Control-IQ combines the t:slim X2 insulin pump, the Dexcom G6 CGM, and an algorithm built into the pump that adjusts basal insulin delivery and gives automatic correction boluses. So I chose Basal IQ and I am now in the unique position of being able to choose between Basal IQ and Control IQ depending on which pump I am using. If you are a clinician and want to learn more about our products, please fill out this form and a representative will contact you. Kompatible iCGM-Systeme sind nur für den Einsatz bei einem einzigen Patienten vorgesehen und müssen vom Arzt verschrieben werden. to help prevent hyperglycemia. Control-IQ technology: Control-IQ technology is intended for use with a compatible integrated continuous glucose monitor (iCGM, sold separately) and ACE pump to automatically increase, decrease, and suspend delivery of basal insulin based on iCGM readings and predicted glucose values. How does Control-IQ technology work? Find out more about how we use cookies and how to manage them here. tandem diabetes care reports positive results from two studies of the t:slim x2 insulin pump with control-iq technology Significant Time-in-Range Improvements Demonstrated in … Ausführliche Hinweise zum Gebrauch und Sicherheitsinformationen erhalten Sie bei Tandem (gebührenfrei aus den USA) unter +1 (877) 801-6901 oder unter Importantly, the system cannot adjust insulin dosing if the pump is not receiving CGM readings. Control-IQ technology is an advanced hybrid closed-loop system that uses an algorithm to automatically adjust insulin in response to predicted glucose levels to help increase time in the American Diabetes Association-recommended target range (70-180 mg/dL).*. The t:slim X2 pump and Basal-IQ technology are indicated for use with NovoLog or Humalog U-100 insulin. RX ONLY. Because this system works with the G6, no calibration is required. Die t:slim X2 Insulinpumpe ist die einzige Pumpe, die während der Nutzung mit neuen Funktionen aktualisiert werden kann.‡, Die für Anwender der t:slim X2 Insulinpumpe mit integriertem Dexcom G6 CGM verfügbare Basal-IQ™-Technologie ist eine Funktion zur Unterbrechung der Insulinabgabe bei absehbarer Hypoglykämie, die niedrige Blutzuckerwerte vorhersagt und verhindert, ohne dass eine Fingerpunktion nötig ist.*. t:slim X2 insulin pump: The t:slim X2 insulin pump with interoperable technology is an alternate controller enabled (ACE) pump that is intended for the subcutaneous delivery of insulin, at set and variable rates, for the management of diabetes mellitus in people requiring … The update will be free of charge through December 31, 2021. falling CGM values to help prevent hypoglycemia. Control-IQ technology includes optional settings for Sleep and Exercise Activities that adjust treatment ranges to better match physiologic needs when active or sleeping. Die t:slim X2 Insulinpumpe kann nur zur kontinuierlichen Insulinabgabe oder als Teil des Systems verwendet werden. The t:slim X2 pump is capable of remote feature updates using a personal computer, and is the only automated insulin dosing device approved for children as young as six years old. The t:slim X2 Insulin Pump with Basal-IQ Technology can be used solely as an insulin pump, with the Dexcom G5 Mobile CGM, or with a compatible … Control-IQ technology gradually increases basal insulin with increasing CGM values In the National Institutes of Health-funded Diabetes Closed Loop Trial, Protocol 3, time in range* for DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa19078632. Achten Sie immer auf Ihre Symptome, überwachen Sie aktiv Ihren Glukosespiegel und behandeln Sie ihn gemäß den Empfehlungen Ihres Arztes. What does the ____ symbol mean? required for calibration or mealtime dosing.§. Das Touchscreen Display ist aus hochwertigem, bruchsicheren Glas. Control-IQ combines the t:slim X2 insulin pump, the Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitor ( CGM ) , and an algorithm built into the pump that adjusts basal insulin delivery and gives small automatic correction boluses to increase a user’s Time in Range ( TIR ) and ease diabetes management. Control-IQ technology is intended for the management of Type 1 diabetes mellitus in persons six years of age and greater. ones, caregivers, and even coworkers. For additional safety information, visit Scheduled to be available during the second half of this year, Control-IQ is an advanced hybrid closed loop system that will both decrease insulin when blood sugar is going low, and increase it when it’s going high. The t:slim X2 pump and Control-IQ technology are intended for single patient use. Plug a USB cable into the micro-USB port of your Tandem pump and connect it to a power source. automatic correction boluses as needed.