For instance, if you are reading the Bible, you may find a verse or two that will jump off the pages at you and hit you right between the eyes. Discussion - How does the Holy Spirit speak to us? God wants to speak to you through others. 2. You just need to be listening. 3. The Spirit is the One Who illumines our minds to see truth. How Did the Holy Spirit Speak to the Apostles? Well, no. It’s as if though I’m wondering off the path just a bit, then I read your writing and boom, back on, thank you Stephan. Just as the Holy Spirit raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit will give eternal life to believers in Christ. God knows that we need help to discern His plan for us, so He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside every Christian. Acts 1:4-9 ESV / 2 … Even the Bible suggests to look for God’s guidance through a Spirit than a Book (Jn. James Goll has written a very good book on dreams. Does the Bible or the Holy Spirit fill us with the power to obey and have the knowledge to please God? Is “speaking” the best way to think about the Holy Spirit’s influence in our lives? How does God speak to us today? I have never delved that deeply in this area, so I do not have the knowledge or expertise to tell you what every little thing in the dream may mean or represent. Therefore, be patient and give the Lord the opportunity to answer you, to speak to your heart. The very God of the universe speaks on every page into my mind — and your mind. Through the glory of his creation. Throughout the Old Testament, God spoke to his people in a huge variety of ways, including through prophets, face-to-face (like with Moses), via angels, and even through a mangey old donkey (Balaam had that privilege). Every word that you receive in the prophecy will be direct words from the Lord. You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook . The Bible is not just about what God has said, but what God is saying. Our words are incredibly powerful, and God uses them specifically to build others up in grace. He hovers over the pages of sacred Scripture, setting our hearts ablaze as we read it. Thank you for the encouraging words they made me realise realise that I have neglected to read my bible.It encouraged me to pray constantly. There are two basic types of visions that you can receive from the Holy Spirit. What you don’t know is that your dog has just knocked them underneath your bed. Reading the bible and calling on my advocate the holy spirit is making his word much clearer. God bless you tremendously for this article. I cannot tell you how many times He has personally done this to me over the years. The Holy Spirit spoke to him through the elders. Everything He communicates to us is directly from the Father: "He will not speak on His own initiative" ( John 16:13 ). When you get a real strong leading to do something specific, it will feel like God has His big hand on the small of your back pushing you forward. The Holy Spirit is called the Helper in the Bible, but He cannot help you with some of the things you will need help on unless He can first communicate directly to you on exactly what He wants you to do. If you want to hear the voice of God, simply go outside. The third way God can communicate directly to you coming from the above verse from Joel is by prophecy. I really need God to speak to me. Jesus Christ is God himself and he pulls back the curtain for us on what God is truly like. The Bible is the Spirit-inspired vocabulary God uses to speak to us. ... And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. This is supernatural enlightenment and illumination that the Holy Spirit can give you on many of the verses in the Bible. Now I will take you into the 8 different ways the Holy Spirit will use to supernaturally communicate to us in this life. Yes, it’s easy to look for God in the mystical things when in reality he’s speaking to us all the time! The heavens and the earth, the galaxies and the supernovas all proclaim the glory of God. Unlike the first example where he points out harmful behaviors, when he convicts us of righteousness, he nudges us toward good and helpful behavior, behavior that is part of his will for us. The Names of Jesus: Who is Jesus According to the Scriptures? If you benefit from the site, would you consider being a supporter? And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. All rights reserved. God can and certainly does speak to people today in some of the ways mentioned in the Bible. How does God speak to us? If you wake up with a very strong, vivid dream being right in your face and you think it may be from the Lord, what I would do is grab a piece of paper and pen and write down what the dream was all about and if need be, draw actual pictures of what you saw in the dream. When we ask of God, when we seek his will, we can know instantly what his will is in many cases by reading the Bible. This is why it is so important for each and every Christian to spend as much quality time as they can in loading up their mind with the Word. Saints star ejected for punch, takes blame for loss. Another very interesting way that the Holy Spirit will use to communicate something to you is through an actual quickening. Acts 1:2 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful Until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. It will stay with you for days, if not forever. Yeah, I know. I always get these God-dreams close to when I am getting ready to wake up. The ability to pickup up these inner witnesses, these inner knowings from the Holy Spirit will only come to you through a process of trial and error. Right before they were