Join us as Joseph and Ray show you the brand new Precision X1 software running on a RTX 2080 Ti! EVGA’s Precision X1 has been released to the public featuring NVIDIA’s Turing scanner for a fast and accurate semi-automatic way to overclock by fully unlocking the new RTX GPU’s Boost 4.0. Check the box off and apply the settings. save. Zotac: FireStorm Utilty. When paired with an NVIDIA Turing graphics card, the new EVGA Precision X1ᐪᔿ will unleash its full potential with a built in overclock scanner, adjustable frequency curve and RGB LED control. This will be very a time-consuming process, but you can end up with a more controlled overclock by doing it this way. Everyone told you about it, here you get to see it work. Today, we present our final RTX 2080’s stable overclocked performance using EVGA’s latest public beta of Precision X1. after about 15-20 minutes scanning is done. Software in Guide: EVGA Precision X1. That, in turn, allows for lower power draw and heat generated. Product Manuals. Real-Time wattage monitoring (on supported EVGA graphics cards). I would like to undervolt. best. This is where fine tuning this curve comes into play. The other downside of this Auto OC Scanner is the memory is not overclocked. EVGA Precision X1. ugh... extraordinarily frustrating that the most expensive consumer computer graphics solution in the world would be so incredibly buggy. That is something you will still have to manually set yourself. EVGA Extended Warranty. In the Curve editor, on the top right is a small button labeled "OC Scanner." Please note that Precision XOC is no longer in development, the latest release, EVGA Precision X1 has more features and is the current development version of EVGA Precision. The opposite is possible. it's going through voltages and checks how far the clocks can go, then makes a voltage/frequency curve out of it at the end. So I’m trying to OC the 2080. True enthusiasts know to go with the number one choice for GeForce overclocking; EVGA Precision X 16. If I go back to the main hub page it hasn't changed anything. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews 1,708 In-Game | 4 in Group Chat | View Stats. Press J to jump to the feed. Zotac: FireStorm Utility. This Subreddit is community run and does not represent NVIDIA in any capacity unless specified. EVGA Precision X1. oc scanner adjusts clocks differently for different voltages so it's more finely tuned to the characteristics of your gpu in a way. EVGA Advanced RMA. Press this to get into the Auto OC Scanner. I have found a method that works with current beta 0.2.8. I just got my 2080 ti's in yesterday, installed them with the nvlink bridge, did a full cleanup with DDU, installed the latest geforce experience and game day driver and a copy of precision x1, ready to rock. in my case it actually allows me to overclock higher than doing it the manual way. 4.3k. after a few minutes it will also spit out a curve for you, just apply and done. The only real way to tell if its working is if the Scan button turns and stays green. while it is scanning you will see the green dots go above the blue line in certain intervals. report. After the voltage is unlocked, to bring up the Curve graph, either use the keyboard and press Control+F or next to the Core Clock press the three small bars on the left of the slider. Unlike Afterburner, Precision X1 doesn't really give you a good indication if it started. Why? after about 15-20 minutes scanning is done. By choosing to download the software, you affirm that EVGA PrecisionX is supplied "as-is". Maybe the video card actually needs more voltage at a lower frequency, but because its curve, the provided voltage isn't correct. This is where you may throw in the towel (so to speak). you leave core clocks on +0. May 29, 2016 @ 9:04am How to undervolt? What mobo do you have for your dual 2080tis are the fe or custom ??? Unlock the Power of Pascal. EVGA Precision X1. MSI: MSI Afterburner. But I just did a scan first and got a score of 152. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Drivers and BIOS. With a brand new layout, completely new codebase, new features and more, the new EVGA Precision X1ᐪᔿ software is faster, easier and better than ever. As explained in the NVIDIA Boost section, manually raising the core clocks to offset will raise the Profile curve in a linear fashion. EVGA Precision XOC. Terms & Conditions. Support Manual for EVGA Z97 Classified (152-HR-E979) - Part 1 Part 2 - BIOS Guide Z87 Chipset Motherboards Support Manual for EVGA Z87 Stinger (111-HW-E872) - visual guide For me, since I'm not trying to set any records, I just leave it alone. Did it apply those settings? press the scan button, and a minute or so later my computer locks up, then reboots. The newest addition to NVIDIA's feature set is an Auto Overclocking Scanner baked into every Turing RTX card. This latest version of EVGA PrecisionX adds new features, overclocking support, functionality, and full support for Microsoft DirectX 12 API. Introducing EVGA Precision X1. then you press scan. EVGA's Precision X1 overclocking utility will offer user several other new features, such as wattage monitoring for supported EVGA graphics cards, RGB control, an OSD, custom fan profiles for multi-GPU systems on a … If you want to maximize that video card with the lowest possible voltage, you can curve the graph to reflect the clocks speeds you want in relation to the voltage. NVIDIA took EVGA's idea and created its own scanner. But if you stick with it, the results will be better than any Auto Overclock. Is it “working” because of the blue line above VF Curve Tuner? Introducing EVGA ELEET X1, the next generation of motherboard tuning utilities. Although those two are not the only ones, I haven't investigated this function in other ABP software. The Steam version of Precision X1 is NOT compatible with Jacknet RGB Sync; Only Turing RTX GPUs are supported; Setting up your EVGA RTX series graphics card is really clean and easy. rinse, repeat. Thanks! EVGA Precision X1 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Get Support. To access this feature in MSI Afterburner, first, you need to enable voltage control in the settings by clicking the "Gear" symbol. I ran again not sure what changed and got 154 score. EVGA Precision X1 This software allows you to fine tune your Nvidia graphics card, maximizing cooling and performance. To start off this guide we’ll be going through our standard methodology for overclocking Nvidia graphics cards and specifically the new RTX series. From there just click "Scan" and watch the onscreen prompts. while it is scanning you will see the green dots go above the blue line in certain intervals. Then down a few lines on the "General" settings tab, there will be the option for voltage. For Afterburner to access the curve profile and Auto OC Scanner you will need to press the small radio button that looks like three small bars next to the Core Clock Slider. it will say like +123 in the score field for example which would be the average clock frequency … I run everything in default and hit TEST - score 90, I then manually OC memory +400, clock +150, voltage +100, power 124%, GPU temp 88 TEST - score 51. Just remember after the scan you must save the profile or the Scanner Overclock and Custom Curve is lost next time you use the program. It will automatically map all of these points to curve the profile and give the user very good results. The properties window will appear when you do this. I even went so far as to "reset" windows (basically a reinstall) and it's still buggy as heck. If the card only needs an extra voltage boost for the last 50MHz, then there is no need for this to reflect across the whole curve. I can't seem to set a negative value for the voltage? then you press scan. it's going through voltages and checks how far the clocks can go, then makes a voltage/frequency curve out of it at the end. The Frequency Curve is actively running in the background and is set by NVIDIA as a base to follow voltage and frequency offsets. EVGA Warranty. Review your motherboard, processor, memory and system status at any time and adjust your clock speeds and voltages for maximum performance. MSI: MSI Afterburner. The next generation of EVGA Precision has arrived with EVGA Precision XOC. works with the new msi afterburner 4.6 beta though, might wanna give that a try: in afterburner you have to first enable voltage monitoring/control in settings, restart the app, then press on the super tiny wifi-looking icon next to core clocks (or open the voltage curve yourself with ctrl+f) and hit "oc scanner" and click on "scan". It doesn't mean the whole curve needs to be adjusted for this voltage offset and that is where this curve adjustment is helpful. Unlike Afterburner, Precision X1 doesn't really give you a good indication if it started. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Next up is the recently released Precision X 16 utility from EVGA. Feel free to fast forward as this takes over 20 min (10 min on film). Introducing EVGA Precision X1. MSI Afterburner. Although EVGA Precision X1 does not officially support GTX cards. When paired with an NVIDIA Turing graphics card, the new EVGA Precision X1 will unleash its full potential with a built in overclock scanner, adjustable frequency curve and RGB LED control. 