I have his play pens and play areas cleaned daily and once a week with Dettol ? COVID 19 UPDATE: We are open for home visits where you can stay with your pet. It's bad for them. Skin problems – As stated earlier, fipronil can cause irritation to your dog’s skin. Any signs of lethargy accompanied by excessive panting, fever, nausea, frequent urination, muscle stiffness, diarrhoea and unconsciousness need to be addressed by your vet as soon as possible as we have identified above. We had seen fleas on her earlier in the day. These reactions occur more frequently in small dogs, and young, old, sick, or debilitated animals. Add your voice! Sounds like the dose was too much for her. And I have used it for years on multiple dogs. (stolen … A tired dog will be back to normal as soon as they can get some rest whereas lethargy in dogs pointing to illness is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath or your pet behaving out of character. Thread starter cyndersmom; Start Date Oct 2, 2011; Oct 2, 2011 #1 cyndersmom TCS Member Thread starter. We also had some fleas a few years ago in our carpet. I went on line and looked up adverse reactions with this product and these are sever reactions and then it said Death Could Occur. Other damage to the skin, teeth and gums can occur as well. You MUST rub in daily, AND be careful NOT to breathe is dust or let your pet inhale the dust!!! to look after your pets in the comfort of your home. Adult Cat. Four weeks? Q1: Can I cuddle my dog after applying Frontline? No. Just a week after taking my cat to the VET with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, she was dragging her right rear leg, diarrhea, lethargy, tremor of her head intermittently, and loss of appetite. The products, including the popular Frontline and Advantage brands, are small vials of liquid pesticides that pet owners apply monthly to the backs of dogs or cats to kill fleas and ticks. Though this is a preventative medication used in small amounts, damage to the animal's system increases when taken month after month. … Just curious how long did it take for him to return to normal? just use the D.Earth on your animals, will kill the fleas. Loss of appetite or skipping a few meals will lead to lethargy in dogs but not eating or not having the feeling to have food might also be due to the fact that your dog is trying to fight some infection or they could be in pain. Causes of Lethargy in Dogs. However, lethargy is actually quite a common side-effect of many medications. Although Frontline Plus may kill 100 percent of the fleas immediately after you put it on your dog, its effectiveness will diminish throughout the month. If lesions develop at the site, call your veterinarian. Perhaps my dog is also allergic. but still works! My little 9 pound Maltese got frontline 3 days ago and is still not acting like himself. Will the … Ours tend to sleep more the day we use the product (not sure if it's the Frontline brand, but it is a treatment we get from the vet). June 22, 2017 at 12:39 am #102464 Report Abuse. Can I put Frontline on my dog after a bath? My dog is acting lethargic and drunk after getting a dose of frontline. My dog recovered after three days of vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and stiffness in his hind end. Should I continue with Frontline Plus? Please, Vets2Home, Peaceful Pet Goodbyes based in Sussex, UK are trained to take care of sick pet once they get to the time that they need final peace and to cross over the Rainbow Bridge. Hi I am wondering if anyone has had experience of this - We used frontline spot on two evenings ago and today my dog vomited his dinner. Category: Dog. Symptoms also include fever, red eyes, diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, and muscle pain. The symptoms go away within a month. Initially, I thought that he had gotten sick due to the tick bite, but with time I realized that it was an aftereffect of the treatment. We took a ketchup bottle we bought from the dollar store and squirted it around the house, left it for a few days, vacuumed it up, no more fleas. I am thinking if the dog was spunky before and now lethargic the frontline did it. I can't use ANY pesticide, which is healthier for me and my pets and the world anyway. : This disease spreads through the bite of a mosquito. Marie P.can you repost your link,it isn’t working.Thank you. Dogs often experience a great deal of anxiety when going to a kennel. Image Credit: altrendo images/Stockbyte/Getty Images Frontline, a common flea preventative that disrupts flea neural receptors, is a suspected carcinogen and endocrine disruptor that can be toxic to the nervous system if ingested. I'm not certain how long it had been on him, but it was long enough for the tick to have engorged itself on his blood. Certainly not the was it is directed to be used. And while they MIGHT be ok for some pets, for their lifetime, they are still toxic and can cause cancer, contaminate human water supply etc.!!! Two weeks prior to her final treatment, she was vital, had her winter coat, her appetite was good, and she was playful. Plus, it works non-stop for 30 days on dogs and cats. May 2, 2017 #2 Hi Tepps- Thank you for posting this warning to other people, and I'm very sorry that your family lost your two dogs this way. Salt in the water does not matter. “You know your dog the best,” Bourquin said, “and because they can’t speak up and say, ‘I’m sick!’ we have to observe their behavior closely to note any significant changes.” There’s often a big … I got it off him, washed his regular collar as it rubbed on that and my huband soaked his neck and scrubbed him with Baby shampoo. We are a team of trained vets with expertise in palliative and end of life care services. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Ask Your Own Dog Veterinary Question. I purchased Frontline at great expense from UK. : If you feel that your dog is in pain or is looking sick due to a recent trauma, please consult your vet as soon as possible. D. Dog Force One Member. Can Frontline cause lethargy in dogs? 65331-4) * Frontline Plus for Dogs (EPA Reg. It’s not unusual for dogs to pick up bugs at kennel facilities. Think about it - one of those little 'pockets' of medication used on 4 dogs! Some pet owners report that their dogs have always been fine with the usual flea medication until suddenly they were not. Secondly, use Equisect, you can find it at Fleet Farm, Tractor Supply. Was he vaccinated … Heart disease in dogs can be treated with medication and special diets to control the negative effects of the disease on the your dog’s heart. That night and the entire next day he was lethargic and wouldn't eat. Benefits. My 10 year old Golden Retriever became very lethargic, refused food and water, unstable on her feet. One is 6-outdoor mostly, one is only 6 months-indoor only. Google ‘Frontline Plus toxic’…you’ll find many other dogs who became sick or died. : Both cats and dogs get infected with distemper through infected blood. At week three or four, try giving your dog a Capstar pill. Maybe look into Interceptor, even my MDR1 mutation dogs handle that well. Since I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, I've had to learn about these things. I love her dearly and don't want to do anything to harm her. Well, he had a problem, lethargic, respiration slowed and then the vomiting. I know diatomaceous earth kills fleas and ticks in the yard. I use this for my dog except this year the ticks are so bad Indecided to try Frontline. Frontline is one of the most popular brands of flea treatment and say this in their packaging about application after a bath. Why is my dog weak and lethargic – Symptoms and Treatment. I was extremely skeptical but I figured what the heck, it couldn't hurt. FOOD GRADE Diatanaeous Earth not human grade!!!! About 3 days ago my dog was bitten by what I believe is a Brown Dog Tick. I am sick to my stomach that this happened, and am disgusted there is no warning on these collars. I use it today with my dog and very same thing happen. I would call the vet and find out what to wash her with to get this poisin off her body. Frontline Plus should not be applied to the dog's fur. 2 1/2 weeks would be generous. FRONTLINE® Plus contains fipronil and (S)-methoprene. My husband wanted to do the frontline and I said no lets do the collar and if has a problem we can rip it off him. Thank you for offering this great forum to help us provide the best care we can for our loving 4 legged children! Applying the medication between the shoulder blades means the dog is unable to chew at the spot and potentially ingest the medication, according to Applied Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians. Btw if you wash your dogs in water with Sea Salt in it, it's very effective at killing fleas. I hope it hasn't done permanent damage. As a responsible dog owner, you are aware how important it is to get heartworm preventative medication for your dog. What to Do If My Dog Is Lethargic? You can also purchase a Baltic amber collar from Amazon. Never had this kind of flea infestation in Canada. I administered Frontline Plus for dogs on him and he became lethargic, slept the whole time and gave up eating. He's usually so happh and spunky and he's super depressed and mopey still. This type of lethargy usually will resolve itself within a day or so. Being lethargic means to remain or continue in a state of unresponsiveness or inactivity. Sometimes lethargy in dogs can be due to the weather, perhaps it’s very hot, or being tired out after … .......EVERY pet owner who cares about their pets, NEED to give oral heartworm preventative EBERY month!!! 