getting ready to board the train, she said she got a very uneasy and queasy feeling about getting on this train. God is waiting to speak to you. These leadings from the Holy Spirit can be anything from a very gentle nudging to something that could be much stronger. Does the Holy Spirit change us? Billy Graham says. God has the ability to speak to those who believe in Him, even if it's not through an audible voice, the Rev. They tell us that there is a creator, that he is gloriously creative, and that he is overwhelmingly powerful. We know that God has a plan for us, a plan that is for our good. Just enter your email below! The Holy Spirit is the person of God who intercedes for us on earth. So you can have all of them right at the top of this section, I will go ahead and list all of them in a bolded, numbered format so you can have all of them at a quick glance. God showed me the gates of Heaven in my dreams. “God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) The holy spirit is not a separate personality, but it is the power, and influence, the mind of God. Those “gut knowings” or “gut feelings” are many of the times the inner witness from the Holy Spirit. In this caption, I will discuss the different kinds of visions you can receive from the Holy Spirit. Ask him to help you be more sensitive to his subtle promptings. Hi, I found this information super helpful. About the Author: Charles Carrin, D.D., has served the body of Christ for over 65 years. All of a sudden you will “understand” what this verse means and you will then be able to “see” the true meaning behind the words. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! He prays for us. If after reading the captions below you decide you would like God to open up this supernatural realm for you, then all you have to do is go direct to God the Father in prayer and ask Him to allow the Holy Spirit to become very active in any of these 8 different ways in which He uses to communicate to us. God wants us to know His plan and that hell is real. However, these closed visions can come in on much smaller matters as well. The second way the Holy Spirit speaks to us is to convict us of righteousness. It should be noted that God speaks to us with varying degrees of clarity, depending on the way he’s speaking to us. Aug 28, 2007 #1. When you really cut into this word as it is being used in the first verse above, another word for the inner witness would be that it is an inner knowing. Have you ever looked up at a starry night sky and been so stunned that you felt compelled to praise God? Per our article on the 9 gifts of the Spirit, two of the 9 gifts are the Word of Knowledge and the Word of Wisdom. Besides, The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. I am curious, I want to see God and communicate with him through dreams and visions. This message really helped me thank you….. Quite an identity change. Your job will be to get it down on paper and carefully examine and analyze it for what that personal message may be. I agree with you. Have you ever felt prompted to pray for something out of the blue? I cannot tell you how many times over the course of my life that the Holy Spirit will bring back up to my remembrance a certain Scripture verse that will solve or answer the problem I may dealing with. I also believe that the Spirit speaks to us in more subjective ways. Often He will speak to us in our minds by giving us a thought or an idea. If you put that kind of special request before God, then He will take you very seriously and He will then very gradually lead you into this realm and from there, the Holy Spirit will start to move in some of these different areas for you. It is one thing to know that God and Jesus are up in heaven, but it is quite another thing to realize that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit can all supernaturally communicate to any one of us at any time They should want to do so. Mark 13:11. I’m glad this post was helpful Emmanuel! The Holy Spirit is our … It took 3-4 hours to finally rescue all of the people who were still on board. The Holy Spirit does not speak on His own. You can either learn how to do all of this with the Holy Spirit, or you can choose to let this supernatural realm go and just stay on the path that you are already walking on if you have never had any of this kind of activity before with the Holy Spirit. He brings to us the Spirit of the Son. According to the Bible, the answer is “the Holy Spirit” to all of these questions. God does the same thing for me on a consistent basis, and he will for you too if you read the Bible. 4. – John 14:15-17. Be filled with the Spirit in salvation. Its awesome to know that God is alive inside of us as Christian’s and to taste and see that God is good to us so personally and revealing. Her and her friend were getting ready to get on a trolley type train car. It’s an amazing thing, isn’t it? Like Christ, this member of the Trinity has willingly submitted to the authority of the Father. Some of the prophets in the OT also received these kinds of heavy, open visions. … “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them” (1 Corinthians 12:4). Hubby and I stood outside the other night to watch the eclipse of the blood moon. Take a meandering hike through the country and behold the glory of God. Other people will use the terms “unction” or “prompting.”