shipping: + $3.33 shipping . John Hopkins University Press, June 1993. This is happiness: her dream comes true, an immortal soul. His works have been translated into more than a hundred languages and … Although there is much criticism of Disney’s version of not only the “Little Mermaid,” but also other fairytales, Maria Tatar provides the public with another side to Disney’s movies. shipping: + $2.99 shipping . Project Muse. Hans Christian Andersen gifted us with many beloved fairy tales throughout his life, including The Emperor's New Clothes, The Little Mermaid, The Nightingale, The Snow Queen, and The Ugly Duckling. So from Sleeping Beauty's rape to … Andersen knew his audience included both little children and their parents; therefore, he enjoyed providing them with “‘a little food for thought’” (Bachlund). His stories are popular for their moral messages that touch both children and adults alike. Web. Disney seems to provide its audience with the message that “girls can gain an identity independent from their parents by becoming dependent on someone else” (Trites 145). Andersen broke from the tradition of past collectors and editors such, as the Grimm brothers, and did not believe that he had to follow the “formulaic nature of oral folktales” (Bendix 282). Indiana University Press, 1995. Many of Disney’s stories have their roots in Hans Christian Andersen tales. Walt Disney Presents Stories Hans Christian Anderson LP VG++ 1968 3964 w/booklet. 11 Dec. 2015. Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”—produced by Walt Disney Studio in 1989—tells the story of a rebellious teenager who wants to marry the handsome prince on land to fulfill her materialistic desires: marriage to a perfect man. She stays true to herself and does not change by hurting someone or marrying someone who did not completely respect her; instead, she just followed the goodness and innocence of her heart. The little match-seller. Clumsy Hans. Cross Section. Fairytales and stories of Hans Christian Andersen. Ariel finds happiness by marrying the prince, which, as discussed previously, is based on very materialistic desires, yet for the audience, this is a happy ending: princess gets the prince. Web. $12.74. Projct Muse. 5 Dec. 2015. N.p., n.d. Throughout the story, there is a lot of movement upward and downward of the little mermaid. “Seashell Bra and Happy End: Disney’s Transformations of “The Little Mermaid”” Fabula3-4 (1993): 280-90. In fairytales, there is much description with regards to setting and general descriptions of the characters, yet the little mermaid’s face, for example, is constructed through each individual’s imagination. Interestingly, there is no conflict between good and evil in Andersen’s tale compared to the Disney version. Therefore, instead of seeing this Disney movie as ruining the fairytale, one could also see it as another version of the story (Lambert). Lest that be forgotten, here's the biography of the man whose stories inspired your favorite Disney characters and movies. Source Web. A cheerful temper. The ugly duckling. This exemplifies the materialistic qualities of Ariel and portrays women not only as dependent on men but also robs women of integrity. In Disney’s version, Ariel’s journey takes place over a much shorter length of time; therefore, her lack of real suffering, and, in turn growth and maturity, is not present. In a Disney movie, there is always a happy ending; the conflict is always resolved in the end. Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Story Reads: 124,711 This is a vintage fairy tale , and may contain violence. The swineherd. Dance 'Til You Bleed: The World According to Hans Christian Andersen (BBC Radio 3, 2019): a dramatization by Lucy Catherine of five Andersen stories directed by Gemma Jenkins. Ursula, however, turns into a beautiful woman with Ariel’s voice in order to sabotage Ariel’s chance at marriage, and, therefore, gains the ability to control her forever—her revenge against Triton (Hastings 87). This idea of trying to impress a man to obtain his approval and love implies that men control women. Andersen's popularity is not limited to children; his stories — called eventyr, or "fairy-tales" — express themes that transcend age and nationality. The Hans Christian Andersen Award is given out by IBBY every other year to a living author and illustrator whose complete works have made a lasting contribution to children’s literature. In Hans' version, instead of falling for the mermaid, the Prince marries another woman. To obtain Walt Disney’s happy endings, the woman becomes passive. “Moral Simplification in Disney’s The Little Mermaid.” The Lion and the Unicorn1 (1993): 83-92. shipping: + $3.99 shipping . Alternate names However, in the end, her selfless deeds are what fulfill the requirement needed to build a bridge for her soul from the sea to the heavens, changing the outcome of her soul from sea foam to immortality. Project Muse. The red shoes. “Walt Disney cast a spell on the fairy tale” and with the company’s use of the most up-to-date technology, its name has obscured the name of many famous writers of fairytales, one of them being Andersen (Zipes 21). In Walt Disney’s version of “The Little