Just as the Son of God is not only the Mediator of redemption, but also the Mediator of creation, so the Holy Spirit, as represented in Scripture, is operative, not only in the work of redemption, but also in the work of creation. You did it! –Our changed life is evidence of the Holy Spirit working. This podcast is sponsored by Bible Journaling Ministries where thousands of women grow in the word creatively. <> It’s the beginning. 3 0 obj %���� Please check your email for your confirmation! In fact, during Jesus’s ministry, his disciples had, and we could read of one occurrence of Peter’s doubt in Matthew 14, and I will read that with you. Again, the Holy Spirit can only overcome our sinful nature. Peter has confidence in the truth of God’s word. We’re going through this thing with a holy spirit immunity from the works of the devil." Scamvangelist Kenneth CopelandPhoto: Screenshot. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure." The Spirit taught the apostles “all things” ( John 14:26) and led them into “all truth” ( John 16:13 ). The Holy Spirit does his work powerfully. ... See, when we receive Christ and we're born again, it literally means that God — through the power of the Holy Spirit — comes to live inside us. Today we are once again faced with the challenge of trying I think if you read acts, acts chapter two after the Holy Spirit comes, Peter, I think does a great job here in actions chapter 2:14-18 when he received the Holy Spirit. Welcome back to the promises of God podcast, episode number 25 my name is Tracie Rollins, and I want to thank you so much for spending some time with me as we learn and take action on God’s promises in our lives. But look at what the dove has in its mouth—an olive leaf. This month series is about confidence, and we’re working at of the momentum devotional offered by Bible journaling ministries titled Unshakable Confidence. You have the talents, the skills, the ability. I certainly hope this episode encouraged you. Don’t put this off. If we stop indulging in arson and ignoring God’s word, we must be in his word. Like having doubts is normal. Answer: The power of the Holy Spirit is the power of God. This is what is happening. He loves us. Because we as Christians hold the Bible to be God's Word (and have established that in "The Holy Bible: How It's God's Word"), it is not necessary to look outside of the Bible to find out how God brought us His written Word. His power was first seen in the act of creation, for it was by His power the world came into being ( Genesis 1:1–2; Job 26:13 ). And, one of the most potent realities of the presence of the Holy Spirit with us is the peace that is given in direct fulfilment of Christ’s gift to us. Naturally, Soteriology is concerned with His redemptive work only, but for its proper understanding it is highly desirable to take some account of His more general operations. However, Peter redeems himself. Bible Journaling Español – Diario de la Biblia en espanol, How to Print a PDF file from a Mac or Windows PC. Now, let’s get started. And he has so much confidence, and I believe that confidence is mediated by the Holy Spirit that, um, you can read about in an again, acts chapter two, all the leaders are sealed by the Holy Spirit who is a pledge of our inheritance. I encourage you to stop what you’re doing and ask Jesus to come into your life. x��Zmo�8�^�����bU%J���v�b�-ns��}pl7�ځ����_d����z�ϼ=�x�Y�}���͇_D�����A̶�ſ��/����q}��՛�R�L�}}�J���'E��D��L����ݷׯR� ~{������"���j��?������ϹLgB��L��+�>�~����cTI�G��T%��̒�4I��[�u�����*����4��e1x׽ U��_f��*�>�S3���S�t�T**~�t#D`|9e|g�N�Z�H$K�v�:;��~����BN9�%z �r�9�T�������H�:'�̒4˅�eR��=LK4�8�����BJ?g��0��GX��Y!�^�������g�N��,�5cx��J�{�F�����N ��1����5�G�b��PR��C��>�e����S�fs*)ٜ��C;/��x�3��0�� v�����)�� ��be^��gi �=~|�/4>����-@D�e�� >�`^���)�6���S�v4ڑ�S4�_(��6�@������B@^\݊|g��^�FO��yn �v�=�O�q4�jv7_T���[�M�J�J=���bW�cGؒQ�p�����̚r�T���r`�)�&x�}� ��ɴd�NB��rX o�7�h=�K�/��N�y�F�W��f�,!n��,���qJ?8o>p|����=�-�',�؀��O�� ݚ�%��93�4���dױ���Ǩi�a�->��9��G4b�x� 7���Ed�p΃E�5j[�E/f��s�����4�f z�� ����^/[QW>#}@щg�~0�qf�We'�s��v��� \���T�=~���*�RE��M��by���)DѤ��{��'��Y��\�Pe�X)�/P�*�4��t5WU�Q(�P̜K�7�&�u��>Κ�yb�����4+R����Եy���a�U�Iܖ����@t*{�}�����.9�G� �a&�������'s��"�`�v"^ Wp-`�~��ajM�Z�᤿�|�᧲bW��9i��pɩ�*�?|}u��e���=^��o>mѳ�J��*�N .�4�U��M0�h%lv�%�3R�P�_\�� ��ZŁ |������.���+����>P ����xpADY�`cxz�6� z�X�Y�ANi\`�:�vE�H6��7�T����]���Go�!��yQ�Г��� g"o���}�w����ވ��1���8g����ڟ�4V��⡙�\�N�,�UwAZa�*Q�E�"].��̫�B�gi?o�2�Ϝ~d�3y�H��}��>V���e _Y⻥�����ee>�k�a.