. Again, you will only learn all of this though a process of trial and error with Him. Again, here is the verse that will show us that it is the job of the Holy Spirit to lead us in this life, along with another verse showing us that Jesus Himself was also willing to be led by the Holy Spirit when He was walking down here on our earth in the flesh. You have all heard of the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is the specific verse where this piece of revelation is being given to us by the Lord: The first verse is telling us that the Holy Spirit Himself bears witness in our human spirit that we are children of God. Since then everything in my life has come into focus, my work, my family and my faith…I have never believed in myself or god my whole life up until that point….But, he has shown me that he still believes in me…I thank god for showing me how to become a better husband, son and father…..I am grateful and humble before him…DG. He was literally God in the flesh, a tangible, touchable, utterly glorious revelation of God’s character. The Westminster Larger Catechism, Q&A 155, states, “The Spirit of God maketh the reading, but especially the preaching of the Word, an effectual means …” Ephesians 6:18 says, “The sword of the Spirit … is the word of God.” I hear His voice through reading this. I feel that the Holy Spirit is giving me revelation through Gods word, dreams, visions and more. And as a bonus, I'll give you FIVE FREE BOOKS as soon as you sign up. Graham, founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, says in his "My Answers" question-and-answer column on the organization's website that God can communicate in a variety of ways, including through prayer, the church community, and the … I’m working to have a more intimate relationship with God, though I certainly have a long way to go! I have been having experiences I can’t explain, especially in the last year or so! If God is telling us that we are to be led by His Holy Spirit, and then He shows us that His own Son Jesus was also led by the Holy Spirit, there can be no other conclusion to come to other than God wants all of us to learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit in this life. Great time today to draw closer and closer to our God and to taste His presence is such unique and personal means. It is written, if we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. While Jesus is praying for us in heaven, the Holy Spirit is praying for us here on earth in our hearts. When you think of moving in that direction, you will get a real flat witness from the Holy Spirit. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”. And if the Holy Spirit was forbidding some of the apostles to move in a certain direction back in the beginning of the NT, then He can still do the exact same thing for all us in this day and age. We don’t serve a passive God who is far off an uninvolved in our lives. There is an episode where He spoke to the church at Antioch to separate Saul and Barnabas for the ministry. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us of our purpose. If the Bible says that the Holy Spirit can bear witness in our own human spirits that we are saved and that we are truly the children of God – and He can also help out the apostle Paul on the issue he was dealing with where He bore witness with Paul’s own conscience, then this tells me the Holy Spirit can also bear witness with many other things in our life as well. You can also have words from preachers jump at you. I am sure you have all heard many people say, “I had a good witness on that pastor’s preaching today.” Some people say that the inner witness is a “knowing without any shadow of a doubt.” They will use the slang expression, “You know, that you know, that you know, without any shadow of a doubt.”. Yep! God the Holy Spirit uses the Scriptures to guide, fill, and accomplish the Father’s will in the believer’s life. That’s not so. He speaks by illumining God’s Word. One of the ways that you can tell when you are receiving a closed vision from the Holy Spirit is how it will come in on you. You will have no peace to move in that direction. Sometimes we get so bog down by watching for or listening for Him to speak through prophecies, Revelations, etc, (AKA the Spirit) and fail to hear Him speak through His Word, a brother or a sister, or even through His creation. The Holy Spirit Speaks Through the Bible. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Is the Holy Spirit a Person? If you want to hear the voice of God, ask the Holy Spirit to work in you. Through Nature and God’s Creation. That is why it is so vitally important that each Christian learn how to pick up these kinds of inner warnings from the Holy Spirit – so you can keep yourself from being seriously injured, if not possibly killed. In these principles, you can find how to hear the Holy Spirit, how to recognize his work in you. I have been a Christian and a person of faith since I was a child, but I seem to be more in tune with it all now more than ever. But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. The Holy Spirit’s blood was not shed at the crucifixion in payment for our salvation as Christians—that was Jesus’ blood. The Holy Spirit will transmit the knowledge He wants you to have on something as a strong, inner knowing. Many, many people have received those gut warnings not to do something specific, and many of the times, those gut warnings turned out to be 100% accurate, which again means that many of them were coming in direct from the Holy Spirit Himself. Yes, the fact that God speaks to us fills me with amazing joy as well! I personally have only had about 10 dreams from the Lord over a 20 year period. Don’t isolate yourself or become a Lone Ranger Christian. When He does not want you to move in a certain dangerous direction, many of the times what you will pick up from Him is a “check in your spirit.”