- Ernest Shackleton. Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, a British explore, was born in Kilkee, County Kildare, Ireland on February 15th, 1874. The topic of this leadership case study is Ernest Shackleton. Another minor crisis occurred, for example at Elephant Island, where Shackleton had to make another decision leaving the majority of the men in there, and going out to seek for help. And on the other hand Ernest Shackleton was trying to establish a name for himself as an explorer. The first trait that a good leader should have is motivation. Even as a child, Shackleton was seen as both a strong leader and an empathetic friend. Note: We have excerpted below what we consider the most riveting passages from that week of trial 86 years ago. Vinod C Jayanna 5000 people applied for the expedition. On August 30th, 1916 after a treacherous one and a half years of living in the Antarctic and surrounding islands, Shackleton and his crew were rescued, Introduction Looking over his life, his character and his experiences give us an insight to who he really was. Shackleton led a 2-year Antarctic expedition where him and his crew get stuck on a piece of ice and in small boats with very little. I choose to write my critical essay on renowned Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton and his book, South: The story of Shackleton’s Last Expedition. Leadership in Crisis Given your answer to the preceding question, was it a success or a failure? Constant danger. The goal was ambitious - audacious even, considering that only 10 men had ever stood at the South Pole and 5 of those had died on the way back. Reference: Koehn, N. F. (2010). aFriendInNeed Sir Ernest Shackleton was a British explorer who–after failing to reach the Southern Pole first–wanted to be the first to ever accomplish a trans–Antarctic expedition. The topic of this leadership case study is Ernest Shackleton. Their leader, Sir Ernest Shackleton… Was Ernest Shackleton a Good Leader? Ernest Shackleton: Epic Voyage of Endurance Ernest Shackleton was an Antarctic explorer at the end of the period of mass exploration that occurred at the conclusion of the 19th and beginning of … He was perhaps best known for his 1914–16 expedition, in which his ship, Endurance, was crushed by pack ice and the crew endured months of hardship before being rescued. As a scientific endeavor? I. His family moved to London when he was 10 years old. "Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance," a case published by The Harvard Business School, provides an opportunity to observe the role Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, an Irish explorer in the Royal Geographic Society, played that led to his vessel and crew stranded in the. His purposes were to explore the Ross Shelf Ice and the south magnetic pole. Ernest Henry Shackleton was born on 15 February 1874 in Kilkea, Ireland, one of six children of Anglo-Irish parents. This paper will identify the development of Shackleton's leadership skills, provide examples and reflections of his abilities, and relate how he played an essential role in one of history's greatest survival stories. 660162325 I will show that he had the skills necessary to be consider one of the great leaders of his time. This ends all chances of the 28 man crew, with Sir Ernest Shackleton as their leader, to complete their Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. “Confidence in one’s abilities, especially in uncertain and challenging situations, is crucial to sustaining credibility.” (James M. Kouzes, 2011) Shackleton demonstrated this well before even stepping foot onto the Endurance. He had all the skill for success; yet never achieve the fame and fortune he desired. In the New York Times the Harvard Business School professor Nancy Koehn has a provocative essay on the lessons of the explorer Ernest Shackleton's heroic … Earnest Shackleton has faced some criticism in the century following his brave adventure. prev next. This is why I think Ernest is a hero. The leader of the expedition was Ernest Shackleton, an experienced polar explorer who had good knowledge of the terrain. Ernest Shackleton Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, CVO, OBE (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) was an Anglo-Irish explorer who was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. “They could not linger in their, whist looking back are we able to ask this simple question as we gain an understanding of where we were, as well as where we currently are. Ernest Shackleton, a man with heart, vision and a dream. Critical Evaluation of Ernest Shackleton. In this paper I aim to explain why Earnest Shackleton is a gWas Sir Ernest Shackleton a Good Leader? Shackleton’s example of … They were able to retrieve three lifeboats and as many provisions and supplies as they could from the ship wreckage before it sank. This paper will identify the development of Shackleton's leadership skills, provide examples and reflections of his abilities, and relate how he played … On his comeback, Shackleton received many honors and awards for the successful expedition. Shackleton said of leadership, “If you’re a leader, a fellow that other fellows look to, you’ve got to keep going” (qtd. https://www.navyhistory.org.au/leadership-sir-ernest-shackleton-1874-1922 When disaster struck and the Endurance was crushed by ice, he made brave decisions that led the team to safety. In September of 1914, Anglo-Irish explorer Ernest Shackleton set out on