�7�F�Ծ��r��U��5J�R�2�T��< You know all my … Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. This is the prophecy fulfilled. �4�1�8C�%���8�9�,��1G)ė�C�"��W��0����nUR�*h����71Ù.n�@���i��>��.Ō1$a=�YǓ?I���rP���/G�%�Rw���ͼ�zn���|�!M�ɳX6����/}� ?C�H�`�-qe̺���j,+Mƥ�*_�m����'NԲY��e��d��D��Y� B&r�բH�����,P\�{���{���]}34Q��UNWey��`�qS;�*����Xm��n0~�݀��:2Sƫ���l�I�db,���5�?_���l�S���$-c��Nn`���Yj `��wr��B���a?�����]�ԅ�K�]�,���X�3�ҩ�أA�߶T���Ai��k�NQ�Ծ���o{x�\�0�/z�䧠� ��%cRr�ýG����v�M]�$R�RϺ����d_Qg��I�6²ؖ�d��IQ ���4N/���KN���?��͋#g;H���@흹���mi4J6W{�}�w�Һ�+�7j����@���c=��Ś��N�۸ As a member of our VIP list you'll receive free digital downloads every month plus tutorials, tips, and updates! the Holy Spirit comes into us, making us one with him and therefore also one with the Father and the Son. And he immediately spike speaks of Joel’s prophecy to the Jews and the residents of Jerusalem. John Owen suggests four ways in which the Spirit and the serpent are to be distinguished: … Thanks for listening to the Promises of God Podcast. Christ’s declaration must have taken the disciples by surprise. I will see you in the next episode of the promises of God. Your email address will not be published. It’s a ghost. To summarize it for you. He’s welcoming us, always back with open arms. <>>> Later that night he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from the land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Notice that the Bible is our one weapon against Satan, but God refers to this weapon as “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” Ephesians 6:17). The same Holy Spirit who imparts spiritual life to us, making us children of God, waits to communicate the divine life through us, making us servants of God. After getting a tip-off from the Innkeeper of Ledetchko , Henry hears that the local herbalist, Kunhuta , hasn't been seen recently. A believer may be in the saddest and darkest condition imaginable. You have the beauty; you have the fit, you have the health, you have the finances, you have the location, you have the people, you have everything that God has put in your life right now for a reason. He said. He said, why did you doubt So you can see that those so close to Jesus Christ who was able to see the things that he had done, all the wonders, all the miracles still had doubts. by Tracie Rollins | May 19, 2019 | Promises of God Podcast | 0 comments. Through the eternal Spirit, it addressed the sins of all men of all ages—past, present, and future. <> The divine nature is imparted or mediated by the Spirit through the Word. Scripture clearly shows that not all the operations of the Holy Spirit are part and parcel of the saving work of Jesus Christ. By this work, the Holy Spirit enables Christians to sit in dungeons, rejoice in flames and glory in troubles. This podcast is about you, your ability to hear and believe and take action on God’s promises in your life because all of God’s promises are yes and amen. mediated through the Holy Spirit. (NIV) 1 Thessalonians 1:6 You became imitators of us and of the Lord; in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with … Immediately. Jesus reached out his hand and caught him, you of little faith. Apostle Paul said, ‘And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies.’ (Romans 8:11) So the resurrection of their mortal bodies is promised to the believers because of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, which is seen through their Spirit-filled life and assures them of eternal life. We all have strayed from the path, but our God is here. God the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and should be our Senior Partner in Life and Ministry. Even so, the Holy Spirit is able to break through all this and bring to mind the promises of Christ. Yay! I won’t be afraid, Lord, if it’s you. Goodbye. We are resisting God’s plan for us. � �_��Z/Mx|�Gf4�g��� �o�M%�/J+Cg�����{�4^~g��:Fpmg� Required fields are marked *. 4 0 obj There was an immediacy to illumination in the temporary gifts. I’m so glad you’re here. John 16:12-22; Matthew 13:11,16-17,51-52; Luke 10:21-24. Understand that Jesus had been with the disciples for three and half years, and He had been teaching and exposing them to the things of the kingdom, and they thought they had heard and learnt all things … He makes us new on the inside, and as He works in us, the fruit of what He's doing is seen in the way we live and does some good for the people … I came to understand that His sacrifice included the sins I had committed over twenty centuries later. The Holy Spirit took up the roles of advocate and teacher that Christ had fulfilled in his earthly days. The Holy Spirit plays a pivotal role in our walk with God. I would encourage you to open up your eyes. Peter replied, tell me to come to you on the water. So as with Peter in Acts chapter two, the Holy Spirit gives us the confidence to trust in God’s word. The Holy Spirit empowered the old testament prophets to prophesy. 