Mermaid,” the plot involves both the rebellious teenager and her quest for love. Bendix, Regina. Harvard Magazine, 01 Nov. 2007. shipping: + $4.00 shipping . April 2 marks the birth anniversary of the renowned Danish author Hans Christian Andersen who is famous for his timeless fairy tales such as The Ugly Duckling, The Little Mermaid, and Thumbelina. Bachlund, Gary. Web. The Princess and the Pea is a classic bedtime story for children. The princess has three days for the prince to kiss her, and without her voice, she must find a way to attract the prince physically. In Andersen’s story, the little mermaid has until the prince marries someone else; therefore, she has time to develop her feelings for the prince. New York: Random House, 1976. Andersen instead says that he wants his “‘mermaid to follow a more natural, more divine path’” by going upwards through her good deeds (Trites 145). Wayne State University Press, 2004. As Bendix mentions, Pauline Kael argues that the Disney version is vapid and stale in comparison to Andersen’s much more meaningful and intricate look into real heartache, desire, and sacrifice of the little mermaid. He discusses a symbolic or real loss of death, social failure, or virginity, which are themes not often prevalent in Disney movies. Ross, Deborah. These changes change the core messages of the story in particular, the reason for the little mermaid’s pursuit to be human. Her tongue is cut out by the sea hag, every step she takes as a human feels like knives in her foot, and her voice will never return yet still her desire keeps her going (Hastings 86). In addition to Frozen, his Snow Queen character appeared in Once Upon a Time as Ingrid, and in The 7D as Ginorma. Instead, she chooses to die. In the film adaptation, the prince does not seem to care about Ariel’s personality, but instead is infatuated by her physical beauty. “Breaking the Disney Spell.” From Mouse to Mermaid. Though widely embedded in Western culture, many in the newer … In this episode I tell the stories of both Disney’s “Frozen” and Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen” to illustrate the vast difference between Disney’s movie and the source material. Hans Christian Andersen and Disney: The Tale of Two Different Mermaids. Walt Disney Presents The Stories Hans Christian Andersen,Disneyland DQ-1276 1965. Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fairy tale “The Little Mermaid” and Disney’s 1989 film adaptation differ in a multitude of notable ways, from key elements of plot to those of character. “Four Fables.” Music and Texts of Gary Bachlund. Hans Christian Andersen's character is only 14-years-old at the start of the novel Credit: Disney. It is the highest international award given to an author and an illustrator. “The Horror and the Beauty.” Harvard Magazine. At the same time, the prince has time to develop his feelings for her and possibly reciprocate her love. Hans Christian Andersen While both versions of this sea hag may seem evil, in Andersen’s version, the sea hag does not interfere with the little mermaid’s attempts to win the love and affection of the prince. Nationality WALT DISNEY Stories Of Hans Christian Andersen DQ1276 LP Vinyl VG+ near ++ $9.99. For the character who appeared in The Little Mermaid TV Series, see Hans Christian Andersen (character). “The Little Mermaid: Icon and Disneyfication.” Scandinavian Studies4 (2008): 437-54. While many youngsters may have never heard Andersen’s name, they certainly know most of the Hans Christian Andersen short stories catalogue. Importantly, in each story the conditions for the little mermaid to be on land differs, suggesting a difference between the definitions of love and marriage. His character of Thumbelina appeared in Goldie & Bear. Disney’s recreation of Hans Christian Andersen’s stories, like “The Little Mermaid,” altered their meanings and changed Andersen’s portrayal of women, in particular. Easterlin, Nancy. September 6, 2017. While the little mermaid in both of these stories could be viewed as two separate adaptations, it is the popular and widely distributed Disney version that often comes to mind. The wild swans. [Read more…] She tries to obtain a human life by attempting to marry the prince, because a “human life is the mode that makes it possible to connect the animal and the divine” (Mortensen 451). Source Hans Christian Andersen was a Danish author, fairy tale writer, and poet who wrote many fairy tales that Disney adapted from to make films and shorts like The China Shop (based on The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep), The Ugly Duckling, the … This is the middle ground: above the sea and below the sky. Andersen is most known for his fairytales, which, according to Bruno Bettelheim, is a “‘magic mirror which reflects some aspects of our inner world’”, and when one learns to communicate with the story, one will see the deeper meaning and gain inner peace (309). Born Hans Christian Andersen. $8.00. Web. WALT DISNEY PRESENTS THE STORIES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN VINYL LP 1965 MONO., He is the first author to meet his creation in a TV episode, followed by, Some of his fairy tales that Disney adapted from to make films and shorts won five Academy Awards. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1965 Vinyl release of Walt Disney Presents The Stories Of Hans Christian Andersen on Discogs. The two adaptations of “The Little Mermaid” that are analyzed above are quite different. This instead conveys to children that they should obey their parents because a man cannot give everything that a woman needs, like an eternal soul, unlike Disney’s perceived message (Mortensen 445). WALT DISNEY Stories Of Hans Christian Andersen DQ1276 LP Vinyl VG+ near ++ $9.99. 1 Dec. 2015. Occupation Web. 28 Nov. 2015. Disney’s recreation of Hans Christian Andersen’s stories, like “The Little Mermaid,” altered their meanings and changed Andersen’s portrayal of women, in particular. Andersen's fairy tales, wh Hans Christian Andersen (often referred to in Scandinavia as H. C. Andersen) was a Danish author and poet. Read the latest writing about Hans Christian Andersen. Welcome to the Christmas Stories: Hans Christian Andersen's Toy Soldier Walkthrough The Rat King's wand has fallen into the hands of a vengeful baron. He was a highly prolific Danish author of plays, novels and poems. Hans Christian Andersen lived between 1805 and 1875. In Andersen’s version, the sea hag tells the little mermaid about all of the drawbacks in becoming human; therefore, it is the mermaid’s desire for eternal life that leads to pain and danger. In order to go up to land, she must first go down to the evil witch, which takes her further away from the prince. Disney, on the other hand, conflates love with sexuality. This mode of communication imposes a certain image and, as a result, excludes all other images. 6 Dec. 2015. Web. Andersen’s stories have a much different impact on the audience, in particular children, in comparison to Disney movies. Trites, R. “Disney’s Sub/Version Of Andersen’s The Little Mermaid.” Journal Of Popular Film & Television 4 (1991): 145. International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text. Hans Christian Andersen, Victor Hugo, and more famous authors had their works posthumously edited by Disney to include a happy ending. In both Andersen’s tale and the Disney adaptation, most of the story takes place on the sea surface and the dry land. His early life was wretched, but he was adopted by a patron and became a short story writer, novelist and playwright, though he remains best known for his magical fairy tales. However, when these stories are adapted into a film, stories completely lose their “fluidity and adaptability of orality” (Bendix 280). Andersen ends his story with the little mermaid gaining a soul without relying on the prince to “bestow a soul upon her.” The prince’s inability to act or develop his character means he cannot give the little mermaid an eternal soul. $14.95. Ursula, in the Disney version, is power hungry and wants to control the King of the Oceans’ daughter (Trites 145). April 2, 1805Odense, Funen, Kingdom of Denmark Hans Christian Andersen was a Danish author, fairy tale writer, and poet who wrote many fairy tales that Disney adapted from to make films and shorts like The China Shop (based on The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep), The Ugly Duckling, the 1989 animated film The Little Mermaid, Piano Concerto No. Complete your Walt Disney Presents The Stories Of Hans Christian Andersen … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lambert, Craig. Sunshine stories. 2, a segment in Fantasia 2000 (based on The Steadfast Tin Soldier), The Little Matchgirl, the 2013 animated film Frozen, and its sequel inspired by The Snow Queen. Team up with your new friend, the Tin Soldier, to stop him! Mermaids are seen throughout fairytales as sirens. Although he was not afraid to introduce both ideas and feelings considered to be advanced or even difficult for children to comprehend, he never lost touch with the perspective of children (Bachlund). Disney’s Toy Story is a good example of stories where “dead” objects play the leading parts like they do in Andersen’s tales such as The Brave Tin Soldier, the story of a one-legged tin soldier who falls in love with a beautiful ballerina. The Nightingale. When Disney produces movies of these fairytales, all of the characters come to life in the frame of imagination of the Disney producers, which may compliment or reject one’s anticipated characters. This warning to parents is a recurring theme in Disney movies (Trites 145). Through Ariel’s interactions with Eric, she seems to perceive herself as incomplete without a man’s love, and, therefore, she must do everything to obtain his love, and with the help of her friends and her sisters, she is able to finally marry him (Trites 145). Although some may see the little mermaid in Andersen’s version as selfish since she gives up her family for her desire to obtain an immortal soul, she is so completely fueled by her desire to be eternal that she will endure pain and even the possibility of death to earn a human life. This is not love; it is purely sexual, which makes Disney’s story of love lack the “basic integrity imbued in Andersen’s representation of it” (Trites 145). While Disney may portend to be presenting the updated modern social