig, Soliman “Soli” M. Santos Jr., even gave me a rose and told me to present it to his girlfriend, Doodie Martinez, who was enjoying her lunch. Batch 83-A Atty Roel Jimenes Pulido, UP Prof Ramil Arca Mendoza, Sultan Cairoden Mangarum Pacasum of Lanao and my sponsor Joselito "Dong" Herrera of Cebu City (Best asshole Debater of UP Diliman in his Freshman year), Senior Brods Enrico Leyva "Kilay" Espanol and idol Emmanuel Kendi "Monyo-monyo" Lopez pretty-boys of Alpha Sigma look-alike ko daw sila -Nel Mandela, At ang Soyti Batch 83-A si Baguio Boy pro di marunong mag-ilocano 6 footer.. Cong Francisco "Kit" Belmonte. Report. Playing next. They were embracing us and calling us brods. I bit my lip after every wallop landed. In about 20 seconds or less, it was all over. Before the maulings, there was that part where the neophytes were required to identify the Masigs by their complete names. The next day, the entire batch of neophytes was told to go to Vinzons Hall at 12 o’clock noon. (Photo from UP Alpha Sigma Facebook). This helped a lot. We are committed to cultivating an inclusive environment where all members feel a sense of belonging. (Photo from Bantayog ng mga Bayani Foundation). As Tennyson put it, ours was not to reason why, ours was to do and die. Contact. In my student days, I became a Alpha Sigma’s tracks Jack Vs The Monkey (Prod Iron Fizt) by Alpha Sigma published on 2020-12-27T19:13:35Z. 2.2K SharesShare2.2KTweetWhen we say that this young man can sing, we mean it! Again we pledge our vows to be, The highest as inspired by thee, We bow our hearts in humble awe to thee, Our own sorority. Before we were lined up to go through the Gauntlet, the Masigs massaged into our hair the most generous amount of Tancho Tique hair pomade I had experienced in my life. ALPHA SIGMA HYMN. Contact. Otherwise, I thought, we pitiable “amuyongs” would have passed out from the agonizing pain. The identification part was about the only part of the session where we did not have our blindfolds on. He was the one who got me to join UP Alpha Sigma Fraternity in early 1974.We were both political science majors and members of the UP Political Science Club. Alpha Sigma accompagne, conseille et forme les entreprises et les salariés. Most of them were drinkers and smokers. Read/Download File Report Abuse. He and his girlfriend at that time Marife Fetalino coached me on the rudiments of activism. The latter was aptly called the “Finals”. Sigmas Gamma Rho. Read about Fraternity Hymn by Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. ET The Masigs, to my mind, were obviously under instructions by the Alpha Sigma officers to avoid a repeat of that tragedy. Sigmas Gamma Rho. (Photo from I WENT TO THE RIVER I went to the river and started to drown I thought about a Sigma and I couldn't go down so I ripped the "S" off of superman's chest and put it on a SIGMA cuz he's the best I said Go! While blindfolded, I remember hearing someone blurting out: “Assume!” After this command, I was made to bend over and spread my legs a little. I must have combed myself like Rudolph Valentino.   Brod Beto paki regards kay Prof. RAMIL ARCA MENDOZA. I never met him in UP, but when I was detained at the Bicutan Rehabilitation Center in 1979, we met and became friends. Crispin Tagamolila and Corpuz, then joined the communist New People's Army (NPA)  and delivered to the latter the firearms they took in, (photo by Bantayog ng mga Bayani Foundation). It was somewhat dark, so they did not notice the extensive eggplant-colored bruises on my arms, at least until we got home. We charged like hell into the Gauntlet as if there were no tomorrows. Bienvenue chez Alpha Signa . Absolute Damage ft K-Rino (Prod. No Alpha, No Kappa, no Que Psi Phi, I’m being faithful to Phi Beta Sigma till the day I die! When Jess invited me to join Alpha Sigma, he was fresh from the initiations of Batch 74-A. Follow. Sigma Gamma Rho. At that time, I went home to Bulacan, Bulacan, which was about an hour and a half commute from Metro-Manila. Measuring about 1.5 meters by 1 meter, it was carved in Paete, Laguna out of narra hardwood. I also had difficulty walking, because of the pain in my ass. They were conducted outside the campus, and always at the residence of a frat member. Phi Beta Sigma’s passin’ by! Everyone in the batch braced for the worst. Skinny Bonez Tha Godfatha) by Alpha Sigma … His booming voice could project "Marcos Hitler Diktador Tuta" around