1 0 obj %PDF-1.5 In the fourth century Augustine initially believed the gifts of the Holy Spirit were for the past, but then Augustine changed his mind, and he reported in The City of God that he had witnessed healing of blindness, of cancers, paralysis, and other diseases. Torrey's Topical Textbook Secondly, God’s presence in the world being mediated through nature and reality is shown by the case in which Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ through the powers of Holy Spirit but not by man’s biological influence. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The only sin that condemns a man is the continual rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour (John 3:17-18). Now, however, He continues this work in us through the Scriptures He enabled the apostles to write for us. I want today to do something a little bit different today. It’s your free 10-day course for other ministries and other episodes resources at ThePromisesofGodPodcast.Com. We’re not just born again and then go happily … I’m reading a little bit out of the NIV version, and this is the section where Jesus is walking on water. He has this confidence in him. Your email address will not be published. And shortly before dawn, Jesus went out to them walking on the lake, and when the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. endobj Numerous outpourings of the Holy Spirit are mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, in which healing, prophecy, the expelling of demons , and speaking in tongues (glossolalia) are particularly associated with the activity of the Spirit. Here's why: Luke 11:24-26. You’re not promised tomorrow. We must be hearing him speak to us through the Holy Spirit, and it’s only with the Holy Spirit that we can truly have the unshakable confidence that truly moves mountains. This week, take some time to write or journal about a time when the holy spirit filled you with confidence. And um, I’ll start with chapter 14, verse 22 and it says immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side while he dismissed the crowd, after he dismissed them, he went up on the mountainside by himself to pray. 1. Take away: The Holy Spirit reveals himself to you in personal ways that solidify your faith and trust in him. Luke 10: 21 At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Deliverance ministry is accomplished by the Holy Spirit through the church in the Name of Jesus Christ (Matt. You can learn more about Bible journaling with their free 10-day Bible journaling course at BibleJournalingMinistries.Com today we’re talking about the confidence that’s mediated by the Holy Spirit. For one thing, Aristotle trusts that there is just a single God. �h��V*���^r� qf�U�4EM#�J�8ᜅ�V�v�c����"�]�Лd �N�z���׬~�_'�K��������� -A�#����,��ƒ������e(Ž��M~4w�#�G���"� �cbT��� stream I’m your host, Tracie Rollins – child of God, wife, mom, writer, designer, and trainer.I pray that the resources here help you begin your bible journal ministry for self-discovery, evangelism, and community. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on water and came towards Jesus. Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. If you’re here today and you feel like the Holy Spirit is not present in your life, that’s okay. And um, if you have doubts as to like what God has for you in your life if you’re struggling with maybe a calling that you have or even just doubting that even God exists, you’re not alone. Yes, I want emails from Bible Journaling Ministries! This is the prophecy fulfilled. Absolutely can overcome our sinful nature, but it’s really not going to happen if we resist his work and we resist his work when we’re indulging in our sin and ignoring God’s word and being in the world, right So when we covet, you know, the latest and greatest car, when we work 80 hours for an amazing new purse, when we focus on our beauty and judge ourselves, and you know, compare ourselves to what other people have in terms of their worldly things or their worldly possessions or their beauty are things that we not have. If you know the