Submit. Prior to the start of the spring semester, Greek leaders spent the weekend learning more about leadership, essential skills, and the Ball State Greek community at the annual Leadership Summit. Follow us on Twitter (@BallStateGreeks) & Instagram (@BallStateGreeks). Ball State Greek Cru. developing lifelong relationships with each other, the fraternal organizations, and Ball State. All chapters are expected to submit a scholarship plan at the beginning of each semester. scholarship sponsored by Panhellenic today! If more than one fraternity is hosting the event, a separate copy of the first page should be made, signed, and submitted on behalf of each of the co-hosts. Registration begins June 1. The Greek Life foundation account supports leadership program on and off campus for members of the fraternity and sorority community. In our 50+ years on Ball State’s campus, the fraternity has been pledging and initiating new members that have consistently upheld the values of our fraternity. Aug. 24: Purdue, Indiana, IUPUI and Ball State universities resume in-person classes. For over a century, the Ball State Greek community has a history of achieving academic excellence, retaining men and women to the university, developing outstanding leaders and giving back to the community. Support and complement the mission of Ball State University. When one hears the term “Greek Life” many things come to mind, most of which aren’t positive. Communicate and work with alumni volunteers, inter/national organizations, and University Greek Advisors to address areas of chapter operations requiring improvement. Gave 2.00 hours on 08/18/2018 with Ball State University, Greek Life, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Student Affairs, The Marvelous Mu Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. Tyrah gave to A Better Way. Gave 2.00 hours on 08/18/2018 with Alpha Kappa Alpha, Ball State University. It’s time to get out and join your Indiana Gamma fraternity alumni for laughter, lunch, golf and dinner! Title: 2016-17 Ball State Greek Life Information Guide, Author: ballstategreeks, Name: 2016-17 Ball State Greek Life Information Guide, Length: 8 pages, Page: 5, Published: 2016-06-03 . Ball State Greek Life. The Marvelous Mu Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. By checking Agree to Terms of Service, you agree to our. The Ball State unit/org with the most gifts on April 9 will receive an additional $6,000 for their department/org 2nd place = $3,000 3rd place = … All men rushing a fraternity at Mississippi State are required to register through the Inter Fraternity Council. This prohibits the members from making changes to their schedules and requesting transcripts until the debt is paid. Ball State Greek Life, Muncie, IN. Chapters are expected to attend and actively participate in their Greek Council’s (bi) weekly meeting. Recruitment Contact Information. Send Message. MSU Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. This provides opportunities for large scale programs to come to Ball State and supports students in travel to conferences such as the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values central conference and the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute. Fraternity and sorority members at Ball State are some of the most visible students on campus. You can find more information on how to sign up for Formal Recruitment through the Ball State Greek Life website. Joining a fraternity or sorority can provide a home away from home and a place of college success. Ball State Greek life members reflect on what Air Jam means to them By Rohith Rao Alpha Phi and Sigma Chi perform in Air Jam Oct. 18, 2018 in Emens Auditorium. I can’t really say merely because I’ve only attended Ball State. 1. Name and contact information should be submitted to the Office of Greek Life. This is the official Facebook account for Ball State Greek Life. ... During the fall 2015 semester, The Ball State Greek Life community GPA has been above the all campus GPA for 21 consecutive semesters in a row. Ball State University partners with Greek alumni to provide homes that are safe, attractive and conducive to learning. Ball State University 2000 W. University Ave. Muncie, IN 47306 800-382-8540 and 765-289-1241, Philanthropy and Community Service Regulations Statement (PDF), IFC Community Statement on Driving Under the Influence (PDF), IFC Community Statement on Public Displays of Inappropriate Behavior (PDF), IFC Community Statement on Vandalism and Pranks (PDF), IFC Community Statement on Violence and Fighting (PDF), North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), BSU Greek Life Risk Management Policy (PDF), Addendum A - Panhellenic Code of Ethics (PDF), Addendum B - Risk Management Policy (PDF), Addendum D - PHA Position Statement on Chapter Elections (PDF), Addendum E - PHA Position Statement on Public Displays of Inappropriate Behavior (PDF), Addendum F - PHA Position Statement on Driving Under the Influence (PDF), Greek Achieving Academically Program (PDF), Know Your Body November Committee Application (DOC), Best Practices