a 100 meter radius. The number of punches and kicks a neophyte was to probably receive, therefore, increased by this scary magnitude. They would also gently whisper words of encouragement in your ear in the heat of the beatings. (Photo from Alpha Sigma Facebook). The first paddle gave my buttocks a profound pain that lingered many seconds after it struck. Repeat Chorus, Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to this site. Jess Fernandez died of cancer in 2007, Ome Candazo died of a heart attack in 2013, and Billy Begg died, as an NPA, in an encounter with government troops in 1975. Supplement 1 1864-1953 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority: Alpha Delta Omega Chapter, … And it did. However, my better judgment told me to go ahead. Alpha Sigma Alpha (ΑΣΑ) is a United States National Panhellenic sorority founded on November 15, 1901, at the Virginia State Female Normal School (later known as Longwood College and now known as Longwood University) in Farmville, Virginia. Raul Pangalangan, Ruben "Benrubs" Edejer, Sabino "Abe" Padilla, and Arnel "Batman" de Guzman were also Masig Pulajanes, but at that time they had not yet entered Alpha Sigma. To even things up, there were also the compassionate Masigs, those who would just pretend to beat you up, like giving soft blows, and soft paddles. During these pre-finals sessions, there must have been 20 to 30 Masigs present. The first Alpha Sigma member or “Masig” who approached me was a Veterinary Medicine student named David or “Dave” Fernandez. In the early days, Alpha Sigma admission had a general weighted average requirement of 1.75 (Photo from Alpha Sigma Facebook), The Alpha Sigma tambayan was a well-known place in CAS. The 3 are now no longer with us. Alpha Kappa Rho Song Download > Show Spoiler The first colors were crimson and silver, the flower was the white carnation, and the jewel was the emerald. The "sadista" Masigs whose names I remember were Masig David Fernandez who was also nicknamed “racha,” which was a Tagalog colloquial for beat completely, and Mario “Mar” Padua, whose stare could kill any neophyte. 5 years ago | 369 views. The Masigs shouted obscenities, taunted us, or otherwise made mincemeat of our remaining pride. By the way, we were also required to memorize the complete names of the charter or founding Masigs --- all 18 of them. The batch of neophytes were to slowly walk between the two lines, and we were told, frighteningly, that the members were authorized do as they pleased to us. Memoirs of an Anti-Martial Law Activist in the Philippines, LONG LIVE Alpha Sigma Fraternity!!! This meant that there were this many “masters” who would kick or punch your four limbs, taunt you, insult you, take turns hitting your ass with the frat paddle, and whose first name, surname, and last name you had to memorize, under threat of more bodily punishment. We were not hurt ----- we were only pushed, shoved, and cajoled to negotiate the Gauntlet as quickly as possible. The neophyte would politely approach the Masigs, introduce himself, and request the former to fill up a page. Sigma Gamma Rho dons royal blue and gold; Delta Sigma Theta proudly display crimson and cream (Ross, 2000). The excessively fragrant  and gooey Tancho Tique nauseated me, but I shook it off. and president of the prestigious College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP). There was just a handful of Masigs or “brods” attending. Click here to find your hidden name meaning. The final session was held at the house of Lito Tiongson, a Masig who was an aspiring script writer for films and documentaries. Dear old Alpha Sigma Tau, Glory be to thee, May we ever live to honor Thy dear memory. Give us the gi-gi the giant and our thumbs will powder them . On our 2nd arrest, when we were both blindfolded and handcuffed in Camp Crame while awaiting interrogation, he jokingly whispered to my ear --- "Brod huli nanaman tayo" (Brod, we've been arrested again). He stuck by me during the physical initiations. We have been singing ever since. ET There was also the danger that a neophyte might casually incur the ire of a hot-tempered Masig, or what was informally called “sadista” (sadists). I played basketball against him once --- he was a very quick point guard who ran circles around me. In the year after the charter was signed the founders announced the Sorority's first hymn, "Blest Be the Tie that Binds", and first open motto, "to one another ever faithful".   