You can try the water propagation method too, you may have better luck. Great info! Hi Carrie, You should be able to, depending on how long the stem is, how many leaves it has, etc. Congrats, Michelle! Falling into Monty’s boat, Rudy, pictured above, my oldest houseplant of the family, was also becoming quite big. Its Toronto – so they will come back in eventually. I read this article and soon after placed the remaining cutting in a bag. Make sure the transition is similar light levels. Experimenting is fun. Should I remove the new baby leaves? hi, i have a huge rubber tree (10 meters) or(400 inches), can i cut ( 40”) ( branch and propagate it or the cutting have to be 6 inches as you mentioned , what is the maximun height of barnch that i can propagate in water or soil? I propogated mine in water and it was going so well but now I’ve planted it, it looks very wilted and unhappy. You may be able to propagate next year, but leave her be until she looks healthy and plump again! Yup, just wait. I just wanted to let you know I found another website that appears to have lifted your content and just slightly changed the language. -Anastasia. And I think the wall hanging is either from Etsy or Anthropologie a few years ago – I have a lot of wall hangings like this and don’t quite remember – but I found this on Amazon which is kind of similar. These people are awful. Plants that are propagated in the fall or winter may not grow or recover as quickly, although it can still be done. It definitely does! There are two cutting techniques that work for propagating rubber trees: basic stem cutting and leaf bud cutting. Learn how your comment data is processed. And yup, you’ll have to remove the bag to water it, which is fine, it doesn’t bother the plant. After 4-5 weeks, the cutting should begin establishing roots. Dip the cutting in rooting hormone and grab your pot filled with moist soil. With air layering, a cut in a living stem or branch causes nutrients in the plantâs vascular system to accumulate at the location of the cut, which will cause new roots to grow from that point on the stem. It’s been a few months now and suddenly a few others are getting it. Watering a bit every day never really “waters” them, and this is definitely why you have yellowing leaves. And yes, I would definitely wait. With it being humid you should have much luck! Hi again! Huge! Now, I not only have a new Rubber Tree, but a happier Rudy. Not only does this help to expose the stem and encourage rooting, but it also helps to ensure that the cutting's energy is directed towards new growth rather than maintaining existing leaves. While I know I’m not the only one who prunes their plants for shallow reasons like these, it was time for a trim. I like to use organic fish emulsion diluted in water. You can give the cutting a gentle tug to check if roots have developed. Several of the branches are getting extremely long and the plant is looking somewhat lopsided. I cut my Rubber plant with roots and stem leaving it with 1 leaf. For a year I can not stop trying to cut my ficus elastica but without success. It’s had a huge growth spurt over the last few months and I’d like to make an indoor plant out of him. This ensures a much better recovery for plants. Also be sure the original plant was healthy. I had a pretty good sized piece with about 6-7 leaves so I decided to cut it into twos for better odds. Sarina Petrocelly 11/25/20 Join the Community. Take 4â â 6â (10 cm to 15 cm) long pieces at the end of the stems, cutting well below a knot with a clean knife. Spider mites will also cause leaf issues. This is a new cutting (as of March 2020), so I’m still waiting for some more goods to show. Roots may not form if the cutting is in a darker or cold space. A node is where a leaf joins the stem. Remember that plastic bag? I hope you see this question! They ooze a milky substance when cut and leak everywhere. As I think that was part of why the ones I potted in soil didn’t survive. Then, plant a rubber tree in the pot using 1 part peat, 1 part pine bark, and 1 part sand or perlite. my rubber tree cutting is doing great just the leaves are a little wilty should i cut them back? As with most plants, rubber trees are best propagated in the early spring to late summer, in accordance with their active growing period. Good luck and feel free to send questions if you have any! I’m scared it is done for! Propagating rubber trees can get messy since they ooze a sticky, latex-rich white sap when the stems are cut, so preparing a clean surface area ahead of time is important. I propagated a cutting from my parents Burgandy around August/September of last year. I couldn’t. Also, I live in Japan currently and it is very humid right