values, through both the characters and narrative structure, as viewers we should ask if these adaptions are positive changes for the image of women, sexuality and love, gender roles, themes, and plots of the story of “The Little Mermaid” (Bendix 281). $16.99. One of his other stories, Ole Lukøje, was adapted into a 1944 Walt Disney's Little Library storybook, Through the Picture Frame. The story is about a duck who is outcasted by his own family for looking different only to eventually be accepted and embraced by a group of swans. Perhaps the most distinct difference, aside from the highly contrasting endings, is the characterization of … The Ugly Duckling: As one of Andersen’s most beloved stories, it’s surprising Disney hasn’t picked this up as a major animated film (though they did make a Silly Symphony animated short). On the contrary, many see Andersen’s ending as sad since she didn’t get the prince and someone else stole his heart; however, this is the reaction conditioned by those who have been raised with fairytales interpreted by Walt Disney. The following analysis will focus on three of Hans Christian Andersen's stories that have all been adapted as movies by the Disney Corporation, which makes their legacy known to … The Disney effect. This means that it is human love that transforms an animal’s sexual drive to an outcome resulting in good deeds and self-sacrifice (Mortensen 451). The ice maiden. Instead of delving into the psychological and moral complexity that Andersen addresses, Disney “accentuates the most sentimental and romantic aspects” (Hastings 85). Discover releases, reviews, track listings, recommendations, and more about Walt Disney Presents The Stories Of Hans Christian Andersen Music By Camarata* - Hans Christian Andersen at Discogs. With this last act of selflessness, the little mermaid obtains an immortal soul (Ross 58, 59). Disney has “turned the Little Mermaid into a vehicle for the corporate American worldview which Disney studios themselves have helped to shape since the 1930s” (Bendix 289). Bettelheim, Bruno. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. These religious aspects should not be surprising considering the role of Christianity during the Romantic Era (Easterlin 258). Although Disney’s film was produced as a replication of Andersen’s fairytale, the messages and characters contrast: Ariel is more superficial, which differs drastically from the powerful and independent figure of the little mermaid in Andersen’s story. Danish Hans Christian Andersen and Disney: The Tale of Two Different Mermaids, Seashell Bra and Happy End: Disney’s Transformations of “The Little Mermaid”, Hans Christian Andersen’s Fish Out of Water, Moral Simplification in Disney’s The Little Mermaid, The Little Mermaid: Icon and Disneyfication, Escape from Wonderland: Disney and the Female Imagination, Disney’s Sub/Version Of Andersen’s The Little Mermaid. Jan. 1993. H.C. Andersen Writer Hans Christian Andersen (April 2, 1805 - August 4, 1875) was a Danish author, fairy tale writer, and poet who wrote many fairy tales that Disney adapted from to make films and shorts like The Ugly Duckling, the 1989 animated film The Little Mermaid (based on the book of the same name), Piano Concerto No. His story The Emperor's New Clothes was published as a storybook from Disney's Wonderful World of Reading with Prince John as the Emperor and Honest John and Gideon as the tailors. To create this happy ending, Disney removes conflicts and characters. The ending of Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” completes the stark differences in the values that are taken from these stories. Little Claus and big Claus. Essay, Non-Fiction. In Ariel’s opinion, the prince is perfect and her obsession could imply that only perfect men are loveable. Disney’s versions—lighter and often with a happy ending—erase the original passion and anguish that are the backbone of Andersen’s stories. Today, a whole new generation has been introduced to Andersen’s timeless tales through the wonders of the cinema. Mortensen, Finn Hauberg. 28 Nov. 2015. The problem with Disney’s adaptation of Andersen’s story is that both stories sketch two completely different plots (Bendix 281). Hans Christian Andersen's stories, as illustrated above, tell stories that are uplifting for outcasts of many different stripes, but the issue of homosexuality was one that was quite personal for Andersen and thus probably relevant. Zipes, Jack. Print. By focusing heavily on physical sexuality, Disney makes Ariel’s siren-like qualities more prominent and suggests that young women can marry the prince if they exercise siren-like qualities; a personality is beneficial, but not necessary. The prince marries another woman; however, the witch gives her one more chance to save herself and become human by killing the prince. The Mermaid, the reason for the character who appeared in Once Upon a time as,! When these stories analyzed above are quite different his Snow Queen character appeared in Goldie & Bear ever after you... Was born in Odense, the Tin Soldier, to stop him Unicorn1 ( 1993:. ( Ross 59 ) of Enchantment: the Meaning and Importance of tales. 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