the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition with the goal of being the first man to traverse the Antarctic continent. This paper will identify the development of Shackleton's leadership skills, provide examples and reflections of his abilities, and relate how he played an essential role in one of history's greatest survival stories. The artefacts had earlier been sold at auction to an overseas buyer, leading to the British Government to impose an export ban on the artefacts due to their national importance. Shackleton displayed many personality traits of an excellent leader. Ernest Shackleton: Epic Voyage of Endurance Ernest Shackleton was an Antarctic explorer at the end of the period of mass exploration that occurred at the conclusion of the 19th and beginning of … Learn more about Shackleton… Introduction Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, a British explore, was born in Kilkee, County Kildare, Ireland on February 15th, 1874. This essay will look at Ernest Shackleton’s leadership style through differing theories of leadership. Essay text: They are able to perform difficult task starting from scratch, but they usually lack a vision of their own, or at least they lack a vision that addresses more than their own person. c. Ernest Shackleton provides a very good contrast vs. Leadership Lessons From the Shackleton Expedition. I believe that Steve Job`s determination and ability to see the “big picture” parallels well with Shackleton`s. evaluation of Ernest Shackleton’s leadership in relation to the 8 taught leadership theories. We accept no responsibility for any videos from third-party sources. Unfortunately, in 1904, he was sent back home due to his health problem. Shackleton performed different roles which could be related to what is happening today in organizations. Ernest Shackleton is widely recognized as a great Antarctic explorer. Shackleton sailed with 27 men from South Georgia Island on a British Polar expedition into South Atlantic aboard the ship called Endurance. The book Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Ernest Shackleton is set in late 1914 on a cross Antarctic expedition. The next discipline that was discussed was to appreciate constituents. The topic of this leadership case study is Ernest Shackleton. No appreciated their team more than Shackleton. This is the circumstance that Shackleton faced with his crew of twenty-seven, while stranded in the ice floes off the Antarctic Continent. 2. 2. At age 13 he went to college and at age 16 he joined the merchant Navy. Ernest Shackleton Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, CVO, OBE (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) was an Anglo-Irish explorer who was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. of the crew, as their ship,Endurance, gets wedged in between floes of ice that render her useless. Small wages. The case study Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance is an interesting story which has been advantageous to a lot of managers and companies teaching about leadership and management. Credit is due to the leadership of Ernest Shackleton; every member aboard the Endurance survived, and was finally rescued after six hundred and thirty-four days. When disaster struck and the Endurance was crushed by ice, he made brave decisions that led the team to safety. Essay Preview: Ernest Shackleton. Ernest Shackleton, Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer who attempted to reach the South Pole. Page 1 of 35 - About 343 Essays Analysis Of Elephant Island, By Ernest Shackleton. Shackleton turned into a great leader keeping the group alive and hopeful. His family moved to Ernest Shackleton: High-Stakes Leadership The topic of this leadership case study is Ernest Shackleton. Show More. For more than eight months, they drifted helplessly with the ocean currents that carried them to over 670 miles north. He was considered a restless man, which was evidenced by the fact that he left school early in order to go to sea as an apprentice on a sailing vessel, an option that his family, which of the crew, as their ship,Endurance, gets wedged in between floes of ice that render her useless. Credit is due to the leadership of Ernest Shackleton; every member aboard the Endurance survived, and was finally rescued after six hundred and thirty-four days. He was considered a restless man, which was evidenced by the fact that he left school early in order to go to sea as an apprentice on a sailing vessel, an option that his family, which At the age of 16, he dropped out from school to join the Merchant Marines, the youngest age to join the service at time. This is an extract from a journal, the Geographical Review, about Sir Ernest Shackleton’s return from his attempt to cross the Antarctic. This essay will look at Ernest Shackleton’s leadership style through differing theories of leadership. Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance. Download file to see previous pages The ‘Endurance’ started its journey across the Atlantic in the August of 1914 (Lansing 17), with a crew of sailors onboard, commanded by Ernest Shackleton. The south pole had been recently reached in 1911. (E.H. Shackleton, South, London (1998 ed. The “real” journey of Shackleton began on August 1st, 1914 where he went along with his 27 crew members, left London for South Georgia in the purpose to complete the trans-Antarctic expedition – the ship was called “The Endurance”. 4. 3. Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Essay. People today are interested in Shackleton, because this is a very inspiring and true adventure story. Summary The book Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Ernest Shackleton is set in late 1914 on a cross Antarctic expedition. However, I do believe his strongest dimension was surgency. This paper will identify the development of Shackleton's leadership skills, provide examples and reflections of his abilities, and relate how he played an essential role in one of history's greatest survival stories. MGT 619 – Strategic Management and Leadership It is the one that is most adaptable to change.’ Charles Darwin (Editor’s Note: This essay was submitted for the annual Historical Essay Competition at the Royal Australian Naval College. He is well-remembered for his great love for this icy continent and his dreams to lead expeditions to locate the South Pole and to be the first to cross the Antarctic over land. When considering the big five, it is difficult to rank Shackleton, as it seems he displayed a strong possession of all five of these dimensions. The only way his expedition would be successful was through the hard work of his entire crew. Shackleton's Examples Of Leadership example essay topic. Lloyd George , D . While all 3 can be said to have both formal and personal power, Shackleton was able to harness his power effectively to rally the crew to survival. He did this when posting his recruitment notice which read: “Men wanted for hazardous journey. If at any point he felt one of his crewmen was... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes, Happy Employees Make Productive Employees. Essay on Ernest Shackleton: High-Stakes Leadership Ernest Shackleton : High-Stakes Leadership The topic of this leadership case study is Ernest Shackleton . ...I. What were his personality traits and leadership styles? The goal was ambitious - audacious even, considering that only 10 men had ever stood at the South Pole and 5 of those had died on the way back. Why are people today so interested in Ernest Shackleton? Later Years...……………………………………………………………...14 Kouzes and Posner remark that leadership experiences are "voyages of discovery and adventures of a lifetime…[and] they are challenging explorations under rigorous conditions" (174). in Morrell and Capparell 215). He pursued opportunity and did it with as much resources as he had. On qualifying in 1884, Henry took up a practice in south London, and between 1887 and 1890, Ernest was educated at Dulwich College. The men and crew of the Endurance were a strange picking out of hundreds, if you ask me. Continue Reading . Since the mid-to-late 1990s, why have there been so many books (business/general interest), movies, exhibits, and other projects about Shackleton? The goal of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition was to become the first explorers to land on the Antarctic continent as well as cross it. During the men’s mission aboard the James Caird to South Georgia Island, in an attempt to send help to the remaining crew waiting on Elephant Island, Shackleton monitored them very closely. A SLEDGE and flag used on explorer Ernest Shackleton’s famed attempt to reach the South Pole in the early 1900s will be put on show in London and Cambridge. Yearning for adventure and fame, in 1901 he applied for a position in Robert Falcon Scott's Discovery expedition to the Antarctic. Search our huge database of over 200,000 free example essays and research papers nearly on any topic imaginable! Rob Hall and Steve Fischer – group leaders of the 1996 Mt. At South Georgia the ship damaged beyond repair, which forced Shackleton to take another risky decision, tat lead him to hiking 29 miles of glaciers. The story of Shackleton’s leadership and perseverance against impossible odds in leading his men to safety after becoming stranded in the Antarctic pack ice has always held great interest for me. Search. He raised, Ernest Shackleton: High-Stakes Leadership In this paper I aim to explain why Earnest Shackleton is a gWas Sir Ernest Shackleton a Good Leader? No matter... ... However, for those who study leadership his failure was nothing short of extraordinary. Emily was friends with a sister of Ernest Shackleton, and was visiting her in 1897 when she first met her future husband. ......................................................................12 The trip was certain to bring Shackleton fame and fortune as the first person to traverse the Antarctic continent. The Life of Ernest Miller Hemingway. But why should a leader possess these traits? Earnest Shackleton, leader of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition showed great moral leadership in the choosing, leading and ultimate saving of his crew of 27 men. In 1898, Shackleton became a qualified master and a sub-lieutenant in the Royal Naval Reserve in 1901. Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, The topic of this leadership case study is Ernest Shackleton. Introduction Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, a British explore, was born in Kilkee, County Kildare, Ireland on February 15th, 1874. Shackleton was blessed with a natural grasp of people management. ESSAY PROMPT. Ernest Shackleton: Epic Voyage of Endurance Ernest Shackleton was an Antarctic explorer at the end of the period of mass exploration that occurred at the conclusion of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. While this may be true, it is often in an extreme crisis situation that leadership is ultimately tested. Earnest Shackleton has faced some criticism in the century following his brave adventure. Shackleton`s strength were his determination not to give up, the ability to promote optimism -- he kept his crew`s spirit up to five months on... ...credibility. Introduction ………………………………………………………………4 Safe return doubtful. Ernest Shackleton Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, CVO, OBE (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) was an Anglo-Irish explorer who was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. Report this essay. This essay will look at Ernest Shackleton’s leadership style through differing theories of leadership. Some believe his persistence to continue, even in grueling conditions, was considered borderline crazy. Please let us know if the video is no longer working. The book Shackleton’s Way by Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell is about a man named Sir Ernest Shackleton. In the most trying of circumstances. Extract from ‘Return of Shackleton from Weddell Sea’ by the American Geographical Society (1916). This paper will identify the development of Shackleton's leadership skills, provide examples and reflections of his abilities, and relate how he played an essential role in one of history's greatest survival stories. Leadership theories are today very prominent in society, from business, to the military, and even within politics. Sir Ernest Shackleton had all of the most important characteristics of a perfect leader, plus more. - Ernest Shackleton. The objective of this difficult voyage was to sail down to the South and to establish British rule in that territory, as was the practice in those days. Business leaders can use the story as a leadership and managing resources template, or motivate employees in difficult times. The wooden timbers of the Endurance, unable to withstand the pressure from the ice, eventually gave up, and massive plates of ice crushed it. Bitter cold. Leadership Case Study of Ernest Shackleton Essay 4733 Words | 19 Pages. If he were living in modern times would he be a success as an entrepreneur or as a senior executive in a corporation? His dependability and integrity were unmeasurable. Contents: The topic of this leadership case study is Ernest Shackleton. This paper will identify the development of Shackleton's leadership skills, provide examples and reflections of his abilities, and relate how he played an essential role in one of history's greatest survival stories. Shackleton performed different roles which could be related to what is happening today in organizations. Unquestionably, he had huge risk tolerance. The topic of this leadership case study is Ernest Shackleton. Introduction He definitely had a hard time hiring crewmembers, sled dog trainers, or raise money for polar expedition in wartime. Analysis Of Elephant Island, By Ernest Shackleton. 1913 , Letter to Sir Ernest Shackleton, 3 December 1913. Ernest Shackleton: Epic Voyage of Endurance Ernest Shackleton was an Antarctic explorer at the end of the period of mass exploration that occurred at the conclusion of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Dr. M.Vargas Putting in balance all these things, it seems to me that Shackleton was a leader, who had to do the work of an entrepreneur in order to achieve his vision. Author Michael Smith looks at the qualities that made The Boss so charismatic. Critical Evaluation of Ernest Shackleton Essay Sample. He was able to stay motivated, optimistic and very resourceful throughout his entire dangerous, freezing cold, backbreaking, journey across the atlantic ocean. 1) In what context should the Endurance expedition be analyzed? In this essay i’ll be focusing on the crew of the Endurance. Showing characteristics are always fun, but when you show good characteristics it’s even better. Analysis Of Shackleton's Way 1486 Words | 6 Pages. Shackleton led his men with strength and respect. Two weeks before the expedition starting date, the WWI had just broken out in Europe. The book Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Ernest Shackleton is set in late 1914 on a cross Antarctic expedition. With the strong desire of adventure and reputation, Shackleton amended his failure by returning to Antarctica as a leader of Nimrod Expedition in 1907. Ernest Henry Shackleton and his crew sailed out of the small Norwegian whaling village of Grytvikan, on December 5, 1914. Long months of complete darkness. Attempts were made to free the ship at times when cracks appeared in the ice nearby, but it was of no avail. (Koehn, 2010 p.1) This journey had high associated risks, and needed to secure tremendous funding for, two vessels, as well as two crews. By what criteria should the expedition be evaluated? Another minor crisis occurred, for example at Elephant Island, where Shackleton had to make another decision leaving the majority of the men in there, and going out to seek for help. Sir Ernest Shackleton is a leader of an expedition which encompasses a twenty seven man crew that was built from people who responded to … Lessons in Leadership ……………………………………………………6 Introduction Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, a British explore, was born in Kilkee, County Kildare, Ireland on February 15th, 1874. Honour and recognition in case of success.” (WGBH, 2001) He knew the risks involved, and by not hiding these, showed the men that he was putting his health and life on the line foremost. Why or why not? Ernest Shackleton's failed quest to reach the South Pole is still a management tutorial in … 1. Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance Case Study 1 The story of Ernest Shackleton is a very interesting and fascinating one, and reading it was a … Endurance, Leadership, Attitude, And Perseverance 1695 Words | 7 Pages. Shackleton was aiming to sail the boat through the Weddell Sea and then take his men to the Ross Sea on the opposite side of the continent, therefore making it a 1500 mile journey for the crew. On one hand Antarctic exploration was a very popular endeavor because the land for the most part was unexplored and any attainable information on undiscovered land was highly insightful and valuable. References ………………………………………………………………15 His family moved to London when he was 10 years old. While their survival may be in some part due to luck or providence, Shackleton’s leadership is widely credited with. Earnest Shackleton demonstrated these disciplines during his monumental journey. On 24th February, 1915, the Endurance got stuck in the ice park, crushed by the ice and was finally sunk under the ice... ...Ernest Shackleton: High-Stakes Leadership Shackleton said of leadership, “If you’re a leader, a fellow that other fellows look to, you’ve got to keep going” (qtd. This ends all chances of the 28 man crew, with Sir Ernest Shackleton as their leader, to complete their Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Small wages. The above video may be from a third-party source. An entrepreneurial venture? Once it became apparent that the original goal of the mission was lost, Shackleton kept his crew working together towards the common goal of survival. In addition, the time for a polar expedition was not the best. Summary The book Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Ernest Shackleton is set in late 1914 on a cross Antarctic expedition. Ernest Shackleton Essay. At South Georgia the ship damaged beyond repair, which forced Shackleton to take another risky decision, tat lead him to hiking 29 miles of glaciers. Ernest Shackleton Essay 1214 Words | 5 Pages. Situation Overview: His leadership and motivation were the driving forces behind the survival of his crew in their Antarctic journey. 1214 Words 5 Pages. The second of 10 children and oldest son, … This study of Shackleton's leadership is set loosely within the framework of the five practices of exemplary leadership set forth in The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner, and will focus on the benefits produced by his management of team morale and unity (13). Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance Motivation is what starts the journey, could ever receive? In the beginning of the story, we get a glimpse into the future of the crew, as their ship,Endurance, gets wedged in between floes of ice that render her useless. The story that would unfold was to be beyond any expectations and completely different to that planned. 1. This lot is offered by Christie’s Inc. The family moved from their farm to Dublin, where his father, Henry studied medicine. On October 27th, 1915 Shackleton’s boat–the Endurance–was crushed by the pressure of the melting Antarctic ice; leaving Shackleton and his crew stranded in the Antarctic. Shackleton, the star of the novel ‘Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World’ was a very good leader, but what were three characteristics he could use for different occasions? 5. The Endurance party repeatedly faced what were surely going to be fatal situations; yet each time they beat the odds and survived. ...Earnest Shackleton: Moral Challenge Essay on Leadership Analysis Based on Shackleton I. Leadership Case Study of Ernest Shackleton Essay 4733 Words | 19 Pages. The journey was a success with his discovery of Beardmore Glacier on the Antarctic Plateau on January 09, 1909. Introduction Constant challenges arising from unpredictable events demand good leadership that will utilize.....Read the essay free on Booksie. The ice around the ship was thick and solid. In the New York Times the Harvard Business School professor Nancy Koehn has a provocative essay on the lessons of the explorer Ernest Shackleton's heroic leadership of … He did show many different characteristics, but the best three I chose are Dauntless as well as Allegiance and don’t forget about Lively. By closely reading this short story 1,799 Words | 8 Pages.   Ernest Henry Shackleton was born on February 15, 1874, in County Kildare, Ireland, to Anglo-Irish parents. Long months of complete darkness. In August 1914, polar explorer Ernest Shackleton boarded the Endurance and set sail for Antarctica, where he planned to cross the last uncharted continent on foot. Lot Essay. The crew was very diverse in job positions. Received many honors and awards for the successful expedition Dublin, where his father Henry... Great leaders of all time when he was 10 years old so charismatic you ask me sail for South... Really was for himself as an entrepreneur give us an insight to who he really was cracks appeared in century. Displayed many personality traits of an excellent leader ship, Endurance, sank applied a! Leadership style through differing theories of leadership completely different to that planned Relief 1913–1916 as cross.. The skills necessary to be beyond any expectations and completely different to that planned traverse the Antarctic continent plus.! London ( 1998 ed weeks before the expedition was not the other way around of... 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