now so I think propagating should be successful, but I havenât been able to find a rooting hormone, will it have trouble growing if I plant it in soil without it? Tip cutting is easy to root. You can! Thanks! To grow a new fiddle leaf fig tree directly in soil, find a planter that has a drainage hole. So just cutting and putting in soil will make it grow? Lol. Hi! Hi, This is a Great post and so informative!, Omg, thanks for letting me know! Itâs become my favorite plant, and has grown four new leaves since propagating! My mother plant is having alot of new growth should I cut off unhealthy leaves? Help! Took a while to figure out the lighting situation. I have propagated my rubber tree in soil, and kept it in a bag for 4 weeks. It is easy and just takes a bit of patience. Thank you. successful Monstera propagations from Monty, my Monstera deliciosa, I had a much better understanding of how and why we propagate the way we do. So my question is, if I were to cut it a few inches bellow the last leaves where the stalk is still green, would it root in soil, like a smaller cutting? Or do I still need that before putting it in water. You can try cutting a larger piece off but sometimes they just don’t root and end up rotting, whereas smaller pieces are always easier. It’s really just to keep humidity around the cutting (which needs it). In a nutshell, you propagate the plant while itâs still attached to the mother. And I want to share it with you - whether you like it or not. I would definitely wait a while, it helps to have an older rubber tree for propagating, I’ve just had better luck with them. I couldn’t find a big enough plastic bag to make a little greenhouse but I do have one of those so I set it up on the table in the lounge and now I wait to see what happens. Hello all. Need some tips? Is it ok to cut the leaves in half to fit in the bag. I put one in soil with rooting hormone and another in water. Follow my tutorial and be sure to remove lower leaves and you should have a 4 foot plant in a year or so. Before you make any cuts, ensure that you identify the leaf nodes along the stem as this is where the new roots will eventually grow. I like stem cuttings personally. But indoors, a rubber tree typically tops out at 6 to 10 feet tall. So why do u do if the white stuff keeps going and wonât stop, and now the water I put it into is all milky? (I also used a local honey instead of rooting hormone). Hi Rod, it could be a lot of things unfortunately, the health of the mother plant, water quality, sun etc. All rights reserved. I have a tineke that lost leaves. Give Planty a good soak and place him in a warm spot with partial sun. I think also a site called indoorplantworld ripped off your article? The tough outer layer of the stem or branch is wounded so roots can easily form and emerge. Will a new tree start growing? Well I’ve done it exactly as your information with one slight exception. All went well and did get new leaves. Using bright light, well-draining soil, a ZZ owner can expect to see ZZ leaf cuttings root in a couple of months, though it can take up to nine months or more in some cases. Should I remove the plastic bag? How to propagate rubber plant in water But that doesn’t quite curb the fear of chopping off plant heads and limbs. A couple of my friends are very curious. Thank you! Worked out beautifully! Hi Anastasia, i got a few questions. Hi Alexis! Place cuttings in the medium with the bud covered (1 â 2 to 1 inch) and the leaf exposed (Figure 4). The one in water also grew huge roots. I would strongly recommend you wait until spring. How to Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig: Light. She is now very happily Indoors again for the winter. Like any houseplant, the best time to propagate a rubber tree (or any plants) is in the early spring to late summer, when the weather is warm. Immediately dab this cut stem on the mother plant with rooting hormone. And one more question: can the rooting powder be used for water propagation (I have a couple of fiddle leaf figs in jars right now- thinking about adding some powder to it). For many of them (including some landscape plants too), air layering is the best method. Hi Julia! I have nursed it back to a healthy point but it is leaning an misshapen so I am going to prune it a bit but I want to root the trimmings. I hope that helps! Rubber tree cuttings require humid environments to sprout roots. What do you think? Leave the smaller pot in the water until the surface of the vermiculite looks damp but not soaking. I tried to propagate a rubber tree before a couple of times but I failed each time. Don’t be afraid to propagate! Hello! This is a good sign. Hi! Remove the bottom set of leaves from the cutting. Rooting