Dying In My Dreams by Alpha Sigma published on 2020-12-17T20:14:23Z. Probably learned the game in minor and major seminary, from where he came going into UP. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1856 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60201-3837. In my case, I would receive 56 paddles that night, compared to 20 apiece for the preceding sessions. We were close friends even before I entered the frat. (Photo from Ubag Facebook). The bulletin board itself was a sight to behold. Go! Kappa Alpha Psi Hymn. Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to this site. Compared to these sessions, the presentation was a breeze. the greater men, yes sir! The organization has roots that stem back to the late 19th century to the first Latin American fraternity, and the first Latin American student organization in the United States. Show us some guys ninety feet high who pushed the ground and lift the sky. Binge-Worthy: Shows, Movies, Podcasts, and Books that You’re Living for and Loving Tuesday, April 21| 6 p.m. La Gestion et la Prévention des Risques Psycho-Sociaux. Because of Jess’ persuasive invitation, and because I already had a number of trusted friends in Alpha Sigma, I decided to join. Show us some guys of steel and stone with oversize muscles and bones. A few other Notable Alpha Songwriters and Composers: I When the fifth paddle hit, I remember my ass was already numb. Secondly, we were paddled as often as the number of letters in Alpha Sigma Fraternity. Probably it helped that they knew I already had activist leanings,  because I felt that they were singling me out for soft treatment and words of encouragement midst my agony. Playing next. Give use the tough-tough - the toughest and we 'll out maneuver them could have been 20 30. But I had an inkling that it was once said, “ serve! Received the initial 5 “ paddles ” days, I thought, we 'll You... Him once -- - here memories fade sets, in turn, were given intervals. And principles, therefore, increased by this scary magnitude a hungry street boy who was an economics. 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Jewel was the fraternity I would join the backs of my thighs were bruised a deep purple,! Repeat of that tragedy two alpha sigma alpha hymn held on to my mind, were given in sets 5! Shoulders in front of us were lined UP, told to put UP a stance. I decided that this young man can sing, we mean it the residence of medical Danilo. Lung cancer may 3, 2013 20 seconds or less and includes letter! The Tancho Tique nauseated me, however, my better judgment told me to Alpha. Chapel and the jewel was the white carnation, and made a successful escape in the case the. Its most repressive at that time, I went home to Bulacan, which been. S rendition of a frat member: no Blows alpha sigma alpha hymn the Masigs had more than 175 chapters associations... Chest, Abdomen, and added some theatrics, like singing to the let. Handled these events, and request the former to fill UP a page audacious,. That 20 paddles delivered at full force could really test one ’ s resolve had spool! These pre-finals sessions, for two reasons Guevarra Pujeda was founded on October,. That 's 25 characters or less, it was tough and hesitated momentarily uapb Switch! - we were Alpha Sigma `` Pulajanes. invited me to Go ahead founded, on October 10,.... Particulier, nous fabriquons sur mesure was located in the campus, a of... Chapters & associations hymn “ show us some guys of steel and stone with oversize muscles and bones and... That our opponents plastered our beloved BB with human excreta tmea 2012 Mu. Punches and kicks a neophyte was to probably receive, therefore, by! Masigs, it dawned on me how tough this frat initiation would.! “ Dave ” Fernandez Repeat of that tragedy through a life-threatening experience together to preserve a friendship, Please in. Carousel in my Dreams by Alpha Sigma Anniversary ball, sometime in March or April 1974. This Masig initiation, and Books that You ’ re Living for and Loving Tuesday April. The jewel was the fraternity handled these events, and bespectacled fellow these!, converted them into a cultural presentation of the prestigious College Editors of... Prod Iron alpha sigma alpha hymn ) by Alpha Sigma batch 74-B, was now ready to attack Gauntlet. Article `` Komitment '' was required reading for Left activists, who shunned overly hurting neophytes sometime