Scholarship Link. The Environmental Education Scholarship Program. To be eligible for the scholarship, students need to be a current “active” member of Student CTA, be in an undergraduate, teacher credential or graduate program, and have a high grade point average. Education students who intend to teach (or have taught) scholastic journalism are eligible to apply. ","+r:""),o=e.attrs&&"{"{return _(":"+e.value}).join(",")+"}",a=e.attrsMap["v-bind"];!o&&!a||r||(i+=",null");o&&(i+=","+o);a&&(i+=(o? To be eligible for the fellowship, applicants need to be members of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, and current doctoral students or applicants to doctoral programs in education. How Do Small Class Sizes Affect Final Grades? (t=wr(e,"scope"),e.slotScope=t||wr(e,"slot-scope")):(t=wr(e,"slot-scope"))&&(e.slotScope=t);var n=$r(e,"slot");n&&(e.slotTarget='""'===n? Applicants need to be West Virginia residents enrolled or accepted into an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited education institution in West Virginia. Bloomington, IN 47404 Administered by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, the Minority Teacher Scholarships aims to help Black and Hispanic students earn a degree that will allow them to become teachers in Indiana. The Ruby J. Darensbourg-Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund is a scholarship program administered by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation that rewards its scholars with a $500 scholarship per semester, for up to eight semesters. Columbia, SC 29212 To be eligible, applicants need to be, or plan to become, residents of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, or North Carolina. [^(]*\))/g).forEach(function(e){if(e){var r=e.split(n);r.length>1&&(t[r[0].trim()]=r[1].trim())}}),t});function Ur(e){var t=Vr(;return e.staticStyle?k(e.staticStyle,t):t}function Vr(e){return Array.isArray(e)?A(e):"string"==typeof e?Br(e):e}var zr,Kr=/^--/,Jr=/\s*!important$/,qr=function(e,t,n){if(Kr.test(t)),n);else if(Jr.test(n)),n.replace(Jr,""),"important");else{var r=Gr(t);if(Array.isArray(n))for(var i=0,o=n.length;i
c&&(s.push(o=e.slice(c,i)),a.push(JSON.stringify(o)));var u=pr(r[1].trim());a.push("_s("+u+")"),s.push({"@binding":u}),c=i+r[0].length}return c-1"+("true"===o? The program awards $400 scholarships to eligible Tau Kappa Epsilon members who are pursuing undergraduate degrees in Education or Science. Scholarship Link. Merit is about academic achievement. "_o("+fa(e,t)+","+t.onceId+++","+n+")":fa(e,t)}return pa(e,t)}function va(e,t,n,r){return e.ifProcessed=!0,function e(t,n,r,i){if(!t.length)return i||"_e()";var o=t.shift();return o.exp?"("+o.exp+")? Early Childhood® MINNESOTA is a scholarship program for early childhood and school age care professionals who want to improve their education. 3800 Hillsborough Street Clark recognizes the impact that COVID-19 has on our prospective students. Capitalizing on available master’s in education scholarships can help you maximize your Return On Investment. (x(l,g,o,i,d),r[c]=void 0,w&&u.insertBefore(e,l.elm,h.elm)):p(g,o,e,h.elm,!1,i,d),g=i[++d]);f>v?_(e,t(i[y+1])?null:i[y+1].elm,i,d,y,o):d>y&&$(0,r,f,v)}(f,h,y,o,l):n(y)? Raleigh, NC 27607 Students in medical assisting, medical billing, medical coding, and other careers that fall under the “medical and health assistants and aides” umbrella can apply for numerous scholarships designed especially for them. To be eligible, applicants need to be either undergraduate students enrolled in an accredited two year college or a four year college or university, or a high school senior accepted in such an institution. (_&&di(i,u),m&&m(i)):(r(),h&&h(i)),i._leaveCb=null});y?y(C):C()}function C(){w.cancelled||(!||(i.parentNode._pending={}))[e.key]=e),d&&d(i),_&&(pi(i,u),pi(i,p),fi(function(){di(i,u),w.cancelled||(pi(i,f),b||($i($)?setTimeout(w,$):vi(i,c,w)))})),v&&v(i,w),_||b||w())}}function $i(e){return"number"==typeof e&&!isNaN(e)}function wi(e){if(t(e))return!1;var r=e.fns;return n(r)?wi(Array.isArray(r)?r[0]:r):(e._length||e.length)>1}function Ci(e,t){!0!}var xi=function(e){var o,a,s={},c=e.modules,u=e.nodeOps;for(o=0;o