for Health & Wellness (PDF), Ball State University Greek Risk Management Policy (PDF), Sexual Assault, Risk Management, and Alcohol Programming, FIPG, Inc. (Fraternity Information and Programming Group), Interfraternity Council Sexual Assault Prevention Statements (PDF), National Eating Disorders Screening Program (NEDSP), John and Janice Fisher Institute of Health and Well-Being, Hazing - The Trials & Tribulations of Becoming a Group Member, Training for Intervention Procedures (TiPS), Fraternity and Sorority Incident Report (PDF), Investigation Flow Chart for Council Adjudicated Violations (PDF), Investigation Flow Chart for Office of Greek Life Adjudicated Violations (PDF), Panhellenic Council Judicial Board Manual (PDF), Interfraternity Council Judicial Board Manual (PDF), 15 Day Notification Letter Template (PDF), Recruitment Grade Release Form (Online Form), Community Service & Philanthropy Tips (PDF), Lambda 10 Project - Resources on gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual Greek issues, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy, All chapters at Ball State University must be inter/nationally affiliated. Here are just a few of the cool things that Ball State Greek Life did in 2017. We can keep you up to date and you can keep us informed about what your chapter is doing! Are you interested in learning more about the incredible fraternitie... s and sororities here at Ball State? This is the official Facebook account for Ball State Greek Life. 2000 W University Ave, Muncie, IN. greek life Ball State Greek life has been suspended until Jan. 31, 2018. Fraternity and sorority members at Ball State are some of the most visible students on campus. Aug. 25: Reports say a fraternity, a sorority and a cooperative house at … Chapters are required to adhere to the Ball State Greek Community Risk Management Policy, the alcohol policy of their national organization, along with all local, state and national laws. … Gave 2.00 hours on 08/18/2018 with Alpha Kappa Alpha. On a campus with thousands of students, it can be important to find a network of friends and allies to provide the support needed to be successful. The purpose of this creative project was to develop “A Guide to Greek Life” for Ball State University’s Office of Student Life and Greek Life webpage for all current students, faculty, staff, and for prospective students and their parents who wish to learn more about the fraternity and sorority community. Financial Agreement Sample (PDF) – View this as an example of a financial agreement that you may sue for all housing-related financial obligations for members who do not live in your house (parlor fees, out-of-house fees, house savings fees, etc.). Theta Chi fraternity at Ball State is shut down. From 2016-18, there were a total of 100 cases of rape and fondling reported under Ball State’s Campus Security Report.Of these cases, 19 occurred on non-campus property. Meet the Community: Fraternity and Sorority Life at Ball State This will be a student lead leadership panel made up of FSL leaders that will provide potential new members with information on how to make connections and how to network within the FSL community, especially on how to build connections all while adhering to guidelines as a result to COVID-19 in the Fall 2020 semester. Joining a fraternity or sorority can provide a home away from home and a place of college success. This is to comply with the requirement under the Ball State University Greek Community Risk Management Policy (the “Policy”) that the event be registered with the Office of Greek Life. 2000 W. University Ave | Muncie, IN 47306 | 765-285-4733 | | It would require a Greek Life staff Ball State Greek life members reflect on what Air Jam means to them. The purpose of this creative project was to develop “A Guide to Greek Life” for Ball State University’s Office of Student Life and Greek Life webpage for all current students, faculty, staff, and for prospective students and their parents who wish to learn more about the fraternity and sorority community. Financial Agreement Template (PDF) – Use this to create a financial agreement for your chapter. On a campus with thousands of students, it can be important to find a network of friends and allies to provide the support needed to be successful. Alpha Phi and Sigma Chi perform in Air Jam Oct. 18, 2018 in Emens Auditorium. Chapters are expected to have an active faculty/staff advisor and an active chapter advisor. By Rohith Rao. Chapter presidents and council officers are expected to attend a Greek Leadership Summit in January. On Oct. 23, the Ball State University Interfraternity Council banned events that include alcohol for the 13 IFC fraternities until the end of January 2018. IFC, NPHC, PHA). Partying, lewd acts, and immaturity are usually at the top of the list, but Ball State is trying to break that stereotype. Ball State University Fraternity & Sorority Incident Report This form should be used to report an incident or alleged violation by a fraternity/sorority at Ball State of the Greek Community Risk Management Policy, Student Code of Conduct, (inter) national