The Black Ice ® Nemesis ® 360GTX ® is designed for the professional casemod professional who takes a no compromise approach to performance, design, and build quality. 2000W These were followed by the groundbreaking Black Ice Gen Two, GTS and GTX PC radiators, providing unprecedented performance for compact form factor heat exchangers. The Nemesis series was optimized for scaling and it has showed to be the case in here." Presumably with only one set of fans it would do well across the whole range. The Nemesis 360GTX’s thermal performance was great at all flow rates and fan speeds tested but it really shone against the competition in the low fan speed tests. Black Ice Nemesis 360GTX Dual-Core Xtreme Profile Radiator - Black Carbon: Computers & Accessories


2x Hardware Labs Black Ice Nemesis 560GTX w/ 16 Noctua NF-A14 2000 PWM 3x Hardware Labs Black Ice Nemesis 480GTX w/ 24x Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM 1x Hardware Labs Black Ice Nemesis 360GTX w/ 6x Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM 6x Noctua NF-S12A PWM 4x Noctua NF-A4X10 PWM Other: 3x Aquacomputer Aquaero XT w/ Heatsink & Water Block Aquacomputer High Flow Ne If you need strong performance and do not mind pushing some higher RPM fans or are planning on using a push/pull fan arrangement, it is one of the best in the class."