1/2. Once you found it, click and drag up or down each point to the desired frequency and voltage. I didn't do a test. EVGA Step-Up. EVGA Precision X1. Contact Customer Service. The other alternative is to press Control+F (although this doesn't always work). NOTE: This release REQUIRES an EVGA graphics card. Perhaps one of the best features of the new RTX 20-series cards is EVGA’s revamped Precision overclocking software, dubbed Precision X1. EVGA Software. How many slots do I need for sli I have the 2080ti ftw3 EVGA and I think I want to do sli but don’t think my mobo has enough space. No idea what scan is doing. Sometimes an okay overclock does not work out for others that have the same card. edit: forgot to mention that the curve it generates is not the same as brute forcing your way through with manually increasing core clocks. It is misleading to think that a custom curve will reach higher clock speeds, but rather it's a fine-tuned version of what you already have with overall better temperature and stability. Now that the graph is up you can select each plot point and are able to raise or lower the clock frequency for that specific voltage. EVGA Support Team. At least for this generation of cards. There isn't much to it, just a way to completely control the curve yourself. This widget for the Xbox Game Bar on Windows 10 devices gives you instant access to monitoring and overclocking, built right into the Game Bar. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, 2X RTX 2080 TI (NVLink SLI)|3700x@4.3|64gb|3X 40" 2160p 60hz. It can be a game of cat and mouse if you want it to be. Featuring a brand new UI, completely new codebase, and simple to use interface, EVGA motherboards have never been easier to overclock or monitor. The next generation of EVGA Precision has arrived with EVGA Precision X1. EVGA FAQ. ASUS: GPU … A manual overclock and offset will usually yield a higher overclock, but it is kind of a hassle for what you get in return. This software allows you to fine tune your NVIDIA graphics card, … In this guide, I will be using the popular third-party software EVGA Precision X1 along with Unigine Heaven Benchmark for its looping feature. Download the standalone version of Precision X1; Navigate your way to LED Sync and enable it I actually suggest using this for anyone who isn't trying to set a world record. To edit the Profile Curve first you need to tab to the section by clicking the arrow on the side to cycle through all the menus. 83% Upvoted. This can be a hot topic as many overclocking enthusiasts swear by setting their own profile. < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . RGB LED Control … Sort by. A place for everything NVIDIA, come talk about news, drivers, rumors, GPUs, the industry, show-off your build and more. EVGA Precision for Game Bar is here. When paired with an NVIDIA Turing graphics card, the new EVGA Precision X1 will unleash its full potential with a built in overclock scanner, adjustable frequency curve and RGB LED control. Even at stock clocks, these 2080ti fe cards seem WAY less stable than my strix 1080ti's were... games are crashing left and right at stock clocks often leading to random reboots, sometimes BSOD errors having "DPC watchdog violation". Letting sit for 20 min and will report back what happens. himmatsj. I have no idea, I don't think so. *Note, in the beta version I used, the offset curve didn't stay saved. Gigabyte: AORUS ENGINE. Image 54: EVGA Precision X1 software main UI, in OLED configure mode. or you would be, unfortunately I couldn't get the evga program to remember the frequency settings, they will be lost on reboot even if I check "remember previous settings" in the settings menu :(. How To RMA. If you do not want to use the Heaven Benchmark, than any game in windowed mode and a constant heavy scene load or a benchmark that has a built-in looping function will also work. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Rate Our Service. hide. you leave core clocks on +0. For MSI Afterburner, a restart of the software is required. I've had an EVGA 1080 EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 FTW GAMING ACX 3.0 since launch and would like to eek out a little more performance, or at the very least lower temps / power usage. How To 1 Click Overclock GTX 1080Ti with Precision X1 Beta! The only real way to tell if its working is if the Scan button turns and stays green. Gigabyte: Xtreme Engine Gaming. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Is there a good guide for using the OC Scanner? About EVGA. RTX 2080 Overclocking Guide: Covering the Essentials, RTX 2080 Overclocking Guide: Hitting Those High Numbers, GSkill KM360 Tenkeyless Mechanical Keyboard and Keycaps, Patriot Viper 4 Blackout DDR4 4000 16GB Review, Gazzew Boba U4 Silent Tactile Switch Review, G.Skill TridentZ Royal DDR4 3600 CL14 32GB Review, "in Your Face Flanders!" In the previous generation, EVGA had its own scanner built into its branded video card and it was received very well. HWMonitor (Optional) 3DMark (Optional) Unigine Superposition (Optional) GPU-Z (Optional) Brand Specific Utilities: EVGA: EVGA Precision X1. In a brief explanation, the Auto OC Scanner is a tool developed by NVIDIA to sense the core frequency and can detect instability as the frequency and voltage are automatically raised in a controlled program. It would be great to have an guide that people can look up and overclock their card but keep in mind that not all cards overclock the same. Que Custom Curve Profiles! This new software is easily the best overclocking software available for Nvidia based cards, at the time of its release it only supported RTX 20-series cards, but GTX 10-series card support has been rolling out and improving as of December 2018. EVGA Precision X1 Auto OC Scanner: For Precision X1 tab over to the VF Curve Tuner and click the "Scan" button. Full support for GeForce RTX graphics cards and GeForce GTX 10-Series. The total process takes about 20 minutes. This thread is archived. Afterward, your settings will be applied and the Core Clock will now say "Curve" instead of +0. once the scanning is done you just press on "apply" and that's it, no need to touch core clock yourself. Both MSI and EVGA offer this function in its software. This last part of the guide is intended to squeeze every bit out of the video card. When paired with an NVIDIA Turing graphics card, the new EVGA Precision X1 will unleash its full potential with a built in overclock scanner, adjustable frequency curve and RGB LED control. Video Overclocking Guide: For those who are like me and enjoy watching videos, I included a video version of this guide. If you follow these few easy steps it should be synced in no time! KINGPIN RTX 2080 Ti have special hardware to actually measure all the relevant voltages in real-time and report those measurements to Precision X1 which can read and display real … Introducing EVGA Precision X1ᐪᔿ. Company. Unigine Heaven Benchmark. The tool will scan a set and pre-determined data points and raise the frequency until it detects errors. Overall this will take 10 to 20 minutes. it will say like +123 in the score field for example which would be the average clock frequency increase it determined. 46 comments. With a brand new layout, completely new codebase, new features and more, the new EVGA Precision X1 software is faster, easier and better than ever. CPU and Memory Support. I currently have z390 Maximus xi hero, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. NVIDIA FE: MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision X1 Recommended. PSA. With a brand new layout, completely new codebase, new features and more, the new EVGA Precision X1 software is faster, easier and better than ever. Let's say in this example our card is stable up to 2,150MHz with 1.068v using a this pre-set curve. ... Several EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultras and a couple MSI RTX 3090 Suprim Xs Duluth Microcenter. now dial in the memory clock and you're good to go! EVGA Precision X. share. Evga: EVGA Precision XOC. (5.1ghz Ocdb Entry), Various Video Game Stories from the Week of January 4, 2021, Various Video Game Stories from the Week of December 21, 2020, Various Video Game Stories from the Week of December 14, 2020, G.Skill Announces ENKI AIO Liquid Cooler Series, Various Video Game Stories from the Week of December 7, 2020, Various Video Game Stories from the Week of November 30, 2020, Various Video Game Stories from the Week of November 23, 2020, Various Video Game Stories from the Week of November 16, 2020, RTX 2080 Overclocking Guide: Auto OC & Custom Curve Options. For Precision X1 tab over to the VF Curve Tuner and click the "Scan" button. Now that NVIDIA has created an OC Scanner, the process has become even easier than what EVGA provided for the 10 series. Guide. You can download it here: Press Release. , your settings will be using the OC Scanner, functionality, and a couple RTX! Guides Reviews... is there a good indication if it started wattage monitoring ( on EVGA! 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