Add message | Report | See all. Heard horror stories of people who did. I notice the little green container vial is the same size as a cat one but contains twice the amount of liquid.. Jan 25, 2012 #2 aeevr TCS Member. Frontline Key Features. It's due now.but I only have one application. Source(s): working as a Veterinary Receptionist. In this case, the only difference between Frontline Plus for Dogs and Frontline Plus for Cats is the dosage. Frontline Plus is a topical medication that is used to prevent and kill fleas and ticks. Another pet keeper claimed “NEVER give your cat any flea medication intended for dogs”. The product Advantage can be used on both cats and dogs the same, however it's the dosage size you must watch.This product is gauged by weight and is sold in different dosages for that reason. It’s bad enough that fleas make your pet uncomfortable, but it’s worse that fleas can infest your entire home and everyone who lives inside it. The vet gave me the ratios and I’m still using the same frontline plus now dog only on both my cats and dogs and it works perfectly. Generic Frontline Plus for dogs may contain a different ingredient than the Source(s): frontline dogs cat: If you already used another flea medication for your cats such as Cheristin Flea Treatment for Cats, you need to consult the vet for the right use of Frontline Plus. There’s LESS of it in the dog product than in the cat product, so it’s safe to use the dog product on the cats but do NOT use the cat product on a small dog. Veterinary Technician. Hi, I have Frontline Plus Dog 22-0.023 fl oz (which I believe is for use on small dogs less than 22 lbs). Frontline Plus Spot On Flea and Tick Treatment Large Dog (20-40kg) 3 Pack. It wasn’t intentional, I was giving my 2 dogs and 2 cats their topical flea treatment at the same time. Do not test the theory — use Frontline for Cats on felines, and … The Frontline Plus for cats formula contains exactly the same Can I use the frontline plus for cats on my yorkie? Even if you use Frontline Plus for Dogs on dogs, or Frontline Plus for Cats on cats, you should be careful. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. 8.8%), Frontline Plus for Cats contains (fipronil 9.8% and S-methoprene morocco Sun 30-Aug-09 22:46:45. vet said no but just to do with weights. What was the weather in Pretoria on 14 February 2013? Add message | Report | See all. She said she used it on her cat, and it almost killed him. ingredient methoprene than the dog formula. The product Advantage can be used on both cats and dogs the same, however it's the dosage size you must watch.This product is gauged by weight and is sold in different dosages for that reason. The Advantage won't work and you can't mix the two. (Not that I imagine anyone wanting to squeeze 6 cat FP into their 80lb dog). All Rights Reserved. My question is, does the dog frontline plus contain the same ingredients as cat frontline plus and is it safe for my cats? Can you use frontline for cats on small dogs? If you look at the ingredients for Frontline Plus cats and dogs they are almost identical. Giving your dog a tiny 3% more methoprene will not harm it. When did sir Edmund barton get the title sir and how? It used to be that you would buy it from your vet and it would cost close to $15 per monthly dose. If you have already applied the dog Frontline dose on your dog recently - even yesterday this is still very safe. Can you use frontline for cats on small dogs. I would not expect any side effects or problems at all. 6 Pack; £37.00 More detail. Bathe your pets frequently and be careful when you let them interact with other pets from other households. Can I Use Frontline Plus for Cats on My Dog and Vice Versa? The cat Frontline and the dog Frontline are exactly the same product therefore this will not hurt your dog at all. Dogs are given a dose of 0.067ml of Frontline solution per Many cat owners who used Frontline Plus for Dogs on cats said that it’s really dangerous to do that. I would not expect any side effects or problems at all. The “Plus” is methoprene, an insect growth regulator. Reader Favorites. You must snap off the tip prior to applying Frontline to your dog or cat. The answer is NO, or else, you are going to risk your cat’s life. Frontline for dogs contains two active ingredients namely fipronil and s-methoprene in certain … It can be applied to dogs from 8 weeks of age that weigh at least 2kg. Then why can’t one use Frontline Plus for Cats on their dog and vice versa? Flea Medication. Will it harm my cats? Stored in the oil glands of your pet's skin, one easy topical application works for 30 days. Can I use Frontline Plus for dogs on my cat? It not only kills fleas, but also stops their eggs from hatching and infesting your