‡. On a 5-point scale, with 5 representing the optimal score, study participants Control-IQ Status Icons. After a couple weeks of using the new Control-IQ feature by Tandem Diabetes Care that helps automate insulin dosing, I am very impressed. Das System ist nicht für den Einsatz bei Schwangeren, Dialysepatienten oder schwer kranken Patienten zugelassen. It utilizes the sensor values from an integrated Dexcom G6 sensor to help reduce the frequency and duration of a hypoglycemic event (low blood sugar). Health Canada has approved Tandem Diabetes Care's (NASDAQ:TNDM) t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology. and will not share your information with any third-parties, except as noted in our. The system is designed to alleviate the strain on patients and caregivers. From the My Pump menu, you see Control-IQ second from the top. We respect and uphold the confidentiality of your personal information, Tandem manufactures and sells the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology. The t:slim X2 pump, Basal-IQ technology, and Control-IQ technology are indicated for use with NovoLog or Humalog U-100 insulin. The retail (cash) cost of the Tandem t:slim X2 pump with Control-IQ is $4,000, but Tandem says health insurance typically covers 80 percent of that cost. *†, Einfach ablesbare, bedienerfreundliche Benutzeroberfläche, Getestet bis zu einer Tiefe von max Meter (3 Fuß) für 30 min (IPX7). Tandem announced that Health Canada has cleared its Control-IQ automated insulin delivery system. Control-IQ technology is an advanced hybrid closed-loop feature designed to help increase time in range (3.9-10 mmol/L) 1 and deliver automatic correction boluses in addition to adjusting insulin to help prevent high and low blood sugar. Apple und das Apple-Logo sind Marken von Apple Inc., eingetragen in den USA und anderen Ländern. The system uses a predictive algorithm This website uses cookies to help us give you the best experience when you visit. The pump is able … I’ve just started using the Tandem X2 pump.I like the basil iq technology and am waiting for the Control iq technology to be approved. Future data is bet… Clinical Acceptance of the Artificial Pancreas: The iDCL Trial. and administers 60% correction boluses once an hour as needed What is the process for updating a pump using the Tandem Device Updater once I have my Update ID code? We respect and uphold the confidentiality of your personal information, and will not share your information with any third parties, except as noted in our privacy policy. We are taking the current COVID-19 pandemic very seriously and have taken steps to protect the health, safety and well-being of our customers, employees, and communities >>. Control-IQ is the newest software update from Tandem Diabetes Care. The t:simulator™ app lets you test drive the easy to use touchscreen interface of the t:slim X2™ insulin pump using your smartphone or tablet. Online training modules for t:slim X2 insulin pumps; Quick Reference Sheets for the t:slim X2 insulin pump Poster presentation. The pump is able to reliably and securely communicate with compatible, digitally connected devices, including automated insulin dosing software, to receive, execute, and confirm commands from these devices. It will do this up to once per hour as needed.§ Zero fingersticks required when using the t:slim X2 pump with Dexcom G6 CGM integration. Tandem’s t:slim X2 Insulin Pump: Q&A The t:slim X2 is the same size and shape as the t:slim pump. A free virtual pump demo. The t:slim X2 pump, Basal-IQ technology, and Control-IQ technology are indicated for use with NovoLog or Humalog U-100 insulin. Important Safety Information: The t:slim X2 insulin pump with Basal-IQ technology (the System) consists of the t:slim X2 insulin pump, which contains Basal-IQ technology, and a compatible continuous glucose monitor … Das System ist nur für den Einsatz bei einem einzigen Patienten vorgesehen und muss vom Arzt verschrieben werden. 2. Tandem T:Slim X2 pump; Dexcom G6 sensor; Dexcom G6 Transmitter; The functionality of the system as described by Tandem is: The Basal-IQ Technology utilizes CGM sensor readings to stop and resume insulin based on the current sensor value and a 30 minute future predicted value along with … Our easy-to-use t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology helps patients achieve If properly connected, you should hear an audible alert and a charge symbol (lightning bolt) will appear on the battery level indicator. If glucose alerts and CGM readings do not match symptoms or expectations, use a blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions. Do not use Control-IQ technology if using hydroxyurea. Icons display on the pump screen to visually indicate when insulin delivery is increasing, decreasing, or stopped. Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. TNDM recently announced the receipt of Health Canada’s approval for its t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology. Visit for additional important safety information. Tandem pumps and cartridges are only indicated for use with Novolog and Humalog U-100 insulins. Control-IQ … Mit der t:simulator™ App können Sie auf Ihrem Mobilgerät die bedienerfreundliche Touchscreen-Oberfläche der t:slim X2 Insulinpumpe kennenlernen. If you are currently using a non-Tandem pump for your insulin therapy and are interested in upgrading to the t:slim X2 pump, take advantage of our pump upgrade program. Wenden Sie sich für weitere Informationen an den technischen Kundendienst vor Ort. Because this system works with the G6, no calibration is required. Verwenden Sie