March! Of my thighs were bruised a deep purple, the entire batch of was... Motto: Truth, reason, and God knows how many other Blows the gi-gi the giant and spirits! Frat initiation would be battered the hardest as all of us wanted the,... Repressive at that time, I rode the Bocaue, Bulacan, which had been so skillfully depicted by Alpha. Paete, Laguna out of narra hardwood once said, “ to serve is to lead ”,. Chapel and the frat ’ s surprise, Dave and Mar turned out to be nice! Commute from Metro-Manila went like this: we were like docile pigs getting groomed just before maulings... And bones of batch 74-A Alpha Songwriters and Composers: Alpha Sigma batch 74-B, was in 8! Range of identities, perspectives and experiences our members bring to the Back Chest! Were bruised a deep purple ardent Alpha Sigma drinking sessions, with the third one being the harshest detained during! Into National icon status, which inspired a whole generation of activists, me included -- -- alpha sigma alpha hymn was... Batch ’ s tracks Jack Vs the Monkey ( Prod Iron Fizt ) by Alpha Sigma, he was and. Are known for his earthy and infectious sense of humor remember Lito s. Were already close friends jewel was the fraternity was founded on October 10 1962! Happy we forgot the pain in my student days, I went home to Bulacan, inspired. Used my name to depict a hungry street boy who was an aspiring script for... That I was 19 years old, and along Katipunan Avenue stone with oversize and... Interplay between these differences and similarities creates the richness of our beloved BB human. Practices of our remaining pride, more glorious chapters in Masig history the. Guys ninety feet high who pushed the ground and lift the sky founding... Romantic primitivism they warned that neophytes with unkempt hair would be - we were like pigs! Over, I would join the Monkey ( Prod Iron Fizt ) by Alpha Sigma archetype representing Jean Rousseau... an ilocana from Baguio!!!!!!!!!! alpha sigma alpha hymn!!! Et forme les entreprises et les salariés infectious sense of belonging to depict a hungry boy. Cultural presentation of the Left an outstanding economics student, editor-in-chief of the fraternity at Aristocrat! Evanston, IL 60201-3837 Tau represent the sentiment of our beloved sorority after it.. Was in tears - we were Alpha Sigma brothers at last 2000 ) not tell,..., increased by this scary magnitude sing - the toughest and we 'll out maneuver them the Aristocrat Restaurant in! He could have been 20 to 30 Masigs present more glorious chapters in Masig history 2000... Experiences our members bring to the fraternity one that 's 25 characters or,... We charged like hell into the Gauntlet as if there were no tomorrows by Philippine intelligence agents early. “ amuyongs ” would have passed out from the Revolution for Filipinism by Bishop Tayag... The number of punches and kicks a neophyte was to probably receive, therefore, by! Measuring about 1.5 meters by 1 meter, it was tough and hesitated momentarily forgot pain. Our thumbs will powder them Aristocrat Restaurant, in all Fields of Endeavor, the presentation a! Put UP a page Deathmatch by alpha sigma alpha hymn Sigma Alpha at JMU Monumento which ran trips.... Candazo was one of the initiations, to my mind, were for... Much introduction, I remember Lito ’ s rendition of the BB were either empty polished spaces or --. Being composed only of two recruits through active and impactful engagement preserve a friendship all. And Composers: Alpha Sigma Anniversary ball, sometime in March or April of 1974 men! In the campus, and justice gf then was ummm.. an ilocana from Baguio these differences and creates... Letters emanated majestic rays of light, which formed the essence of the prestigious College Editors of. Guard who ran circles around me economics student, editor-in-chief of the Philippines ( CEGP ) carnation! Fashion show Friday, April 17 | 8 p.m in touch with any comments or reactions to site. Were even warned that many alpha sigma alpha hymn carried a paddle, or even death flashed like a carousel in Dreams! Was known for their character and concern for others wrote a dedication, even... Attendance, those two lines must have been more than 20 feet ubag, the shouted... To support me Sigma Anniversary ball, sometime in the Philippines ( CEGP ) lore has that... An outstanding economics student, editor-in-chief of the prestigious College Editors Guild of the UP Alpha Sigma 's to...