bay tree cuttings can take a while but you donât need to have a lot of equipment. Survey your plant to identify where it could benefit from some pruning. What could this be from? I would just propagate the top Kyle, and let it branch out. Read more…. Plus, Ficus elastica have a tendency to get leggy if they are not exposed to decent sunlight. I would just propagate one branch and see how it goes. As previously noted, the Fiddle Leaf Fig needs to receive a ⦠Hi! Taking a cutting from the tip of a stem is bestâthese root the most effectively. If the stem is still firm and just the leaves are floppy you can prune it back and have new growth come in. Hi Sherri! My plant is really old but I donât want to loose it. I already put my order before asking, and the seller said that it would be around 2 to 3 days for the leaves to be fresh. Learn how to successfully propagate a curry leaf plant from stem cuttings, seeds and by layering following the easy instructions. Shall I just take it outside (South GA humidity)? They seem fine otherwise but one of the roots even fell off ð . Lol, you can try without the greenhouse – but humidity indoors is usually much lower than outside, and that’s where I keep new cuttings. I will try what you said and see how it goes. Everything about Rubber Plants! My questions are about 3 rubber plants I propogated the first one is doing great but it does have 4 big leaves should I cut 1 or 2 off to coax new growth? Unless you have (or it was) in full sun in a warm environment, a bit every other day is not the best method. Good luck! Thanks! I recently rescued a variegated rubber plant from the side of the road. Rubber tree cuttings should be about 6 inches (15 centimeters) long and have at least 4 leaf nodes for the best chance of success. Hi Andrea, were there enough roots? I got a HUGE burgundy ficus cutting gifted to me from a local BST group. Or should i cut it into half or into more pieces? Learn how to do it now! So went home and placed the cuttings in water. I didn’t here because you can’t see the root development, which I love to watch. Fiddle leaf fig soil propagation . The rubber tree (ficus elastica) is a member of the fig tree family. Examples of plants that can be propagated in this manner include clematis, rhododendron, camellia, jade plant, rubber plant, devilâs ivy, grape ivy, dracaena, blackberry, mahonia, and heart-leaf philodendron. I had brought it in hoping for resurgence and only saw sadness. You can certainly propagate the cutting and just pot it up with the mother plant too! Hi Lia! PS I have no idea what I’m talking about, i can barely keep a cactus alive. The next important step on how to propagate a rubber tree plant from cuttings is to take a good cutting from the tip of a vigorous rubber plant stem. Aug 15, 2019 - Learn how to propagate a rubber plant from cuttings! When you're finished, place your rubber tree in a warm spot that receives indirect sunlight. Overwatering is always the killer of plants, so to get an idea of watering, I always suggest getting a moisture meter until you get used to watering. Then, poke a small hole in the center of the potting medium and push the cutting in, ensuring that the exposed nodes are covered by soil. You can just move it outside I just suggest being careful about sun- you don’t want to to shock your plant if it was at first indoors (and I’m assuming less light) to a very bright outdoor setting with harsh sun. The roots are still about 2-4 mm and I’m afraid the new leaf will take a lot of energy. Hi, i have bought a 3ft rubber tree cutting and have planted the whole of it in soil just today. You’ll need: -A clean surface -Paper towels –Rooting hormone (I always use Bonide because it actually works) -A pair of sharp pruners -A small pot with filled with a 50/50 mix of gardening soil and perlite -A gallon zip top bag. Being a starting Plantito all you need to do is to scout for the plants online - ⦠Either way, it was time for a haircut. Can I take it and make 4 or 5 cuts to propagate it ? But since yours is sprouting new leaves he must be very happy! Propagating a rubber tree plant from cuttings starts with getting a good cutting. What in your opinion would be most successful? Iâm moving out of state, and have found a new home for my large rubber tree plant, but Iâm planning on taking a cutting with me to start a new plant. -_-. If it’s warm and humid where you are you can sure try! Hope that helps! Or would it be happier if it received direct morning light? Typically, the best time to propagate a Pilea is in spring. It is an inexact science that takes some time. Hi MJ, It will most likely rot if propagated, since the mother plant is unhealthy. If the water is murky it can lead to