Pumpe, Patronen, CGM und Infusionssets stets streng nach Vorschrift und überprüfen Sie sie regelmäßig, um eine ordnungsgemäße Funktion zu gewährleisten. All in-warranty t:slim X2 pump … The problem I have noticed is the loss of data from the G6 transmitter to the pump. How do I load a cartridge on my t:slim, t:slim G4, t:slim X2, or t:flex insulin pump? I keep getting messages that I should move the pump closer to the transmitter. By using this website you consent to our use of these cookies. [video] Occlusion Troubleshooting; What is the Basal Limit feature? © 2021 Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. All rights reserved. Tandem manufactures and sells the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology. ... slim, t:slim G4, t:slim X2, or t:flex insulin pump? It utilizes the sensor values from an integrated Dexcom G6 sensor to help reduce the frequency and duration of a hypoglycemic event (low blood sugar). New customers and out-of-warranty Tandem pump users. Within the OPTIONS menu, you will see My Pump. 2. Die einfach zu bedienende t:slim X2 Insulinpumpe ist eine der kleinsten Pumpen auf dem Markt und kann dank des kompakten Reservoirdesigns und wiederaufladbaren Akkus eine extrem große Menge an Insulin fassen - bis zu 300 Einheiten. By using the Dexcom G6, Control-IQ offers the many advantages of AID without fingersticks. The t:slim X2 pump, transmitter, and sensor must be removed before MRI, CT, or diathermy treatment. Six-Month Randomized, Multicenter Trial of Closed-Loop Control in Type 1 Diabetes. BOXED WARNING: Control-IQ technology for the t:slim X2 pump should not be used by people under age 6, or who use less than 10 units of insulin… to minimize wide fluctuations in glucose levels, increasing time § Zero fingersticks required when using the t:slim X2 pump with Dexcom G6 CGM integration. A guide for the t:slim X2 pump. From the My Pump menu, you see Control-IQ second from the top. It will shut off basal delivery in two cases: When you go below 70 mg/dL, or when its predictive algorithm suspects you’ll go below 80 mg/dL within the next 30 minutes. ‡Software- und Funktionsupdates unterliegen behördlichen Genehmigungen und sind möglicherweise nicht in allen Regionen verfügbar. “The t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology is the most advanced automated insulin dosing system available in the world and is a testament to our commitment to improving the lives of people with diabetes,” said John Sheridan, president and CEO of Tandem Diabetes Care. It was reported that the pump indicated a data log corruption. When used with a compatible CGM, the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Basal-IQ technology can be used to suspend … Mithilfe des Farb-Touchscreens und des integrierten Bolusrechners ist auch die Abgabe eines Bolus ein Kinderspiel. In January 2020, I received an email from the Tandem Diabetes Care team that my t:slim X2 insulin pump was eligible for the Control-IQ update. t:slim X2 insulin pump in range. Verantwortungsvoller Einsatz der Für den Zugriff auf bestimmte Softwareupdates sind möglicherweise eine ärztliche Verordnung und zusätzliche Schulungen erforderlich. © 2021 Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. using Control-IQ technology may be able to help more easily achieve their targets. 4.7 for ease of use, and 4.5 for trust.2, For patients struggling with glucose control, Tandem Diabetes Care Announces Expanded Pediatric Indication of the t:slim X2 Insulin Pump with Control-IQ Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop Technology Read … Die Pumpe ist für die Verwendung mit NovoRapid® oder Humalog{2}®{2} U-100 Insulin indiziert. Get to know how Control-IQ technology adjusts insulin delivery to help prevent highs and lows. ahead and adjust insulin delivery accordingly, including delivery of Die Pumpe ist für die Verwendung an Patienten ab 6 Jahren zugelassen. By submitting this form, you grant Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. permission to add your contact information to our database to send you information and communications related to our products. Die Basal-IQ-Funktion basiert auf kontinuierlichen CGM-Messwerten und kann weder den Glukosespiegel vorhersagen noch die Insulinabgabe unterbrechen, wenn Ihr CGM nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert oder nicht mit der Pumpe kommunizieren kann. tandem diabetes care reports positive results from two studies of the t:slim x2 insulin pump with control-iq technology Significant Time-in-Range Improvements Demonstrated in … t:slim X2 insulin pump Quick Reference Sheets for the t:slim X2 insulin pump The following PDF guides are provided as reference tools for caregivers who are already familiar with the use of an insulin pump and with insulin therapy in general. It was reported that the pump indicated a data log corruption. t:slim X2 insulin pump: The t:slim X2 insulin pump with interoperable technology is an alternate controller enabled (ACE) pump that is intended for the subcutaneous delivery of insulin, at set and variable rates, for the management of diabetes mellitus in people requiring insulin. In addition, it was reported that the pump time was incorrect; cause was unknown. Es können Gebühren anfallen. t:slim X2 insulin pump : The t:slim X2 insulin pump with interoperable technology is an alternate controller enabled (ACE) pump that is intended for the subcutaneous delivery of insulin, at set and variable rates, for the management of diabetes mellitus in people requiring insulin. * As measured by CGM.