65331-3) * Frontline Plus for Cats (EPA Reg. She gave a flea and tick shampoo . However, do not risk heartworm disease in your dog because you run across suggestions of danger and side effects. Pet poisoning affects your dog’s respiratory system which can result in cardiac arrest or coma. I think I will stick to the less intrusive one of taking her to the beach and letting her play around in the sea water. The skin can become red and irritated, causing itching and promoting your dog to lick or scratch at the site. if you don't have a heart, you will cause pain. Today we noticed that he's very lethargic. Symptoms often vary and sometimes come and go. about FRONTLINE Plus. Imagine my surprise when i actually saw the fleas come right up to poke their heads out of my pets coat, seemingly choking for air and die on the spot. Follow all directions and precautionary statements carefully. Another thing to look for and ask yourself is how your dog greeted you when you picked him up at the kennels. Joined Dec 8, 2015. If you feel your pet is behaving abnormally or becomes listless, seek a professional consultation with your veterinarian. It is very important that as a responsible pet parent you take enough care to avoid your pet coming into contact with any obvious poisonous food for dogs, such as chocolate, etc. Vets2Home, Peaceful Pet Goodbyes based in Sussex, UK are trained to take care of sick pet once they get to the time that they need final peace and to cross over the Rainbow Bridge. i am wondering if there is sometimes a problem with this product. The only potential side effect listed for Frontline products is skin reactions at the site of application. But the fleas stayed dead and I was so excited. If the fleas in your dog's environment are really bad, a few fleas may slip through, especially toward the end of the month. It has been several months since my 3-month-old puppy had a tick enclosed in his leg. Any advice? Best wishes for a quick and full recovery - it's terrifying when our little ones are sick. Similarly, lethargy can also be a symptom of many behavioral problems in pets. No. If your dog is acting lethargic after a long day of activity or from a minor health bug that you are already aware of, there is usually no cause for concern. * Frontline Top Spot for Cats (EPA Reg. On my local reuse it group, the owner suggested using vinegar and dawn dish soap. my dog is acting sick... my dog is acting sick after giving her frontline. Symptoms can include vomiting, tiredness, fever and diarrhoea. You honor them by protecting other dogs through this warning. It’s important to always keep a watchful eye on dogs after applying products such as Frontline because some dogs may have adverse reactions. Not only are the sights new, but the smells as well. Joined Aug 11, 2011 Messages 234 Reaction score 15 Location B.C. Google it. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. These are just a few of the typical culprits when it comes to a dog coming down with diarrhea after boarding. It is caused by a parasitic worm called Dirofilaria Immitis. My 1 1/2 year old Jack Russell Terrior become anxious and then lethargic after my husband applied 1/2 dose of Frontline. Show Less. We are a team of trained vets with expertise in palliative and end of life care services. Prolonged lethargy over a 24-hour period can also be a sign of sickness. Ticks too, too awful for words. But if there have been no previous activities in their life recently and your furry friend is still acting sick or looking very tired, you must immediately contact your vet for a check up. Two things: survey your dog and go through their coat every day. Then speak with your vet. My dog almost died last Friday. Today we noticed that he's very lethargic. I use Sevin. The so-called alternative treatments are not nearly as effective, and it saddens me to see animals suffering from flea bites just because their owners are misinformed. After reading these blogs, it makes me sick to think that this has been such a wide spread problem with no warnings from Vets or anyone else! A lethargic dog may be uninterested in playing, going for a walk, or participating in activities they usually enjoy. You need to be attentive to the pros and cons of giving your dog heartworm medication. UK: NFA-VPS. Could he have caught something from the tick or is it likely … Wow! He has recovered quickly, but I still see lots of fleas and ticks on his body and it is now time to lose him again. In addition, some other issues can lead to lethargy in dogs, including trauma, tumor, snake bite, pain, anemia, hormonal problems, food poisoning and so on. This is a typical story about Frontline … For dogs with skin problems, or for people who feel that Advantage or Frontline just aren’t doing the trick, there is a newish product that stands out above the rest. Thanks everyone for giving all this information. Good luck with your pets and hopefully they are not harmed. It has to be food grade, not the kind you use for pools. if you have a heart, you will know pain. There are topicals like Advantix and Frontline Plus, and collars such as Preventic and Scalibor. Applied yesterday ) pet can recover from liver cancer two years later flea infestation in Canada, because i have... The size that ’ s not just Frontline…products like them also contain poisons that can … Frontline is hours! Me to risk hurting her and now lethargic the Frontline did it take for him to return Europe. 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