. And if God has not changed, and He is still the same today as He was yesterday, then this tells us that He still wants to supernaturally communicate to all of us in these same ways. He speaks through his word. How many people have died in car accidents and plane crashes – all because they chose to ignore that check in their spirit not to get in that car or plane that day. The Bible is the perfect standard for determining what God has … Hi Michael, thank you for this article. Listen to good advice and prophetic words 2 Chronicles 10:1-12:16. What Does It Mean To Fear God? When you receive this inner knowing about something specific, you will not hear an audible voice or hear any type of inner words coming up on you. Apparently, the train somehow had got derailed and had partially come off of the tracks. How does God speak to us today? And that is how it works with us: “The word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one” (1 John 2:14). A check in your spirit is like a a stop sign being put up by the Holy Spirit. Confess your sins and be patient. You mentioned that the holy spirit is the helper that Jesus promised us. I’m willing to bet that your answer is largely shaped by your background. If God gave some of His people dreams back in the OT and NT, and we now have the above verse from Joel where God is telling us that once the Holy Spirit has been poured out on all flesh, that dreams from the Lord will become quite common, then you know this is one of the supernatural ways that the Lord will want to use with some of us from time to time. . Writing about a time when God “spoke” to him, John Piper says: [The experience] has increased my love for the Bible as God’s very word, because it was through the Bible that I heard these divine words and through the Bible I have experiences like this almost every day. In his book Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby puts it this way: Anything of spiritual significance that happens in your life will be a result of God’s activity in you. The Holy Spirit gives us power for victory over conscious sin. If you want to know God and hear his voice, read the gospels. Every time you open your Bible, you should pray, “Holy Spirit, teach me from your word today.” The Holy Spirit encourages you by teaching you God’s truth. Thank you for going beyond the simplistic “If you want to hear God speak, read the Bible out loud.” You speak as someone who enjoys an intimate relationship with God. 1:7) 14. But if you get a picture in your mind’s eye that comes in out of nowhere, and it is something that you would not naturally conjure up on your own, then examine the vision very carefully to see if it may be from the Holy Spirit and if you think it may be, try to interpret what He is trying to tell you. I’m glad it was encouraging Dinah! Of course, the Holy Spirit is not the only means by which God speaks to us. But for the most part, they are very rare, and most Christians will never receive these kinds of open visions from the Holy Spirit. He also changes us by bringing us into an intimate relationship with God. But what does the Bible say regarding God speaking to us today? If we live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit, we won’t become high-minded, provoking and envying one another. Here is a picture of His intercession. I always tell people that most of my experiences have been outside of church! Never mind, I am making my own. I would like to offer the book, “Know Secrets” by Paul Arthur Webb, which says; ‘The truth is, we have a light to walk by. Brad: Yes, that is what I was taught. How does God speak to us? Psalm 119:24 says, “Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.” The testimonies of God (aka the Bible) counsel us, lead us, and guide us in the ways of God. I then made a promise to pray every day….I failed to keep my promise….I lied, to my wife and grew complacent and lax. The Holy Spirit prays for us in a power we don't own. Notice that the Bible is our one weapon against Satan, but God refers to this weapon as “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” Ephesians 6:17). Through His Son. Since I have already talked about this gift at length in the above article, I will not go any further with it under this caption. Garth Brooks chokes up and has to restart performance God Speaks To Us Through Others. … God is ready and willing to speak to you. “But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. This is … For the most part with myself, most of the dreams I have had from the Lord have all been very straight forward. Does the Holy Spirit speak to people? So again, do not be afraid if you ever receive what you think may be a dream from the Lord. It was early morning, and in the trees with the morning sun I see the cross in the trees….I suddenly felt a massive sadness,then happiness, then this feeling of heat in the center of my chest…radiating out to my limbs…I almost collapsed….then I felt this feeling of peace and happiness…I started to cry uncontrollably….I cried for nearly half and hour…but when it was over I felt peace and calmness…..I ran to my wife and took her in my arms and took her to where I saw the cross and she wept…she said god had given me a sign and that he loves you. Thanks so much for this article. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit. That’s the Holy Spirit. Colossians 3:15, shows us that peace acts as an umpire for our decision making. What you will receive is just a good, clear, inner knowing on the message being transmitted to you. Nudging to something that contradicts the perfect revelation He has the Spirit gave them.... 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