† CGM sold separately.‡ If glucose values are predicted to be above 180 mg/dL, Control-IQ technology calculates a correction bolus with a target of 110 mg/dL and delivers 60% of that value. Basal IQ™ is a predictive low-glucose suspend algorithm that can be installed on Tandem’s t-SlimX2 ™ insulin pumps. targets, and better glucose management means happier patients. Dedicated to making the lives of people with diabetes better and better, through relentless innovation and revolutionary customer experience. 79th Scientific Sessions, American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, CA; June 9, 2019. Let's start with how the system works. Control-IQ is the newest software update from Tandem Diabetes Care. Die t:slim X2 Insulinpumpe dient der subkutanen Abgabe von Insulin in festgelegten und variablen Raten zur Behandlung von Diabetes mellitus bei Personen, die auf die Gabe von Insulin angewiesen sind. Tandem has submitted the algorithm for Control-IQ — an automated insulin delivery system — to the FDA. Wenn das System mit einem kompatiblen interoperablen kontinuierlichen Glukosemonitor (iCGM) genutzt wird, kann die Basal-IQ™-Technologie die Insulinabgabe aufgrund der Werte des CGM-Sensors unterbrechen. Control-IQ technology smoothly decreases or discontinues basal delivery based on The Control-IQ system uses Tandem’s t:slim X2 pump, Dexcom’s G6 CGM which requires no fingerstick calibrations, and the Control-IQ insulin adjustment algorithm. RX ONLY. During troubleshooting with tandem technical support, the customer corrected the time and resumed insulin therapy. Tandem Diabetes Care und Basal-IQ sind Marken von Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., eingetragen in den USA und anderen Ländern. Archivdaten. Search Alerts/Recalls Tandem’s HCL system features the sleek Tandem t:slim tubed insulin pump with a full-color touch-screen display. [video] Using the Sleep Activity with Control-IQ technology [video] How does Control-IQ technology work? Here are User Guides for the t:slim X2 pump: t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology 7.4. t:slim X2 pump with Control-IQ technology 7.3. t:slim X2 insulin pump with Basal-IQ technology 6.4. t:slim X2 insulin pump with Basal-IQ technology 6.3. t:slim X2 insulin pump with Basal-IQ technology 6.0. t:slim X2 insulin pump with Dexcom G5 CGM Der CGM ist separat erhältlich. Taking a look at the Tandem t:slim. Mit dem CGM können außerdem hyperglykämische und hypoglykämische Episoden erkannt werden, sodass kurzfristige und langfristige Therapieanpassungen leichter durchgeführt werden können. From this screen, you can turn Control-IQ technology ON or OFF. The system is designed to help reduce glucose variability, but it requires that patients accurately input information, such as meals and periods of sleep or exercise. The following are online training modules for the various versions of the t:slim X2 insulin pump: Control-IQ Software Tutorial; Basal-IQ Software Tutorial; Update software features for the t:slim X2 (for pumps updated after July 17, 2020) Updated software features for the t:slim X2 (for pumps updated between January and July 2020) Please note that in order to turn on Control-IQ technology, the following settings must be configured in your active Personal Profile: Carbs must be turned on and a Basal rate, Correction Factor, Carb Ratio, and Target BG must be defined. The t:slim X2 insulin pump can be used solely for continuous insulin delivery and as part of the System. Systeme wie die t:slim X2 Insulinpumpe mit Basal-IQ™-Technologie sind kein Ersatz für ein aktives Diabetesmanagement, da es Situationen gibt, bei denen auch automatische Systeme keine Hypoglykämie verhindern können. All form fields are required. App Store ist eine Dienstleistungsmarke von Apple Inc. Google Play ist eine Marke von Google Inc. Verschreibungspflichtig. The t:slim X2 pump is indicated for use in individuals six years of age and greater. How do I check what software version is on my pump? A link to our privacy policy is available at the bottom of this page. The t:slim X2 pump and Control-IQ technology are indicated for use with NovoLog or Humalog U-100 insulin. Our insulin pump system with Control-IQ or Basal-IQ technology streamlines the burdensome tasks of diabetes management. Predicted to exceed a predefined threshold was unknown for the t: slim X2 pump is indicated use... Aid without fingersticks Scientific Sessions, American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, CA June! A blood glucose events or Humalog U-100 insulin zur kontinuierlichen Insulinabgabe oder als Teil des verwendet... ‡Software- und Funktionsupdates unterliegen behördlichen Genehmigungen und sind möglicherweise nicht überall angeboten erfolgreichen.. 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