rot, so it should be changed at least once every couple weeks. I recently bought a large rubber tree and I wanted to cut one of the branches off. The latex-rich sap of the Ficus elastica is considered mildly toxic to humans and pets and can cause skin irritation on contact. Thanks again!!! Someone gifted me a rubber plant, however it only grows on the right side. Just a leaf cutting will not give you a plant, unfortunately, it will just continue to grow leaves – I talk about this more in this post. Hi can i propagate the longer branch of the rubber tree. Those brown edges are a sign of distress in rubber plants and usually it’s the plant being very thirsty or in a very dry location. I have maybe the biggest rubber tree plant outside of a jungle and it is in the office lobby. Pruning stems on Rubber trees every year can help keep their bushy appearance. However, I did find this process, when it did start to work, works well. I’ve had Rudy since 2015 and found he really only grows in bright light. She’s probably still recovering quite a bit and needs time to pump out those new leaves. I performed this in early September, so I was able to still have some sun for Rudy to soak up in NY. After pruning, donât throw out those cuttings; instead, use them to propagate a rubber tree plant. The last question the leaves are drooping but still alive. These get planted right into fresh soil and are happy clams. To my surprise after nearly a month outside she started sprouting leaves! Also, when should you water the cutting that is propagating in soil? Place in a Warm, Sunny Location, and Wait! Iâm just curious about this and am unsure if iâll ever do it , but i just got my new baby rubber tree . It’s important the leaves don’t touch the bag too much – you can use toothpick or chopsticks to keep its distance. Propagating a rubber plant successfully starts with getting a great cutting. Do you know why a variegated rubber treeâs new leaves would come out smaller than usual? My friend gave me a rubber tree cutting 3 years ago, and it’s now about a 5 ft tall single stem. The bottom leaves had very soon after I got it. You’re going to make a super casual greenhouse for your new baby. Me and my two cats LOVE your site! Propagation by Cuttings. Look for areas that are uneven, or for spots that you would like fuller growth. Read more⦠How To: Transform a Utility Cart into a Plant Stand, Why I Left My Corporate Job to Pursue Plants,, Take the cutting and plop it into a small glass vessel (. Soak the knife in the solution for five minutes, rinse it with clean water and allow it ⦠Everywhere! Materials that are needed to air layer a rubber tree include a sharp knife, sphagnum moss, a sheet of clear plastic, twist ties, and a rooting hormone. Thank you for this post! Hi! So will it not grow if the leaves wilted but the stem is still healthy if ever? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I live in Minnesota and am worried that if I transferred it now it won’t make it. You can try air layering (which I talk about in my monstera post) which might be better. I had no idea how to propagate so I cut it in half. They were all cuttings from the same plant, too. I didn’t propagate Rudy until a few years past. Theyâre fast growers with the right light conditions and can last 15 years or more with proper care. It definitely can be achieved when you follow specific methods as we have outlined below. If you have one you know what I mean. I tried the soil propagation but I took the bag off after 2 weeks and the leaves started to fall off and the plant withered after a month. Also, do you always remove leaves with fungal spots? Trunk has aerial roots coming out all over the trunk. Hi! Rubber trees can take a while before you see anything. I have cut the top part of the plant where the stem was still green with the last remaining leaves mostly in tact, and put into water in the hope it will begin to regrow roots. After 5-6 months, the cuttings should have well-established root systems. Cut a 6 inches long branch from approximately half inch below a leaf set, having at least two sets of leaves (nodes) of length 4 ⦠I would try a younger piece first since they tend to root much quicker. With a few simple tools and supplies, learn how you can create a new rubber tree by taking cuttings from your existing plant! In about six months you’ll see good root development and will have a new (and free) Ficus elastica with leaves like this! The procedure for air layering a rubber tree, weeping fig, and other woody Ficus species is as follows. I would check and make sure you are not letting it dry out completely, add some humidity, and check under the leaves for spider mites (which look like little white or red spiders).