home. The company’s main product lines are Frontline Original and Frontline Plus. I've been putting Frontline Plus for dogs on my cats for years because the vet recommended it because you can get more for big dogs and divide it between your cats for a cheaper … Joined Jan 22, 2012 Messages 594 Reaction score 34 Location San Jose, Ca. Frontline Plus treats and controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis in cats. Sizes: Small Dog - 2-10Kg (0.67ml) Medium Dog - 10-20Kg (1.34ml) Large Dog - 20-40Kg (2.68ml) Extra Large Dog - 40-60Kg (4.02ml) There are many options for flea prevention today, but Frontline Plus is still quite popular. Try to bathe your cat carefully without letting any drop of flea treatment product on its skin flow into the mouth. There is a major difference between Frontline Plus for dogs and Frontline Plus for cats despite the fact that its ingredients Fipronil and S-methoprene are approved to use on both cats and dogs. We have dogs so that is what I’m using for my numbers, but the same strategy would work for cats. Make sure to do this away from your face to avoid getting the chemicals in your eyes. FRONTLINE PLUS FOR CATS can also be used for the treatment and control of flea, tick and chewing lice infestations on breeding, pregnant and lactating queens. They provide a small vial to store the frontline in and a syringe to administer the correct amount, 0.5ml for cats. HOWEVER, you need to go to the store, find a box that you would buy for your dog, and check out the amount of the active ingredient is in it. That’s why products for dogs are normally stronger than the ones for cats. If you have already applied the dog Frontline dose on your dog recently - even yesterday this is still very safe. Read the entire product label before each use. Also, if you use Frontline dog on your boy, make sure that you keep the cat away from th dog and don't allow it to groom the dog as ingestion of the canine Frontline can be toxic. I wanted to use this on my cat but didn't know if it was ok to use the whole amount on her?? ticks, and lice) as the Frontline Plus for dogs formula. It can be used on kittens from 8 weeks of age and is safe to use on breeding, pregnant or lactating animals. Other recent posts … Frontline Plus for Dogs contains 9.8 percent of Fipronil and 8.8 percent of (S) Methoprene. In other words, Frontline Plus destroys the whole flea lifecycle. Hello, Frontline Plus has the same % Fipronil for dogs AND cats, but LESS Methoprene for cats than dogs, so how is LESS going to hurt cats. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? Many people love the idea of owning a dog but one thing that they have to keep in mind often times, is that the dog needs to be trained. Puppies should be at least eight weeks old and weigh at least 2Kg. 3 Pack; £33.00 More detail. Emergency. kilogram of bodyweight. If the tip does not come off easily, you can use scissors to cut it off. You can use Frontline for Cats on a dog - but you need to be aware there may be a difference in weight. Look After bathing, make sure you call the vet to tell him/her about your cat’s situation so that he/she can give you advice and a timely treatment if needed. Frontline Plus boasts all of the benefits of the original Frontline Spot On product but it comes with a dual action formula that not only kills fleas and ticks on your pet but it also prevents the eggs from hatching in and around your home. Hi. 5 Common Yorkie Health Concerns . Use only on dogs and cats. Frontline, Revolution and Advantage can all be safely used on 11.8%). If you buy a product “for cats”, be careful or do not use it for dogs, and vice versa. Similarly, do not use Frontline Plus on other animals like rabbits or chickens without asking animal experts or veterinarians because it can be really harmful to them. cats and dogs interchangeably, as the ingredients are identical, Let’s get started! You will need to re-apply it once a month. Flea eggs can end up on your carpets, furniture and upholstery where they then hatch and turn into fleas. Therefore it would probably only work in a small dog. Therefore it would probably only work in a small dog. The only difference is the amount of medication in the applicator. It is an effective formula, but using it too frequently is not good for your pets. Can You Euthanize A Dog At Home Without A Vet ? Frontline, is not a product you can use on both animals , if it is specifically for one or the other. In many situations, even if they brought their cats to the vet for suitable treatments, they couldn’t be the same cats like before. Veterinarians and pet experts warn that using the wrong formula … dog: frontline..she measures with a syringe, but much cheaper. concentration of Fipronil (the main ingredient which kills fleas, Do Not Use On Other Animals.” It’s applied by breaking open the plastic vial and dispensing the oily liquid between the animal’s shoulder blades. 