There is such thing as overdoing it on the pruning, so watch out. Want to learn more about separation and when and how to prune your peace lily? Peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is an easy foliage plant to grow indoors. If your peace lily doesn’t have very large roots, then you can possibly divide them with your hands. Do you have any other suggestions? It bloomed better there than indoors where I couldn't seem to get it to. Leaving a Peace Lily thirsty for too long can lead to yellow, dry leaves, so try not to leave your plant without water for too long after it starts drooping. Not exactly. 942. Their width is about 10 inches, so they can get quite sizable. You used a knife or perhaps your hand to divide the root ball into several pieces. My New Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum “Sensation”) Is Too Big for my Apartment! For instance, perhaps you water the houseplant a little less often or skip a round of fertilizer. The leaves were getting smaller before I repotted and now new ones are even smaller, but otherwise it seems to be flourishing. Fertilizer/Feeding. If you don’t water your peace lily, it’s true that it will shrink, but that’s because it’s withering. Your newly propagated peace lilies could have also grown too large. You also don’t always necessarily need a knife. When it’s somewhat potbound, it’s more likely to flower. my peace lily has green flowers , when I first got it the flowers were white , and then they started turning green. I've heard not to go too big for this type of plant Before you go, at least check out one of our most popular articles of all time. Next, you want to grab a kitchen knife, one of the sharpest you have. It was doing fine and I repotted it about a month ago. Yes, it’s worth reiterating that your shears should be completely clean. Begin cutting at the bottom of the roots, and work your way up to the plant's base. If you’re not sure if you’ve located the root ball, start at your plant’s base and work your way down. Water them regularly. You should still repot your peace lily every year then, but don’t upgrade to a much bigger pot size. This happens frequently to root ball pieces, so don’t panic. You can also try separating the Peace Lily, a process that involves slicing into the root ball of your oversized houseplant. They are both in pots and garden beds. Dec 8, 2016 8:12 AM CST Hi jtetra13, The height of Peace Lilies (Spathiphyllum) depend on which variety it is. If this is theissu… We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. The plant has developed tall necks, much like the African violet in this post. It needs nutrients through the fertilizer to grow, but also to survive. It almost feels like you cared for it a little too well. You’re not limited to dividing your root ball into two either. Determine whether or not your peace lily is becoming too big. It’s not something you want to intentionally do, but it will happen, especially if this is your first time working with the root ball. I took my Peace Lily outdoors and it sat underneath my forsythia bush all summer. Do you see more water sitting on the surface of the soil rather than absorbing in? Allow peace lily blooms to remain on the plant until they wilt and die. If the leaf tips are brown, you can snip them off to keep the rest of the leaf healthy. You’re trying to get better at caring for houseplants, which is why you decided to start an indoor garden. Would a fully grown Peace Lily be too big for my nightstand? Since a dead stalk will grow no flowers, you can encourage the chances of more flowers someday growing with fresh stalks. In our step-by-step article on helping a plant grow more branches, we wrote a lot about pruning. You would have to split the root ball gently yet firmly, being careful not to tear too much. You may also prune entire peace lily leaves if they’ve yellowed, which is common with age. You can keep splitting it as many times as you’d like. That was more general information that applied to most houseplants. She is also the owner and operator of Howbert Freelance Writing. I have had this for about 5 years. How To Water A Peace Lily Houseplant. This is something we’ve discussed on this blog before, but by disinfecting your shears, you can prevent the spread of diseases to your houseplant. Remove the stems of other dead flowers using the same procedure. Now, we want to discuss pruning the peace lily specifically. It helps to know why your peace lily has reached the size it has. With the pieces split, take one root ball piece and put it right back in the pot or container in which it came from. With a lot of plants, the goal can be to grow them as big as possible, but your peace lily may have become, well…excessively large. Divided peace lilies may wilt after they are re-potted, but they usually recover in one or two weeks. I’ve had my peace lily for about three years. You can control a peace lily's size by pruning away its dead stems, leaves and flowers. You can control a peace lily's size by pruning away its dead stems, leaves and flowers. With a little luck and understanding, it’s not uncommon to keep a peace lily in the same pot for years. You want a firm grip but not one that’s too hard. I just trimmed all the dead leaves off it last week and I woke up today to more dead leaves. The fun part about owning and growing a houseplant like a peace lily is you have options for where you’ll plant it. King holds an Associate of Arts in communications from Tarrant County College. Flowers are a bit more difficult. Otherwise, you could stunt their growth. If you’re growing your peace lily in a pot, then we encourage you to check the drainage holes. Summertime weather is their favorite, and some time outside in the humidity and heat will do them good. Peace lilies can tolerate short periods of dry soil, but their leaves will start to brown if neglected for too long. You decided to split your peace lily’s root ball. My New Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum “Sensation”) Is Too Big for my Apartment! My Peace Lily is Not Flowering: If your peace lily is not flowering, it usually means it's not getting enough sunlight. They’ll certainly appreciate it! Are these all filled by extending plant roots eager to branch out? The root ball should be not too far from the base. You can either trim the tips of the leaves or the whole leaf outright. The purifying power of the peace lily is confirmed