policies and procedures and/or federal, state, or local laws. Title: 2016-17 Ball State Greek Life Information Guide, Author: ballstategreeks, Name: 2016-17 Ball State Greek Life Information Guide, Length: 8 pages, Page: 6, Published: 2016-06-03 . Chapters are highly encouraged not to hold any activities the last week of classes. The latest discussion forum topics for Ball State University - BSU. The Greek Life foundation account supports leadership program on and off campus for members of the fraternity and sorority community. The form must be filled out completely, reviewed and signed by the chapter’s president, risk manager and social chair, and submitted to the Office of Greek Life before the filing deadline. The two organizations competed in the Greek life category. The Ball State Office of Greek Life is a division of the Office of Student Life. October 16, 2019 | 3:30pm EDT. The is the home page for, the official website for the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity at Ball State University The perception of Greek Life varies from person to person, not only at Ball State, but across the nation. Fraternity and sorority members at Ball State are some of the most visible students on campus. Demonstrate and uphold the Greek community core values. Ball State University . July - finally! Interested in joining the Ball State Panhellenic Community? Chapters must update their rosters with the Office of Greek Life within the first two weeks and by the last day of classes each semester. 2.4K likes. In order to place a hold on a member’s record for failure to pay these types of fees, the chapter must have signed documentation like this or something similar. Fraternity and sorority members at Ball State are some of the most visible students on campus. Travel to conferences can be expensive, as it includes travel (often by flying), hotel accommodations, food, and registration fees. Sure not all of our fraternities have houses and we only have 10 sororities, but I know we party just as hard. Hager, the newly-named associate director of student life, fills the role vacated since Kari Murphy stepped down from her position as director of Greek Life. By Rohith Rao. Penn State soon to unveil report card on Greek life at 55 ... Cornell, is involved. The two organizations competed in the Greek life category. If you have questions about this program, please review the policy. Call (765) 285-4733. Damn, from the outside Ball State's greek life always seemed to be in a better place compared to what other Universities are doing. To pay individually each person must go on and register. 2.4K likes. It is responsible for overseeing the Greek community on campus that is comprised of fraternities, sororities, Interfraternity Council, and the Panhellenic Council. Roomed with one of your guys at horizons last year. The Panhellenic Council is comprised of sororities that enrich the lives of Ball State women on a daily basis. All rights reserved. Apply for the freshman female P.R.I.D.E. Ball State Greek Life, Muncie, IN. Get directions. They roll up their sleeves and build upon their leadership infrastructure working side by side with other students, faculty, and community partners through many activities and student organizations. They roll up their sleeves and build upon their leadership infrastructure working side by side with other students, faculty, and community partners through many activities and student organizations. Celebrate by kicking off the 27th Anniversary of the Martin Riverside Society at Wildcat Creek Golf Course. Chapters are expected to maintain a chapter GPA above 2.5 or higher if required by their governing council. Share. Hager, the newly-named associate director of student life, fills the role vacated since Kari Murphy stepped down from her position as director of Greek Life. The local chapter must be a member of one of our BSU governing Greek councils. Ball State University Foundation 2800 W. Bethel Avenue, Muncie, IN 47304 765-285-8312 and 888-I-GO-4-BSU Chapters are asked to report their philanthropy donations and completed service hours each semester. It was a somber occasion, but it was great retelling stories and catching up with a few of the brothers of the Kappa Kappa Chapter Tailiyah Johnson, DN. Interfraternity Council (IFC) officers must possess and maintain a 2.60 cumulative grade point average to be eligible per their own policy. Implement responsible membership selection and educational programming for members. Tailiyah Johnson, DN . The encumbrance program is a service that Ball State University provides to fraternities and sororities. August 24 at 7:02 PM. 2015 Formal Recruitment Schedule: Joining a fraternity or sorority can provide a home away from home and a place of college success. They roll up their sleeves and build upon their leadership infrastructure working side by side with other students, faculty, and community partners through many activities and student organizations. Joining a fraternity or sorority can provide a home away from home and a place of college success. 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