5 years ago. I always check that the formulation has not changed. It even says to keep your dogs and cats seperate once it has been applied. 0 0. lelia. Can I buy one large dog dose and split it up for the 4 cats that I have? Source(s): frontline dogs cat: They provide a small vial to store the frontline in and a syringe to administer the correct amount, 0.5ml for cats. MaclaryHairy Mon 31-Aug-09 12:10:25. To kill fleas and all stages of brown dog ticks, American dog ticks, lone star ticks, deer ticks (which may transmit Lyme disease) and chewing lice, apply FRONTLINE ® Spray to dogs, cats… Heard horror stories of people who did. The answer is NO! you just need to know the correct doses. 1 decade ago. Also, you should know cats are much more sensitive than dogs. Therefore it would probably only work in a small dog. MaclaryHairy Mon 31-Aug-09 12:10:25. My vet and about 3 other vets told me that the solution is the same just the packaging changed to dog only and cat only. i have an 8 lb chihuahua. Frontline Plus for cats is the same chemical makeup as Frontline Plus for dogs.... so yes, it's safe. Pets, especially dogs and outdoor cats are susceptible to parasitic bloodsuckers like fleas and ticks. What does this mean : Yes you could rhetorically treat your cats with your dog formula BUT NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! Frontline Plus Flea & Tick Spot On for cats is the most advanced formula within the Frontline range of flea and tick treatments. Join the THE GALLANT NEWSLETTER. Frontline Plus for Dogs contains … You can use Frontline for Cats on a dog - but you need to be aware there may be a difference in weight. Please buy Frontline for dogs otherwise you will find you will have to pay a visit to your local Vets. Some pet owners put more water in Frontline Plus for Dogs and they said ‘it was fine’, but in fact, this is useless because the ingredients and their dosages before and after are still the same. It also had violent seizures with the whole body shaking. sullysmum Sun 30-Aug-09 22:30:30. In particular, they stopped playing around and being active like a normal cat always does. I … If you buy Frontline Spray it is for cats or dogs. You can use Frontline Plus on your cat if they are eight weeks old or older and weigh more than 2.2 lbs (1kg). It’s not a good idea to use products made for dogs on cats. While Frontline Original can only kill adult fleas and its protection will last for around a month, Frontline Plus is much better because it has one more ingredient called “Methoprene” that kills not only adult fleas but also flea eggs and larvae. But, I must admit, I’ve done this exact thing. If your cat or ferret is unwell, please see your vet for advice before you apply a flea treatment. Moreover, to make sure the product works effectively and does not cause an overdose for your pet, you need to know your pet’s body weight and buy products for that weight. Can I use Frontline Plus for dogs on my cat? FRONTLINE Spot On. Best Dust Free Cat Litter – Reviews and Buying Guides, Miniature Rottweiler Puppies-Features & Characteristics, Can A Dog Get A Cat Pregnant ? Both contain the same ingredients, no doubt but the percentage of the … Alpha Cat. Frontline Plus Spot On Flea and Tick Treatment Small Dog (2-10kg) 6 Pack. what will happen. Canine frontline has the very same products as that used on cats (the fipronil and the-methoprene) . Therefore it would probably only work in a small dog. What Are The Puppy Blues? Frontline, is not a product you can use on both animals , if it is specifically for one or the other. Frontline Plus Spot On Small Dog is formulated with two tough killing ingredients; fipronil, which kills adult fleas and ticks and the added extra benefit of (S)-methoprene which attacks flea eggs and larvae. Fitness Resolutions For Your Dog And You. It is a topical medication that needs to be applied to the pet’s skin once a month. They work together to kill all month long, breaking flea life cycles and also destroying the next generation of flea eggs and larvae. The common reaction of cat body after being used flea treatment product for dogs is shaking. Comment below if you have already applied the dog Frontline dose on your dog Champion... A juvenile hormone analogue in fleas, it ’ s have clearly said, never flea. The company ’ s why can i use frontline plus for cats on small dog for dogs and 2 cats their topical flea treatment for! Cats and not with all medications Veterinary Receptionist yesterday this is still quite popular case, the difference! 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