by NASA, where it was proven that the peace lily even purifies the air from cigarette smoke, the smell of printers and smell of gasoline while at the same time adding more oxygen to the air. This is my little Peace Lily. For instance Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii) can reach heights to about 4 feet or more whereas others may only grow 1 to 2 feet in height. Could I repot the plant to a 6.5x6.5 planter without ruining it? Let’s talk about pruning first. You can also use division or separation to propagate new peace lilies should you want to do that. In some cases, a particularly large or tangled root ball may be difficult to work with. he used garden soil from outside. Make sure you keep up your care even when the root ball pieces are wilted. Then on other leaves they turn brown and it's like it eats the leaf until I have to cut it. If you’re trying to limit the size of your peace lily, then to you, it might make sense to cut back on certain care components. If so, then this is the article for you. Should you continue with this bad behavior, your poor indoor plant will die. If I use a smaller pot, would it stop growing? You should only cut from the edges if the leaves are healthy and green. Water runs straight through and doesn't reabsorb into the soil now. She spent three years writing for her local newspaper, "The Colt," writing editorials, news stories, product reviews and entertainment pieces. I will post pictures soon. This allows you to shrink the peace lily from the bottom of the plant (the roots) rather than the top (the leaves). I often include the far away lands a particular plant is native to so you’ll have a rough idea of the conditions the plant would ideally thrive in. i got my peace lily at a funeral for a woman i called mom so it is very special to me.Ive had it for 3 years now .It was very big round and full it also bloomed alot.I decided to fertilize it with sticks and move it to the window im thinking i overwaterd it when i gave it the fertilizer? You also never let the soil get bone dry. How big is too big exactly? After talking through the history of the plant with Andy, I learned he performed a big ‘no-no.’ A couple of years ago, when he was repotting his plant…. Peace Lily Help! Gasp. This can allow a new flower to hopefully bloom sooner if you continue to maintain your peace lily care. Failing to give your plant fertilizer is depriving it of food. If you grow a peace lily indoors, it may become too big for its container. I’ll always attest to the pleasures of growing my own herb garden at home, as I always have fresh herbs to garnish my meals. Fill another plant container with potting mix. As previouslymentioned, drooping is an early indication of a watering issue. That’s because soil quality can degrade if you leave your houseplant in the same pot for too long. Any ideas what could be wrong with it ? Tall blossoms develop throughout the year as long as the plants receive enough light. About the Peace Lily Houseplant. Here are some tips and pointers to get you started. Just make sure you don’t throw the root ball pieces away when you’re done splitting them. This will let you inspect the roots from an optimal angle. Melissa King began writing in 2001. Eventually, it will get too big and start crowding itself, … Its white flower or spadix looks great. After all, plants grow to the size of their pot, or at least, they try to. I Think I Overdid It! Your peace lily is in about the best condition it can be. My current pot in the image is definitely too big for my peace lily (pot is 9.5x9.5). Otherwise, you’ll have no growth in which to cut. Turn your peace lily so its side is facing you. Can I Prune a Peace Lily Completely Back?. Then trim it from there. Encourage white blooms by moving your peace lily plant to a brighter location with indirect sunlight. These will have to come out. Peace lilies are sensitive to chemicals commonly found in tap water, such as fluoride, which may cause brown leaf tips. Log in or sign up to leave a … It’s alright if you slice into the roots of your peace lily during splitting or dividing, though. Remove dead and browning leaves in the same way you removed flower stems. link to Do You Need a Grow Light for Herbs? Easy does it – 1/4 to 1/2″ layer of each for a larger sized houseplant. Besides just the stems or stalks, you should also pay attention to the leaves of your peace lily. Take the extra time to do this between cuts. If you’re struggling to do this, we recommend you place a hand on the peace lily’s foliage. A knife with a serrated blade can assist you with large or rootbound roots. It may take a minute or two, but the plant should come out undamaged. This post on how to deal with your oversized Peace Lily is probably exactly what you’re looking for. We’ve talked about large peace lilies throughout this entire article, but we have yet to use specific numbers. I'm thinking of moving it to the black one - is it too big? I have mine in low light to medium light both indoors and out. Your peace lily should survive sans a few roots. They are tolerant to a lot of water when it’s available, but when it’s not, they’ll wilt as a sign they need to be watered. Place one of the halved root balls into the plant container from which you removed the peach lily. The larger pot doesn't have any drainage and the soil is staying wet for too long and I'm worried about root rot. Many of issues that cause peace lily distress are addressed in the care sections. share. If the tip of a leaf starts to turn brown and you don't want to remove its entire stem, then cut off the brown tip at an angle. It’s taking up valuable room your other houseplants would like to occupy. While tropical rainforests do receive a great deal of rainfall, the well-draining soils in these regions allow the water to percolate down and away from the root zone, so plant roots remain healthy and free of root rot and diseases caused by too much moisture. After all, these are what can really get overgrown and unkempt if your houseplant becomes too large. For helpful houseplant tips & information spiky growth attached to the black one is..., animals, photography, & people, not necessarily in that container the! Addressed in the center of the leaf until I have mine in low light to medium both. Photographing indoor plants are Hardest to kill want to discuss pruning the peace lily s. 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