Holy Spirit, but you’ve been relying on yourself, and maybe if you strayed from the path and I invite you to come back. And if you look at it with lack, can you say, he hasn’t given me precisely what I need. The illumination of the Holy Spirit is "[t]he process by which God's Holy Spirit enables us to understand His word and apply it to our lives." Were you like Peter, are you able to speak of things that you maybe had not so much faith before Feeling the Holy Spirit before hearing the Holy Spirit and for, for responding to him? This is what is happening. So turn to him, confess your sins and follow his will and your life and you will feel the love of Christ that surpasses all understanding. ... a hugely important question if we are to be calm and confident that the spirit with whom we are communing really is the Holy Spirit. From Age to Age Clearly, the Greek adjective “eternal” has an extremely expansive meaning. T… In art, the Holy Spirit is commonly represented as a dove. Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit to you, I will make known my words to you. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”. By Alex Bollinger Wednesday, October 28, 2020 . It’s the Holy Spirit who can guide you to be at the right place at the right time. Yeah, they are a result of our sinful nature, the Holy Spirit. This peace is a gift. The new birth, though, isn’t the end of the experience of salvation. The theology of the Holy Spirit is How can he retain his divinity, his essential otherness, except by concealing himself from us in ways the other two per- ... believers, or is his work mediated through the Church, the priesthood and the sacraments? Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). "The Reformers, and particularly John Calvin, stressed the way the objective, written Word and the inner, supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit work together, the Holy Spirit illuminating the Word to God's people.The Word without the illumination … endobj HOW TO DISTINGUISH THE HOLY SPIRIT FROM THE SERPENT by John Owen mediated through Sinclair Ferguson. They said, and they cried out fear. The Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, has appeared throughout Scripture as a Being through and by whom great works of power are made manifest. This is the Promises of God Podcast, and I’m your host, Tracie Rollins. When the flood during Noah’s time ended, God sent a message through the dove bearing a leaf that there would be no more such worldwide flooding and destruction (see Gen. 9:15). Holy Spirit, also called Paraclete or Holy Ghost, in Christian belief, the third person of the Trinity. We must be learning it. is nourished and nurtured by the Holy Spirit through the grace of the sacraments, under the care of legitimate pastors in Apostolic Succession in union with the Bishop of Rome The path to baptism involves a process of discernment with the assistance of the Christian Initiation Team ( RCIA--Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults ) made up of baptized Catholics who assist the pastor Romans 6:23 says, the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus our Lord. Looking elsewhere for the answer to this question would be useless, and pos… <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> But here’s the thing, to trust in God’s word means you have to know God’s word means you have to be in God’s word, lack of confidence or doubts regarding God’s promises. Through the Holy Spirit comes our restoration to paradise, our ascension into the kingdom of heaven, our return to the adoption of sons, our liberty to call God our Father, our being made partakers of the grace of Christ, our being called children of light, our sharing in eternal glory, and, in a word, our being brought into a state of all “fullness of blessing,” both in this world and in the world to come, of all the good gifts that … ROMANS 8 AND THE HOLY SPIRIT – THEME OF ROMANS 8 – CHAPTER DIVISIONS – BRINGING TO A CONCLUSION WHAT BEGAN IN CHAPTER 5 – CHAPTER 8 AND THE REST OF ROMANS – PARALLELS BETWEEN ROMANS 8 AND GALATIANS 4 – TODAY'S LESSON IN A NUTSHELL – THE GROUND OF OUR ‘NO CONDEMNATION' – ... Assurance through the Holy Spirit (8:1-13) 04 Feb. Assurance through the … Let me know how I can serve you on your journey. There is no such thing as a ‘charismatic’ or ‘non-charismatic’ Christian, because by definition Christians are people who have been born from above, born of the Holy Spirit, and are living in the Spirit. I hope that you spend some time with the Holy Spirit this week and thank you so much for tuning in today. Resources mentioned in today’s episode can be found on PromisesOfGodPodcast.com. The Holy Spirit Speaks Through the Bible. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He is able to go out and talk and tell them, look, these people aren’t drunk. Illumination of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the administrator of God’s love and grace, and is in fact quite capable of speaking to people to effect a release of material resources to us also. Divine plan through nature and reality. And our verse is Ephesians Chapter 1:13-14 in it reads in him, you also have heard the word of the truth, the good news of your salvation in whom having also believed you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is a pledge of our inheritance to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of his glory. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. God made us exactly who we are. 1. You are exactly who you are. In Baháʼí belief, the Holy Spirit is the conduit through which the wisdom of God becomes directly associated with his messenger, and it has been described variously in different religions such as the burning bush to Moses, the sacred fire to Zoroaster, the dove to Jesus, the angel Gabriel to Muhammad, and the Maid of Heaven to Bahá'u'lláh (founder of the Baháʼí Faith). Augustine concluded that God still moved in his day. endobj This sin is also the unpardonable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and he began to sink. And you know, I asked the Holy Spirit to guide you. No matter how life-changing the new birth is, we must daily live out that experience. And he has so much confidence, and I believe that confidence is mediated by the Holy Spirit that, um, you can read about in an again, acts chapter two, all the leaders are sealed by the Holy Spirit who is a pledge of our inheritance. Crying out, Lord, save me. The Holy Spirit made is presence evident when he descended as a dove when Jesus was baptized. It is. When He indwells us we are constituted children of God; when He infills, empowers and works through us we are constituted servants of God. (John 1:32). It is so normal to have doubts. The Holy Spirit plays a pivotal role in our walk with God. You’re not alone. b��st���?I{���v�h�� �8�x��+`BX�nӾC��. Without the Spirit, the Bible will not be of any service to us. Date: July 3, 2015 Author: revstevemartin 0 Comments. 2 0 obj A. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would reprove the world of sin because people do not believe in Him (John 16:8-9). This comes through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us (see Titus 3:5). The Holy Spirit is the present-day advocate of Jesus Christ in our hearts. And according to Romans eight 27, the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the willow God. But the Holy Spirit can be everywhere, all the time, and He lives IN those who have accepted Christ as their Savior. How did you feel How did it feel to be able to press on Would that confidence? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern, asked the Holy Spirit to point you in the right direction so that you can see the things that you can’t see because God has made you uniquely, you have confidence in him to do the things that he has for you because he has put you correctly in the position that you are in today for a reason. Study 54 – CHRIST’S FULLER REVELATION THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Bible tells us how He did it; and the Bible aloneis where we need to find the answer to the question of how God brought us the Scriptures. God the Holy Spirit uses the Scriptures to guide, fill, and accomplish the Father’s will in the believer’s life. I love that verse. Come. But Jesus immediately said to them, take courage. Addressed the sins of all ages—past, present, and i ’ m your host, Rollins. To Print a PDF file from a Mac or Windows PC addressed the sins of all ages—past,,! Spirit dwells in us, making us one with him and therefore also one with him therefore... So, the Greek adjective “ eternal ” has an extremely expansive meaning us the confidence to in! The sins of all men of all men of all ages—past,,. Serve you on the water to sit in dungeons, rejoice in flames and glory in troubles Christians... S okay de la Biblia en espanol, how to Print a PDF file from Mac! And Ministry to my readers and according to Romans eight 27, the.. 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